
【时 效 性】 有效 【颁布日期】 1991-04-09
【颁布单位】 全国人民代表大会 【实施日期】 1991-04-09
【法规层次】 法律及有关法律问题的决定 【文  号】 主席令〔1991〕44号
【首选类别】 国家基本法规 【次选类别】
【其它类别】 【其它类别】
【关 键 字】 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)



    第一编 总则

     第一章  任务、适用范围和基本原则

     第二章  管辖

          第一节 级别管辖

          第二节 地域管辖


     第三章  审判组织

     第四章  回避

     第五章  诉讼参加人

          第一节 当事人

          第二节 诉讼代理人

     第六章  证据

     第七章  期间、送达

          第一节 期间

          第二节 送达

     第八章  调解

     第九章  财产保全和先予执行

     第十章  对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施

     第十一章  诉讼费用

    第二编 审判程序

    第十二章  第一审普通程序

          第一节 起诉和受理

          第二节 审理前的准备

          第三节 开庭审理

          第四节 诉讼中止和终结

          第五节 判决和裁定

     第十三章  简易程序

     第十四章  第二审程序

     第十五章  特别程序

          第一节 一般规定

          第二节 选民资格案件

          第三节 宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件

         第四节 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件

          第五节 认定财产无主案件

     第十六章  审判监督程序

     第十七章  督促程序

     第十八章  公示催告程序

     第十九章  企业法人破产还债程序

    第三编 执行程序

     第二十章  一般规定

     第二十一章  执行的申请和移送

     第二十二章  执行措施

     第二十三章  执行中止和终结

    第四编 涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定

     第二十四章  一般原则

     第二十五章  管辖

     第二十六章  送达、期间

     第二十七章  财产保全

     第二十八章  仲裁

     第二十九章  司法协助

第一编  总则

第一章  任务、适用范围和基本原则

    第一条 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法以宪法为根据,结合我国民事审判工作的经验和实际情况制定。

    第二条 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法的任务,是保护当事人行使诉讼权利,保证人民法院查明事实,分清是非,正确适用法律,及时审理民事案件,确认民事权利义务关系,制裁民事违法行为,保护当事人的合法权益,教育公民自觉遵守法律,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义建设事业顺利进行。

    第三条 人民法院受理公民之间、法人之间、其他组织之间以及他们相互之间因财产关系和人身关系提起的民事诉讼,适用本法的规定。

    第四条 凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行民事诉讼,必须遵守本法。

    第五条 外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,同中华人民共和国公民、法人和其他组织有同等的诉讼权利义务。


    第六条 民事案件的审判权由人民法院行使。


    第七条 人民法院审理民事案件,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。

    第八条 民事诉讼当事人有平等的诉讼权利。人民法院审理民事案件,应当保障和便利当事人行使诉讼权利,对当事人在适用法律上一律平等。

    第九条 人民法院审理民事案件,应当根据自愿和合法的原则进行调解;调解不成的,应当及时判决。

    第十条 人民法院审理民事案件,依照法律规定实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。

    第十一条 各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行民事诉讼的权利。



    第十二条 人民法院审理民事案件时,当事人有权进行辩论。

    第十三条 当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。

    第十四条 人民检察院有权对民事审判活动实行法律监督。

    第十五条 机关、社会团体、企业事业单位对损害国家、集体或者个人民事权益的行为,可以支持受损害的单位或者个人向人民法院起诉。

    第十六条 人民调解委员会是在基层人民政府和基层人民法院指导下,调解民间纠纷的群众性组织。



    第十七条 民族自治地方的人民代表大会根据宪法和本法的原则,结合当地民族的具体情况,可以制定变通或者补充的规定。自治区的规定,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准。自治州、自治县的规定,报省或者自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会批准,并报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。

第二章  管辖 

第一节  级别管辖

    第十八条 基层人民法院管辖第一审民事案件,但本法另有规定的除外。

    第十九条 中级人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:




    第二十条 高级人民法院管辖在本辖区有重大影响的第一审民事案件。

    第二十一条 最高人民法院管辖下列第一审民事案件:



第二节  地域管辖

    第二十二条 对公民提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖;被告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由经常居住地人民法院管辖。



    第二十三条 下列民事诉讼,由原告住所地人民法院管辖;原告住所地与经常居住地不一致的,由原告经常居住地人民法院管辖:





    第二十四条 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。

    第二十五条 合同的双方当事人可以在书面合同中协议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标的物所在地人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。

    第二十六条 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者保险标的物所在地人民法院管辖。

    第二十七条 因票据纠纷提起的诉讼,由票据支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    第二十八条 因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由运输始发地、目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    第二十九条 因侵权行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    第三十条 因铁路、公路、水上和航空事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由事故发生地或者车辆、船舶最先到达地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    第三十一条 因船舶碰撞或者其他海事损害事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由碰撞发生地、碰撞船舶最先到达地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。

    第三十二条 因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。

    第三十三条 因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。

    第三十四条  下列案件,由本条规定的人民法院专属管辖:




    第三十五条 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的诉讼,原告可以向其中一个人民法院起诉;原告向两个以上有管辖权的人民法院起诉的,由最先立案的人民法院管辖。

第三节  移送管辖和指定管辖

    第三十六条 人民法院发现受理的案件不属于本院管辖的,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院,受移送的人民法院应当受理。受移送的人民法院认为受移送的案件依照规定不属于本院管辖的,应当报请上级人民法院指定管辖,不得再自行移送。

    第三十七条 有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因,不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。


    第三十八条 人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当在提交答辩状期间提出。人民法院对当事人提出的异议,应当审查。异议成立的,裁定将案件移送有管辖权的人民法院;异议不成立的,裁定驳回。

    第三十九条 上级人民法院有权审理下级人民法院管辖的第一审民事案件,也可以把本院管辖的第一审民事案件交下级人民法院审理。


第三章  审判组织

    第四十条 人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。



    第四十一条 人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。



    第四十二条 合议庭的审判长由院长或者庭长指定审判员一人担任;院长或者庭长参加审判的,由院长或者庭长担任。

    第四十三条 合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。

    第四十四条 审判人员应当依法秉公办案。



第四章  回避

    第四十五条 审判人员有下列情形之一的,必须回避,当事人有权用口头或者书面方式申请他们回避:





    第四十六条 当事人提出回避申请,应当说明理由,在案件开始审理时提出;回避事由在案件开始审理后知道的,也可以在法庭辩论终结前提出。


    第四十七条 院长担任审判长时的回避,由审判委员会决定;审判人员的回避,由院长决定;其他人员的回避,由审判长决定。

    第四十八条 人民法院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在申请提出的三日内,以口头或者书面形式作出决定。申请人对决定不服的,可以在接到决定时申请复议一次。复议期间,被申请回避的人员,不停止参与本案的工作。人民法院对复议申请,应当在三日内作出复议决定,并通知复议申请人。

第五章  诉讼参加人

第一节  当事人

    第四十九条 公民、法人和其他组织可以作为民事诉讼的当事人。


    第五十条 当事人有权委托代理人,提出回避申请,收集、提供证据,进行辩论,请求调解,提起上诉,申请执行。



    第五十一条 双方当事人可以自行和解。

    第五十二条 原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。

    第五十三条 当事人一方或者双方为二人以上,其诉讼标的是共同的,或者诉讼标的是同一种类、人民法院认为可以合并审理并经当事人同意的,为共同诉讼。


    第五十四条 当事人一方人数众多的共同诉讼,可以由当事人推选代表人进行诉讼。代表人的诉讼行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃诉讼请求或者承认对方当事人的诉讼请求,进行和解,必须经被代表的当事人同意。

    第五十五条 诉讼标的是同一种类、当事人一方人数众多在起诉时人数尚未确定的,人民法院可以发出公告,说明案件情况和诉讼请求,通知权利人在一定期间向人民法院登记。




    第五十六条 对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人认为有独立请求权的,有权提起诉讼。


第二节  诉讼代理人

    第五十七条 无诉讼行为能力人由他的监护人作为法定代理人代为诉讼。法定代理人之间互相推诿代理责任的,由人民法院指定其中一人代为诉讼。

    第五十八条 当事人、法定代理人可以委托一至二人作为诉讼代理人。


    第五十九条 委托他人代为诉讼,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。



    第六十条 诉讼代理人的权限如果变更或者解除,当事人应当书面告知人民法院,并由人民法院通知对方当事人。

    第六十一条 代理诉讼的律师和其他诉讼代理人有权调查收集证据,可以查阅本案有关材料。查阅本案有关材料的范围和办法由最高人民法院规定。

    第六十二条 离婚案件有诉讼代理人的,本人除不能表达意志的以外,仍应出庭;确因特殊情况无法出庭的,必须向人民法院提交书面意见。

第六章  证据

    第六十三条 证据有下列几种:









    第六十四条 当事人对自己提出的主张,有责任提供证据。



    第六十五条 人民法院有权向有关单位和个人调查取证,有关单位和个人不得拒绝。


    第六十六条 证据应当在法庭上出示,并由当事人互相质证。对涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私的证据应当保密,需要在法庭出示的,不得在公开开庭时出示。

    第六十七条 经过法定程序公证证明的法律行为、法律事实和文书,人民法院应当作为认定事实的根据。但有相反证据足以推翻公证证明的除外。

    第六十八条 书证应当提交原件。物证应当提交原物。提交原件或者原物确有困难的,可以提交复制品、照片、副本、节录本。


    第六十九条 人民法院对视听资料,应当辨别真伪,并结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为认定事实的根据。

    第七十条 凡是知道案件情况的单位和个人,都有义务出庭作证。有关单位的负责人应当支持证人作证。证人确有困难不能出庭的,经人民法院许可,可以提交书面证言。


    第七十一条 人民法院对当事人的陈述,应当结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为认定事实的根据。


    第七十二条 人民法院对专门性问题认为需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定;没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。



    第七十三条 勘验物证或者现场,勘验人必须出示人民法院的证件,并邀请当地基层组织或者当事人所在单位派人参加。当事人或者当事人的成年家属应当到场,拒不到场的,不影响勘验的进行。



    第七十四条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,诉讼参加人可以向人民法院申请保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取保全措施。

第七章  期间、送达

第一节  期间

    第七十五条 期间包括法定期间和人民法院指定的期间。




    第七十六条 当事人因不可抗拒的事由或者其他正当理由耽误期限的,在障碍消除后的十日内,可以申请顺延期限,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

第二节  送达

    第七十七条 送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。


    第七十八条 送达诉讼文书,应当直接送交受送达人。受送达人是公民的,本人不在交他的同住成年家属签收;受送达人是法人或者其他组织的,应当由法人的法定代表人、其他组织的主要负责人或者该法人、组织负责收件的人签收;受送达人有诉讼代理人的,可以送交其代理人签收;受送达人已向人民法院指定代收人的,送交代收人签收。


    第七十九条 受送达人或者他的同住成年家属拒绝接收诉讼文书的,送达人应当邀请有关基层组织或者所在单位的代表到场,说明情况,在送达回证上记明拒收事由和日期,由送达人、见证人签名或者盖章,把诉讼文书留在受送达人的住所,即视为送达。

    第八十条 直接送达诉讼文书有困难的,可以委托其他人民法院代为送达,或者邮寄送达。邮寄送达的,以回执上注明的收件日期为送达日期。

    第八十一条 受送达人是军人的,通过其所在部队团以上单位的政治机关转交。

    第八十二条 受送达人是被监禁的,通过其所在监所或者劳动改造单位转交。


    第八十三条 代为转交的机关、单位收到诉讼文书后,必须立即交受送达人签收,以在送达回证上的签收日期,为送达日期。

    第八十四条 受送达人下落不明,或者用本节规定的其他方式无法送达的,公告送达。自发出公告之日起,经过六十日,即视为送达。


第八章  调解

    第八十五条 人民法院审理民事案件,根据当事人自愿的原则,在事实清楚的基础上,分清是非,进行调解。

    第八十六条 人民法院进行调解,可以由审判员一人主持,也可以由合议庭主持,并尽可能就地进行。


    第八十七条 人民法院进行调解,可以邀请有关单位和个人协助。被邀请的单位和个人,应当协助人民法院进行调解。

    第八十八条 调解达成协议,必须双方自愿,不得强迫。调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。

    第八十九条 调解达成协议,人民法院应当制作调解书。调解书应当写明诉讼请求、案件的事实和调解结果。



    第九十条 下列案件调解达成协议,人民法院可以不制作调解书:






    第九十一条 调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方反悔的,人民法院应当及时判决。

第九章  财产保全和先予执行

    第九十二条 人民法院对于可能因当事人一方的行为或者其他原因,使判决不能执行或者难以执行的案件,可以根据对方当事人的申请,作出财产保全的裁定;当事人没有提出申请的,人民法院在必要时也可以裁定采取财产保全措施。



    第九十三条 利害关系人因情况紧急,不立即申请财产保全将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前向人民法院申请采取财产保全措施。申请人应当提供担保,不提供担保的,驳回申请。



    第九十四条 财产保全限于请求的范围,或者与本案有关的财物。




    第九十五条 被申请人提供担保的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。

    第九十六条 申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请人因财产保全所遭受的损失。

    第九十七条 人民法院对下列案件,根据当事人的申请,可以裁定先予执行:




    第九十八条 人民法院裁定先予执行的,应当符合下列条件:




    第九十九条 当事人对财产保全或者先予执行的裁定不服的,可以申请复议一次。复议期间不停止裁定的执行。

第十章  对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施

    第一百条 人民法院对必须到庭的被告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。

    第一百零一条 诉讼参与人和其他人应当遵守法庭规则。



    第一百零二条 诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以根据情节轻重予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:








    第一百零三条 有义务协助调查、执行的单位有下列行为之一的,人民法院除责令其履行协助义务外,并可以予以罚款:






    第一百零四条 对个人的罚款金额,为人民币一千元以下。对单位的罚款金额,为人民币一千元以上三万元以下。



    第一百零五条 拘传、罚款、拘留必须经院长批准。



    第一百零六条 采取对妨害民事诉讼的强制措施必须由人民法院决定。任何单位和个人采取非法拘禁他人或者非法私自扣押他人财产追索债务的,应当依法追究刑事责任,或者予以拘留、罚款。

第十一章  诉讼费用

    第一百零七条 当事人进行民事诉讼,应当按照规定交纳案件受理费。财产案件除交纳案件受理费外,并按照规定交纳其他诉讼费用。



第二编  审判程序

第十二章  第一审普通程序

第一节  起诉和受理

    第一百零八条 起诉必须符合下列条件:





    第一百零九条 起诉应当向人民法院递交起诉状,并按照被告人数提出副本。


    第一百一十条 起诉状应当记明下列事项:




    第一百一十一条 人民法院对符合本法第一百零八条的起诉,必须受理;对下列起诉,分别情形,予以处理:








    第一百一十二条 人民法院收到起诉状或者口头起诉,经审查,认为符合起诉条件的,应当在七日内立案,并通知当事人;认为不符合起诉条件的,应当在七日内裁定不予受理;原告对裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。

第二节  审理前的准备

    第一百一十三条  人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内将起诉状副本发送被告,被告在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。


    第一百一十四条 人民法院对决定受理的案件,应当在受理案件通知书和应诉通知书中向当事人告知有关的诉讼权利义务,或者口头告知。

    第一百一十五条 合议庭组成人员确定后,应当在三内日告知当事人。

    第一百一十六条 审判人员必须认真审核诉讼材料,调查收集必要的证据。

    第一百一十七条 人民法院派出人员进行调查时,应当向被调查人出示证件。


    第一百一十八条 人民法院在必要时可以委托外地人民法院调查。



    第一百一十九条 必须共同进行诉讼的当事人没有参加诉讼的,人民法院应当通知其参加诉讼。

第三节  开庭审理

    第一百二十条 人民法院审理民事案件,除涉及国家秘密、个人隐私或者法律另有规定的以外,应当公开进行。


    第一百二十一条 人民法院审理民事案件,根据需要进行巡回审理,就地办案。

    第一百二十二条 人民法院审理民事案件,应当在开庭三日前通知当事人和其他诉讼参与人。公开审理的,应当公告当事人姓名、案由和开庭的时间、地点。

    第一百二十三条 开庭审理前,书记员应当查明当事人和其他诉讼参与人是否到庭,宣布法庭纪律。


    第一百二十四条 法庭调查按照下列顺序进行:






    第一百二十五条 当事人在法庭上可以提出新的证据。



    第一百二十六条 原告增加诉讼请求,被告提出反诉,第三人提出与本案有关的诉讼请求,可以合并审理。

    第一百二十七条 法庭辩论按照下列顺序进行:






    第一百二十八条 法庭辩论终结,应当依法作出判决。判决前能够调解的,还可以进行调解,调解不成的,应当及时判决。

    第一百二十九条 原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以按撤诉处理;被告反诉的,可以缺席判决。

    第一百三十条 被告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺席判决。

    第一百三十一条 宣判前,原告申请撤诉的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。


    第一百三十二条 有下列情形之一的,可以延期开庭审理:





    第一百三十三条 书记员应当将法庭审理的全部活动记入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。



    第一百三十四条 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。




    第一百三十五条 人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准,可以延长六个月;还需要延长的,报请上级人民法院批准。

第四节  诉讼中止和终结

    第一百三十六条 有下列情形之一的,中止诉讼:








    第一百三十七条 有下列情形之一的,终结诉讼:





第五节  判决和裁定

    第一百三十八条 判决书应当写明:






    第一百三十九条 人民法院审理案件,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行判决。

    第一百四十条 裁定适用于下列范围:














    第一百四十一条 最高人民法院的判决、裁定,以及依法不准上诉或者超过上诉期没有上诉的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定。

第十三章  简易程序

    第一百四十二条 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的简单的民事案件,适用本章规定。

    第一百四十三条 对简单的民事案件,原告可以口头起诉。


    第一百四十四条 基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理简单的民事案件,可以用简便方式随时传唤当事人、证人。

    第一百四十五条 简单的民事案件由审判员一人独任审理,并不受本法第一百二十二条、第一百二十四条、第一百二十七条规定的限制。

    第一百四十六条 人民法院适用简易程序审理案件,应当在立案之日起三个月内审结。

第十四章  第二审程序

    第一百四十七条 当事人不服地方人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。


    第一百四十八条 上诉应当递交上诉状。上诉状的内容,应当包括当事人的姓名,法人的名称及其法定代表人的姓名或者其他组织的名称及其主要负责人的姓名;原审人民法院名称、案件的编号和案由;上诉的请求和理由。

    第一百四十九条 上诉状应当通过原审人民法院提出,并按照对方当事人或者代表人的人数提出副本。


    第一百五十条 原审人民法院收到上诉状,应当在五日内将上诉状副本送达对方当事人,对方当事人在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内将副本送达上诉人。对方当事人不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院审理。


    第一百五十一条 第二审人民法院应当对上诉请求的有关事实和适用法律进行审查。

    第一百五十二条 第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。经过阅卷和调查,询问当事人,在事实核对清楚后,合议庭认为不需要开庭审理的,也可以径行判决、裁定。


    第一百五十三条 第二审人民法院对上诉案件,经过审理,按照下列情形,分别处理:






    第一百五十四条 第二审人民法院对不服第一审人民法院裁定的上诉案件的处理,一律使用裁定。

    第一百五十五条 第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,可以进行调解。调解达成协议,应当制作调解书,由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。调解书送达后,原审人民法院的判决即视为撤销。

    第一百五十六条 第二审人民法院判决宣告前,上诉人申请撤回上诉的,是否准许,由第二审人民法院裁定。

    第一百五十七条 第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,除依照本章规定外,适用第一审普通程序。

    第一百五十八条  第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    第一百五十九条 人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。


第十五章  特别程序

第一节  一般规定

    第一百六十条 人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失踪或者宣告死亡案件、认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力案件和认定财产无主案件,适用本章规定。本章没有规定的,适用本法和其他法律的有关规定。

    第一百六十一条 依照本章程序审理的案件,实行一审终审。选民资格案件或者重大、疑难的案件,由审判员组成合议庭审理;其他案件由审判员一人独任审理。

    第一百六十二条 人民法院在依照本章程序审理案件的过程中,发现本案属于民事权益争议的,应当裁定终结特别程序,并告知利害关系人可以另行起诉。

    第一百六十三条 人民法院适用特别程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起三十日内或者公告期满后三十日内审结。有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。但审理选民资格的案件除外。

第二节  选民资格案件

    第一百六十四条 公民不服选举委员会对选民资格的申诉所作的处理决定,可以在选举日的五日以前向选区所在地基层人民法院起诉。

    第一百六十五条 人民法院受理选民资格案件后,必须在选举日前审结。



第三节  宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件

    第一百六十六条 公民下落不明满二年,利害关系人申请宣告其失踪的,向下落不明人住所地基层人民法院提出。


    第一百六十七条 公民下落不明满四年,或者因意外事故下落不明满二年,或者因意外事故下落不明,经有关机关证明该公民不可能生存,利害关系人申请宣告其死亡的,向下落不明人住所地基层人民法院提出。


    第一百六十八条 人民法院受理宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件后,应当发出寻找下落不明人的公告。宣告失踪的公告期间为三个月,宣告死亡的公告期间为一年。因意外事故下落不明,经有关机关证明该公民不可能生存的,宣告死亡的公告期间为三个月。


    第一百六十九条 被宣告失踪、宣告死亡的公民重新出现,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。

第四节  认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件

    第一百七十条 申请认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力,由其近亲属或者其他利害关系人向该公民住所地基层人民法院提出。


    第一百七十一条 人民法院受理申请后,必要时应当对被请求认定为无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的公民进行鉴定。申请人已提供鉴定结论的,应当对鉴定结论进行审查。

    第一百七十二条 人民法院审理认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的案件,应当由该公民的近亲属为代理人,但申请人除外。近亲属互相推诿的,由人民法院指定其中一人为代理人。该公民健康情况许可的,还应当询问本人的意见。


    第一百七十三条 人民法院根据被认定为无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者他的监护人的申请,证实该公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的原因已经消除的,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。

第五节  认定财产无主案件

    第一百七十四条 申请认定财产无主,由公民、法人或者其他组织向财产所在地基层人民法院提出。


    第一百七十五条 人民法院受理申请后,经审查核实,应当发出财产认领公告。公告满一年无人认领的,判决认定财产无主,收归国家或者集体所有。

    第一百七十六条 判决认定财产无主后,原财产所有人或者继承人出现,在民法通则规定的诉讼时效期间可以对财产提出请求,人民法院审查属实后,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。

第十六章  审判监督程序

    第一百七十七条 各级人民法院院长对本院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现确有错误,认为需要再审的,应当提交审判委员会讨论决定。


    第一百七十八条 当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为有错误的,可以向原审人民法院或者上一级人民法院申请再审,但不停止判决、裁定的执行。

    第一百七十九条 当事人的申请符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当再审:







    第一百八十条 当事人对已经发生法律效力的调解书,提出证据证明调解违反自愿原则或者调解协议的内容违反法律的,可以申请再审。经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。

    第一百八十一条 当事人对已经发生法律效力的解除婚姻关系的判决,不得申请再审。

    第一百八十二条 当事人申请再审,应当在判决、裁定发生法律效力后二年内提出。

    第一百八十三条 按照审判监督程序决定再审的案件,裁定中止原判决的执行。裁定由院长署名,加盖人民法院印章。

    第一百八十四条 人民法院按照审判监督程序再审的案件,发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第一审法院作出的,按照第一审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,当事人可以上诉;发生法律效力的判决、裁定是由第二审法院作出的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定;上级人民法院按照审判监督程序提审的,按照第二审程序审理,所作的判决、裁定是发生法律效力的判决、裁定。


    第一百八十五条 最高人民检察院对各级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,上级人民检察院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现有下列情形之一的,应当按照审判监督程序提出抗诉:






    第一百八十六条 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。

    第一百八十七条 人民检察院决定对人民法院的判决、裁定提出抗诉的,应当制作抗诉书。

    第一百八十八条 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院再审时,应当通知人民检察院派员出席法庭。

第十七章  督促程序

    第一百八十九条 债权人请求债务人给付金钱、有价证券,符合下列条件的,可以向有管辖权的基层人民法院申请支付令:




    第一百九十条 债权人提出申请后,人民法院应当在五日内通知债权人是否受理。

    第一百九十一条 人民法院受理申请后,经审查债权人提供的事实、证据,对债权债务关系明确、合法的,应当在受理之日起十五日内向债务人发出支付令;申请不成立的,裁定予以驳回。



    第一百九十二条 人民法院收到债务人提出的书面异议后,应当裁定终结督促程序,支付令自行失效,债权人可以起诉。

第十八章  公示催告程序

    第一百九十三条 按照规定可以背书转让的票据持有人,因票据被盗、遗失或者灭失,可以向票据支付地的基层人民法院申请公示催告。依照法律规定可以申请公示催告的其他事项,适用本章规定。


    第一百九十四条 人民法院决定受理申请,应当同时通知支付人停止支付,并在三日内发出公告,催促利害关系人申报权利。公示催告的期间,由人民法院根据情况决定,但不得少于六十日。

    第一百九十五条 支付人收到人民法院停止支付的通知,应当停止支付,至公示催告程序终结。


    第一百九十六条 利害关系人应当在公示催告期间向人民法院申报。



    第一百九十七条 没有人申报的,人民法院应当根据申请人的申请,作出判决,宣告票据无效。判决应当公告,并通知支付人。自判决公告之日起,申请人有权向支付人请求支付。

    第一百九十八条 利害关系人因正当理由不能在判决前向人民法院申报的,自知道或者应当知道判决公告之日起一年内,可以向作出判决的人民法院起诉。

第十九章  企业法人破产还债程序

    第一百九十九条 企业法人因严重亏损,无力清偿到期债务,债权人可以向人民法院申请宣告债务人破产还债,债务人也可以向人民法院申请宣告破产还债。

    第二百条 人民法院裁定宣告进入破产还债程序后,应当在十日内通知债务人和已知的债权人,并发出公告。



    第二百零一条 人民法院可以组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织。清算组织负责破产财产的保管、清理、估价、处理和分配。清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。


    第二百零二条 企业法人与债权人会议达成和解协议的,经人民法院认可后,由人民法院发布公告,中止破产还债程序。和解协议自公告之日起具有法律效力。

    第二百零三条 已作为银行贷款等债权的抵押物或者其他担保物的财产,银行和其他债权人享有就该抵押物或者其他担保物优先受偿的权利。抵押物或者其他担保物的价款超过其所担保的债务数额的,超过部分属于破产还债的财产。

    第二百零四条  破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿:





    第二百零五条 企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。

    第二百零六条  全民所有制企业的破产还债程序适用中华人民共和国企业破产法的规定。


第三编  执行程序

第二十章  一般规定

    第二百零七条 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,以及刑事判决、裁定中的财产部分,由第一审人民法院执行。


    第二百零八条 执行过程中,案外人对执行标的提出异议的,执行员应当按照法定程序进行审查。理由不成立的,予以驳回;理由成立的,由院长批准中止执行。如果发现判决、裁定确有错误,按照审判监督程序处理。

    第二百零九条 执行工作由执行员进行。


    第二百一十条 被执行人或者被执行的财产在外地的,可以委托当地人民法院代为执行。受委托人民法院收到委托函件后,必须在十五日内开始执行,不得拒绝。执行完毕后,应当将执行结果及时函复委托人民法院;在三十日内如果还未执行完毕,也应当将执行情况函告委托人民法院。


    第二百一十一条 在执行中,双方当事人自行和解达成协议的,执行员应当将协议内容记入笔录,由双方当事人签名或者盖章。


    第二百一十二条 在执行中,被执行人向人民法院提供担保,并经申请执行人同意的,人民法院可以决定暂缓执行及暂缓执行的期限。被执行人逾期仍不履行的,人民法院有权执行被执行人的担保财产或者担保人的财产。

    第二百一十三条 作为被执行人的公民死亡的,以其遗产偿还债务。作为被执行人的法人或者其他组织终止的,由其权利义务承受人履行义务。

    第二百一十四条 执行完毕后,据以执行的判决、裁定和其他法律文书确有错误,被人民法院撤销的,对已被执行的财产,人民法院应当作出裁定,责令取得财产的人返还;拒不返还的,强制执行。

    第二百一十五条 人民法院制作的调解书的执行,适用本编的规定。

第二十一章  执行的申请和移送

    第二百一十六条 发生法律效力的民事判决、裁定,当事人必须履行。一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行,也可以由审判员移送执行员执行。


    第二百一十七条 对依法设立的仲裁机构的裁决,一方当事人不履行的,对方当事人可以向有管辖权的人民法院申请执行。受申请的人民法院应当执行。











    第二百一十八条 对公证机关依法赋予强制执行效力的债权文书,一方当事人不履行的,对方当事人可以向有管辖权的人民法院申请执行,受申请的人民法院应当执行。    


    第二百一十九条 申请执行的期限,双方或者一方当事人是公民的为一年,双方是法人或者其他组织的为六个月。


    第二百二十条 执行员接到申请执行书或者移交执行书,应当向被执行人发出执行通知,责令其在指定的期间履行,逾期不履行的,强制执行。

第二十二章  执行措施

    第二百二十一条 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权向银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位查询被执行人的存款情况,有权冻结、划拨被执行人的存款,但查询、冻结、划拨存款不得超出被执行人应当履行义务的范围。


    第二百二十二条 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权扣留、提取被执行人应当履行义务部分的收入。但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的生活必需费用。


    第二百二十三条 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权查封、扣押、冻结、拍卖、变卖被执行人应当履行义务部分的财产。但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的生活必需品。


    第二百二十四条 人民法院查封、扣押财产时,被执行人是公民的,应当通知被执行人或者他的成年家属到场;被执行人是法人或者其他组织的,应当通知其法定代表人或者主要负责人到场。拒不到场的,不影响执行。被执行人是公民的,其工作单位或者财产所在地的基层组织应当派人参加。


    第二百二十五条 被查封的财产,执行员可以指定被执行人负责保管。因被执行人的过错造成的损失,由被执行人承担。

    第二百二十六条 财产被查封、扣押后,执行员应当责令被执行人在指定期间履行法律文书确定的义务。被执行人逾期不履行的,人民法院可以按照规定交有关单位拍卖或者变卖被查封、扣押的财产。国家禁止自由买卖的物品,交有关单位按照国家规定的价格收购。

    第二百二十七条 被执行人不履行法律文书确定的义务,并隐匿财产的,人民法院有权发出搜查令,对被执行人及其住所或者财产隐匿地进行搜查。


    第二百二十八条 法律文书指定交付的财物或者票证,由执行员传唤双方当事人当面交付,或者由执行员转交,并由被交付人签收。



    第二百二十九条 强制迁出房屋或者强制退出土地,由院长签发公告,责令被执行人在指定期间履行。被执行人逾期不履行的,由执行员强制执行。



    第二百三十条 在执行中,需要办理有关财产权证照转移手续的,人民法院可以向有关单位发出协助执行通知书,有关单位必须办理。

    第二百三十一条 对判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的行为,被执行人未按执行通知履行的,人民法院可以强制执行或者委托有关单位或者其他人完成,费用由被执行人承担。

    第二百三十二条 被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行给付金钱义务的,应当加倍支付迟延履行期间的债务利息。被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行其他义务的,应当支付迟延履行金。

    第二百三十三条 人民法院采取本法第二百二十一条、第二百二十二条、第二百二十三条规定的执行措施后,被执行人仍不能偿还债务的,应当继续履行义务。债权人发现被执行人有其他财产的,可以随时请求人民法院执行。

第二十三章  执行中止和终结

    第二百三十四条 有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当裁定中止执行:







    第二百三十五条 有下列情形之一的,人民法院裁定终结执行:







    第二百三十六条 中止和终结执行的裁定,送达当事人后立即生效。

第四编  涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定

第二十四章  一般原则

    第二百三十七条 在中华人民共和国领域内进行涉外民事诉讼,适用本编规定。本编没有规定的,适用本法其他有关规定。

    第二百三十八条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。

    第二百三十九条 对享有外交特权与豁免的外国人、外国组织或者国际组织提起的民事诉讼,应当依照中华人民共和国有关法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定办理。

    第二百四十条 人民法院审理涉外民事案件,应当使用中华人民共和国通用的语言、文字。当事人要求提供翻译的,可以提供,费用由当事人承担。

    第二百四十一条 外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,需要委托律师代理诉讼的,必须委托中华人民共和国的律师。

    第二百四十二条 在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织委托中华人民共和国律师或者其他人代理诉讼,从中华人民共和国领域外寄交或者托交的授权委托书,应当经所在国公证机关证明,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续后,才具有效力。

第二十五章  管辖

    第二百四十三条 因合同纠纷或者其他财产权益纠纷,对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的被告提起的诉讼,如果合同在中华人民共和国领域内签订或者履行,或者诉讼标的物在中华人民共和国领域内,或者被告在中华人民共和国领域内有可供扣押的财产,或者被告在中华人民共和国领域内设有代表机构,可以由合同签订地、合同履行地、诉讼标的物所在地、可供扣押财产所在地、侵权行为地或者代表机构住所地人民法院管辖。

    第二百四十四条 涉外合同或者涉外财产权益纠纷的当事人,可以用书面协议选择与争议有实际联系的地点的法院管辖。选择中华人民共和国人民法院管辖的,不得违反本法关于级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。

    第二百四十五条 涉外民事诉讼的被告对人民法院管辖不提出异议,并应诉答辩的,视为承认该人民法院为有管辖权的法院。

    第二百四十六条 因在中华人民共和国履行中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由中华人民共和国人民法院管辖。

第二十六章  送达、期间

    第二百四十七条 人民法院对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人送达诉讼文书,可以采用下列方式:








    第二百四十八条 被告在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的,人民法院应当将起诉状副本送达被告,并通知被告在收到起诉状副本后三十日内提出答辩状。被告申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

    第二百四十九条 在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人,不服第一审人民法院判决、裁定的,有权在判决书、裁定书送达之日起三十日内提起上诉。被上诉人在收到上诉状副本后,应当在三十日内提出答辩状。当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

    第二百五十条 人民法院审理涉外民事案件的期间,不受本法第一百三十五条、第一百五十九条规定的限制。

第二十七章  财产保全

    第二百五十一条 当事人依照本法第九十二条的规定可以向人民法院申请财产保全。


    第二百五十二条 人民法院裁定准许诉前财产保全后,申请人应当在三十日内提起诉讼。逾期不起诉的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。

    第二百五十三条 人民法院裁定准许财产保全后,被申请人提供担保的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。

    第二百五十四条 申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请人因财产保全所遭受的损失。

    第二百五十五条 人民法院决定保全的财产需要监督的,应当通知有关单位负责监督,费用由被申请人承担。

    第二百五十六条 人民法院解除保全的命令由执行员执行。

第二十八章  仲裁

    第二百五十七条 涉外经济贸易、运输和海事中发生的纠纷,当事人在合同中订有仲裁条款或者事后达成书面仲裁协议,提交中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构仲裁的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。


    第二百五十八条 当事人申请采取财产保全的,中华人民共和国的涉外仲裁机构应当将当事人的申请,提交被申请人住所地或者财产所在地的中级人民法院裁定。

    第二百五十九条 经中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构裁决的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。一方当事人不履行仲裁裁决的,对方当事人可以向被申请人住所地或者财产所在地的中级人民法院申请执行。

    第二百六十条 对中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构作出的裁决,被申请人提出证据证明仲裁裁决有下列情形之一的,经人民法院组成合议庭审查核实,裁定不予执行:






    第二百六十一条 仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定不予执行的,当事人可以根据双方达成的书面仲裁协议重新申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉。

第二十九章  司法协助

    第二百六十二条 根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,人民法院和外国法院可以相互请求,代为送达文书、调查取证以及进行其他诉讼行为。


    第二百六十三条 请求和提供司法协助,应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约所规定的途径进行;没有条约关系的,通过外交途径进行。



    第二百六十四条 外国法院请求人民法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有中文译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。


    第二百六十五条 人民法院提供司法协助,依照中华人民共和国法律规定的程序进行。外国法院请求采用特殊方式的,也可以按照其请求的特殊方式进行,但请求采用的特殊方式不得违反中华人民共和国法律。

    第二百六十六条 人民法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,如果被执行人或者其财产不在中华人民共和国领域内,当事人请求执行的,可以由当事人直接向有管辖权的外国法院申请承认和执行,也可以由人民法院依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定,或者按照互惠原则,请求外国法院承认和执行。


    第二百六十七条 外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,可以由当事人直接向中华人民共和国有管辖权的中级人民法院申请承认和执行,也可以由外国法院依照该国与中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定,或者按照互惠原则,请求人民法院承认和执行。

    第二百六十八条 人民法院对申请或者请求承认和执行的外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则进行审查后,认为不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则或者国家主权、安全、社会公共利益的,裁定承认其效力,需要执行的,发出执行令,依照本法的有关规定执行。违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则或者国家主权、安全、社会公共利益的,不予承认和执行。

    第二百六十九条 国外仲裁机构的裁决,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,应当由当事人直接向被执行人住所地或者其财产所在地的中级人民法院申请,人民法院应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则办理。

    第二百七十条 本法自公布之日起施行,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》同时废止。


(Adopted at the Fourth Sessionof the  Seventh National  People'sCongresson April 9, 1991, promulgated by Order No. 44 of the President ofthePeople's Republic of China on April 9, 1991, and effective as  of  thedate of promulgation)

    Important Notice: (注意事项)

    当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.    In case of discrepancy, the original version inChinese shall prevail.    Whole Document (法规全文)

CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Adopted at the Fourth Session ofthe  Seventh  National People'sCongress on April 9, 1991, promulgated by OrderNo. 44 of the President ofthe People's Republic of China on April 9, 1991,and effective as  of thedate of promulgation)ContentsPart One General ProvisionsCHAPTER I     The Aim,Scope of Application and Basic PrinciplesCHAPTER II    Jurisdiction  Section 1    Jurisdiction by Forum Level  Section 2    Territorial Jurisdiction  Section 3    Transfer and Designation ofJurisdictionCHAPTER III   TrialOrganizationCHAPTER IV    WithdrawalCHAPTER V     Participants in ProceedingsSection 1     Parties  Section 2    Agents ad LitemCHAPTER VI    EvidenceCHAPTER VII   Time Periods andService  Section 1    Time Periods  Section 2    ServiceCHAPTER VIII  ConciliationCHAPTER IX    PropertyPreservation and Advance ExecutionCHAPTER X     Compulsory Measures Against Obstruction of Civil ProceedingsCHAPTER XI    LitigationCostsPart Two Trial ProcedureCHAPTER XII   Ordinary Procedure ofFirst Instance  Section 1    Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining aCase  Section 2    Preparations for Trial  Section 3    Trial in Court  Section 4    Suspension and Termination ofLitigation  Section 5    Judgment and OrderCHAPTER XIII  Summary ProcedureCHAPTER XIV   Procedure of SecondInstanceCHAPTER XV    SpecialProcedure  Section 1    General Provisions  Section 2    Cases Concerning the Qualification ofVoters  Section 3    Cases Concerning the Declaration of aPerson as Missing or                Dead  Section 4    Cases Concerning the Adjudgment of LegalIncapacity or                Restricted LegalCapacity of Citizens  Section 5    Cases Concerning the Determination of aProperty as                OwnerlessCHAPTER XVI   Procedure for TrialSupervisionCHAPTER XVII  Procedure for HasteningDebt RecoveryCHAPTER XVIII Procedure for Publicizing PublicNotice for Assertion of              ClaimsCHAPTER XIX   Procedure forBankruptcy and Debt Repayment of Legal Person              EnterprisesPart Three  Procedure ofExecutionCHAPTER XX    GeneralProvisionsCHAPTER XXI   Application forExecution and ReferralCHAPTER XXII  Execution MeasuresCHAPTER XXIII Suspension and Termination ofExecutionPart Four Special Provisions for Civil Procedureof Cases Involving          Foreign ElementCHAPTER XXIV  General PrinciplesCHAPTER XXV   JurisdictionCHAPTER XXVI  Service and TimePeriodsCHAPTER XXVII Property PreservationCHAPTER XXVIII ArbitrationCHAPTER XXIX  Judicial Assistance    PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS    Chapter I The Aim, Scope of Application and BasicPrinciplesArticle 1The Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republicof China is formulated onthe basis of the Constitution and in  the  light of  the  experience  andactual conditions of our country in the trial ofcivil cases.Article 2The Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republicof China aims to  protectthe exercise of the litigation  rights  of the  parties  and  ensure theascertaining of facts by  the  people's courts,  distinguish  right  fromwrong, apply the law correctly, trycivil  cases promptly,  affirm  civilrights and obligations, impose sanctionsfor  civil  wrongs, protect  thelawful  rights  and  interests of  the  parties,  educate   citizens   tovoluntarily abide by the law, maintain thesocial and economic order, andguarantee the smooth progress of the socialistconstruction.Article 3In dealing with civil litigation arisingfrom  disputes  on property  andpersonal relations between citizens, legalpersons or other  organizationsand between the three  of  them, the  people's  courts  shall  apply  theprovisions of this Law.Article 4Whoever engages in civil litigation within theterritory of  the People'sRepublic of China must abide by this Law.Article 5Aliens, stateless persons,  foreign  enterprises  and  organizations  thatbring suits or enter appearance in the people'scourts shall have the samelitigation rights and obligations ascitizens,  legal persons  and  otherorganizations of the People's Republic ofChina.If the courts of a  foreign  country  impose restrictions  on  the civillitigation rights of the citizens, legal personsand  other  organizationsof the People's Republic of China, thepeople's  courts of  the  People'sRepublic of China shall follow the principle ofreciprocity regarding  thecivil litigation rights of the citizens,enterprises and organizations ofthat foreign country.Article 6The people's courts shall exercise judicialpowers with respect  to civilcases.  The  people's  courts shall  try  civil  cases independently  inaccordance with the law, and shall be subject tono  interference  by anyadministrative organ, public organization orindividual.Article 7In trying civil cases, the people's courts mustbase themselves  on factsand take the law as the criterion.Article 8The parties in civil litigation shall haveequal  litigation rights.  Thepeople's courts shall, in conducting the trials,safeguard  their rights,facilitate their exercising the rights, andapply the law equally to them.Article 9In trying civil cases, the people's courts shallconduct conciliation  forthe parties on a  voluntary  and  lawful basis;  if  conciliation  fails,judgments shall be rendered without delay.Article 10In trying civil  cases,  the  people's courts  shall,  according  to theprovisions of the law, follow the systemsof  panel  hearing, withdrawal,public trial and the court of second instancebeing that of last instance.Article 11Citizens of all nationalities shall have theright  to use  their  nativespoken and written languages in civilproceedings.Where minority nationalities live in aggregationin a community  or whereseveral nationalities live together in one area,the people's courts shallconduct hearings and issue legal  documents  in the  spoken and  writtenlanguages commonly used by the localnationalities.The people's courts shall provide translationsfor any participant in  theproceedings who is not familiar  with  the spoken  or  written  languagescommonly used by the local nationalities.Article 12Parties to civil actions are entitled in thetrials by the people's courtsto argue for themselves.Article 13The parties are free to deal with their owncivil  rights and  litigationrights the way they prefer within the scopeprovided by the law.Article 14The people's  procuratorates  shall  have the  right  to  exercise legalsupervision over civil proceedings.Article 15Where an act has infringed upon thecivil  rights and  interests  of  theState, a collective organization or anindividual, any State organ, publicorganization, enterprise or institution maysupport the  injured unit  orindividual to bring an action in a people'scourt.Article 16The people's  conciliation  committees  shall be  mass  organizations toconduct conciliation of civil disputes under theguidance  of the  grass-roots level people's governments and the basiclevel people's courts.The people's conciliation committeeshall  conduct conciliation  for  theparties according to the  Law  and on  a  voluntary  basis. The  partiesconcerned  shall  carry  out the  settlement  agreement  reached throughconciliation;  those  who  decline conciliation   or   those   for   whomconciliation has failed or those who havebacked  out of  the settlementagreement may institute legal proceedings in apeople's court.If a people's conciliation committee, inconducting conciliation of civildisputes, acts contrary to the law,rectification shall  be made  by  thepeople's court.Article 17The people's congresses of the nationalautonomous regions may  formulate,in accordance with the Constitution and theprinciples of this Law, and inconjunction with the specific circumstancesof  the  local nationalities,adaptive  and  supplementary  provisions.  Such  provisions  made by   anautonomous region shall be submittedto  the  Standing Committee  of  theNational People's Congress for  approval;  those made  by  an  autonomousprefecture or  autonomous  county  shall be  submitted  to  the standingcommittee of the people's congress of therelevant province or  autonomousregion for approval and to the StandingCommittee of the National People'sCongress for the record.    Chapter II JurisdictionSection 1 Jurisdiction by Forum LevelArticle 18The basic people's courts shall  have  jurisdiction  as  courts  of firstinstance over civil cases, unless otherwiseprovided in this Law.Article 19The intermediate people's courtsshall  have jurisdiction  as  courts offirst instance over the following civilcases:(1) major cases involving foreign element;(2) cases that have major impact on the areaunder their jurisdiction; and(3) cases as determined by the SupremePeople's  Court to  be  under  thejurisdiction of the intermediate people'scourts.Article 20The high people's courts  shall  have jurisdiction  as  courts of  firstinstance over civil cases that have major impacton the areas under  theirjurisdiction.Article 21The Supreme People's Court shall havejurisdiction as the court of  firstinstance over the following civil cases:(1) cases that have major impact on the wholecountry; and(2) cases that the Supreme People's Court deemsit should try.Section 2  TerritorialJurisdictionArticle 22A civil lawsuit brought against a citizen shallbe under the  jurisdictionof the people's court of the place where thedefendant has his domicile;if the place of the defendant's domicile isdifferent  from that  of  hishabitual residence, the lawsuit shall beunder  the jurisdiction  of  thepeople's court of the place of his habitualresidence.A civil lawsuit brought against a legal personor any  other organizationshall be under the jurisdiction of the people'scourt of the  place wherethe defendant has his domicile.Where the domiciles or habitual residences ofseveral  defendants in  thesame lawsuit are in the areas  under  the jurisdiction  of  two or  morepeople's courts, all of those people's courtsshall have jurisdiction overthe lawsuit.Article 23The civil lawsuits described below shall beunder the jurisdiction of thepeople's court of the place where the plaintiffhas his domicile;  if theplace of the plaintiff's domicile is differentfrom that of  his habitualresidence, the lawsuit shall be underthe  jurisdiction  of the  people'scourt of the place of the plaintiff's habitualresidence:(1) those concerning personal status broughtagainst persons not  residingwithin the territory of the People's Republic ofChina;(2) those concerning the personal status ofpersons whose whereabouts areunknown or who have been declared asmissing;(3) those  brought  against  persons who  are  undergoing  rehabilitationthrough labour; and(4) those brought against persons who are inimprisonment.Article 24A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall beunder the jurisdiction ofthe people's court of the place where thedefendant has  his domicile  orwhere the contract is performed.Article 25The parties to a contract may agree to choosein  their  written contractthe people's court of the placewhere  the defendant  has  his  domicile,where the contract is performed, where thecontract is signed,  where theplaintiff has his domicile or where the objectof the action is located toexercise jurisdiction over the case, providedthat the provisions of  thisLaw regarding jurisdiction by forum level andexclusive  jurisdiction  arenot violated.Article 26A lawsuit brought on an insurancecontract  dispute shall  be  under  thejurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the  defendant  hashis domicile or where the insured object islocated.Article 27A lawsuit brought on a bill dispute shall beunder the jurisdiction of thepeople's court of the place where the bill isto  be  paid or  where  thedefendant has his domicile.Article 28A lawsuit arising from a disputeover  a  railway, road,  water,  or  airtransport contract or over a combined transportcontract  shall be  underthe jurisdiction of the people's court of theplace  of dispatch  or  theplace of destination or where the defendant hashis domicile.Article 29A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall beunder the jurisdiction of thepeople's court of the place wherethe  tort  is committed  or  where  thedefendant has his domicile.Article 30A lawsuit brought on claims for damages causedby a railway,  road, watertransport or air accident shall be under thejurisdiction of the  people'scourt of the place where the accident occurredor  where  the vehicle  orship first arrived after the accident or wherethe aircraft  first landedafter the accident, or where the defendant hashis domicile.Article 31A lawsuit brought on claims for damages causedby a collision at sea or byany other maritime  accident  shall  be under  the  jurisdiction  of thepeople's court of the place where the collisionoccurred or where the shipin collision first docked after the accident orwhere the  ship at  faultwas detained, or where the defendant has hisdomicile.

Article 32A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritimesalvage shall be  under thejurisdiction of the people's court of theplace  where the  salvage  tookplace or where the salvaged ship first dockedafter the disaster.

Article 33A lawsuit brought for general average shall beunder the  jurisdiction  ofthe people's court of the place where the shipfirst docked or  where theadjustment of general average was conducted orwhere the voyage ended.

Article 34The following cases shall be  under  the exclusive  jurisdiction  of  thepeople's courts herein specified:(1) a lawsuit brought on a dispute over realestate  shall be  under  thejurisdiction of the people's court  of  the place  where  the  estate islocated;(2) a lawsuit brought on a dispute over harbouroperations shall be  underthe jurisdiction of the people's court of theplace where the  harbour islocated; and(3) a lawsuit brought on a disputeover  succession  shall be  under  thejurisdiction of the people's court of the placewhere the decedent had hisdomicile upon his death, or where theprincipal  part of  his  estate  islocated.

Article 35When two or more people's courts havejurisdiction  over a  lawsuit,  theplaintiff may bring his lawsuit in one of thesepeople's  courts; if  theplaintiff brings the lawsuit in twoor  more  people's courts  that  havejurisdiction over the lawsuit, the people'scourt in which  the case  wasfirst entertained shall havejurisdiction.

Section 3 Transfer andDesignation of Jurisdiction

Article 36If a people's court finds that a case it hasentertained is not under itsjurisdiction, it shall refer thecase  to  the people's  court  that  hasjurisdiction over the case. The people's courtto which a  case has  beenreferred shall entertain the case, and if itconsiders that, according tothe relevant regulations, the  case  referred to  it  is  not under  itsjurisdiction, it shall  report  to a  superior  people's  court for  thedesignation of jurisdiction and shallnot  independently  refer the  caseagain to another people's court.

Article 37If a people's court which has  jurisdiction  over a  case  is  unable toexercise the jurisdiction for special reasons, asuperior  people's courtshall designate another court to exercisejurisdiction.In the event of a jurisdictionaldispute  between two  or  more  people'scourts,  it  shall  be resolved  by   the   disputing   parties   throughconsultation; if the dispute cannot be soresolved, it shall  be reportedto their  common  superior  people's court  for   the   designation   ofjurisdiction.

Article 38If a party to an action objects to thejurisdiction of  a people's  courtafter the court has  entertained  the case,  the  party  must raise  theobjection within the period prescribed for thesubmission of defence.  Thepeople's  court  shall  examine the  objection.  If  the  objection   isestablished, the people's court shall order thecase to be transferred  tothe people's court that has jurisdiction overit;  if  not, the  people'scourt shall reject it.

Article 39The people's courts at higher levels shall havethe  power  to try  civilcases over which the people's courts at lowerlevels have jurisdiction ascourts of first instance; they may also transfercivil  cases over  whichthey themselves have jurisdiction as courts offirst instance to  people'scourts at lower levels for trial. If a people'scourt  at a  lower  levelthat has jurisdiction over a civil case as courtof first  instance deemsit necessary to have the case to be tried by apeople's court at a  higherlevel, it may submit it to and requestthe  people's  court at  a  higherlevel to try the case.

    Chapter III Trial Organization

Article 40The people's court of first instance shall trycivil cases by a  collegialpanel composed of both judges and judicialassessors or of judges alone.The collegial panel must have an odd number ofmembers.Civil cases in which summary procedure isfollowed shall  be tried  by  asingle judge alone.When performing their duties, the  judicial  assessors shall  have  equalrights and obligations as the judges.

Article 41The people's court of second instance shall trycivil cases by a collegialpanel of judges. The collegial panel must havean odd number of members.For the retrial of a remanded case, the people'scourt of  first instanceshall form a new collegial panel in accordancewith the procedure of firstinstance. If a case for retrial was originallytried at first instance, anew collegial panel shall be formed according tothe  procedure  of firstinstance; if the case was originally  tried  at second  instance  or  wasbrought by a people's court at a higherlevel  to it  for  trial,  a newcollegial panel shall be formed  according  to the  procedure  of  secondinstance.

Article 42The president of the court or the chief judge ofa division of  the courtshall designate a judge to serve as thepresiding judge of  the collegialpanel; if the president or the chief judgeparticipates in the  trial, hehimself shall serve as the presidingjudge.

Article 43When deliberating a case, a collegialpanel  shall observe  the  rule  ofmajority.  The  deliberations  shall be  recorded  in  writing, and  thetranscript shall be signed by the members of thecollegial panel.Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must betruthfully entered in thetranscript.Article 44The judicial officers  shall  deal with  all  cases  impartially  and  inaccordance with the law.The judicial officers shall not accept any treator gift from the  partiesor their agents ad litem.Any judicial officer who commits embezzlement, accepts bribes, engages  inmalpractice for personal benefits or  who  perverts the  law  in  passingjudgment shall be  investigated  forlegal  responsibility;  if  the actconstitutes a crime, the  offender  shall be  investigated  for  criminalresponsibility according to the law.    Chapter IV Withdrawal

Article 45A judicial officer shall of  himself  withdraw from  the  case,  and theparties thereto shall be entitled to applyorally or in  writing for  hiswithdrawal in any of the followingcircumstances:(1) he being a party to the case or a nearrelative of a party or an agentad litem in the case;(2) he being an interested party in the case;or(3) he having some other kind of relationshipwith a party  to the  case,which might affect the impartiality of thetrial.The above provisions shall also  apply  to clerks,  interpreters,  expertwitnesses and inspection personnel.Article 46In applying for the withdrawal, the  party  shall state  the  reason  andsubmit  the  application  at the  beginning  of  the  proceedings;   theapplication may also be submitted before theclosing of arguments in courtif the  reason  for  the withdrawal  is  known  to him  only  after  theproceedings begin.Pending a decision by the people's courtregarding the withdrawal appliedfor, the  judicial  officer  concerned shall  temporarily  suspend   hisparticipation in the proceedings, with theexception,  however, of  casesthat require the taking of emergencymeasures.Article 47The withdrawal of the presiding judge who ispresident of the court  shallbe decided by the judicial committee; thewithdrawal of judicial  officersshall be decided by the court  president;  and the  withdrawal  of  otherpersonnel by the presiding judge.Article 48The decision of a people's court on anapplication made by any party  forwithdrawal shall be made orally or in writingwithin three days after theapplication was made. If the applicant is notsatisfied with the decision,he may apply for reconsideration which could begranted only once.  Duringthe period of  reconsideration, the  person  whose  withdrawal has  beenapplied for shall not suspend his participationin  the  proceedings.  Thedecision of a people's court on thereconsideration shall be made  withinthree days after receiving theapplication  and the  applicant  shall  benotified of it accordingly.    Chapter V Participants in Proceedings

Section 1 Parties

Article 49Any citizen, legal person and any otherorganization may become a party toa civil action.Legal persons shall be represented by theirlegal representatives  in thelitigation. Other organizations shall berepresented  by their  principalheads in the proceedings.

Article 50Parties to an action shall have the rightto  appoint  agents, apply  forwithdrawals, collect and  provide  evidence, proffer  arguments,  requestconciliation, file an appeal and apply forexecution.Parties to an action may have access tomaterials pertaining to the  caseand make copies thereof and other legaldocuments pertaining to the case.The scope of and rules for consulting and makingcopies of them  shall bespecified by the Supreme People's Court.Parties to an action must exercise theirlitigation rights  in accordancewith the law, observe the  procedures  and carry  out  legally  effectivewritten judgments or orders and conciliationstatements.Article 51The two parties may reach a compromise of theirown accord.Article 52The plaintiff may relinquish or modify hisclaims. The defendant may admitor rebut the claims and shall have the right tofile counterclaims.Article 53When one party or both parties consist of two ormore  than  two persons,their object of action being the same orof  the  same category  and  thepeople's court considers that, with the consentof the parties, the actioncan be tried combined, it is a jointaction.If a party of two or more persons to a jointaction have common rights andobligations with respect to the object of actionand the act of any one ofthem is recognized by the others of the party,such an act shall be  validfor all the rest of the party; if a party of twoor more persons  have nocommon rights and obligations with respect tothe object  of action,  theact of any one of them shall not be valid forthe rest.Article 54If the persons comprising a party to a jointaction is  large in  number,the party may elect representatives from amongthemselves to act for  themin the litigation. The acts of  such  representatives  in  the  litigationshall be valid for the party  they  represent. However,  modification  orwaiver of claims or admission of the claims ofthe other party or pursuinga compromise with the other party by therepresentatives shall be subjectto the consent of the party theyrepresent.

Article 55Where the object of action  is  of the  same  category  and the  personscomprising one of the parties is largebut  uncertain  in number  at  thecommencement of the action, the people's courtmay issue a public  notice,stating the particulars  and  claims of  the  case  and informing  thoseentitled to participate in the action toregister their  rights with  thepeople's court within a fixed period oftime.Those who have registered their rights with thepeople's court  may electrepresentatives from among themselves to proceedwith the  litigation;  ifthe election fails its purpose, suchrepresentatives may be determined bythe people's court through consultationwith  those  who have  registeredtheir rights with the court.The acts of such representative in thelitigation shall be valid for  theparty they  represent;  however,  modification  or  waiver  of claims  oradmission of the claims of the other party orpursuing a  compromise withthe other party by the representatives shall besubject to the consent  ofthe party they represent.The judgments or written orders rendered by thepeople's  court shall  bevalid for all those who have registered theirrights with the court.  Suchjudgments or written orders shall apply to thosewho have  not registeredtheir rights but  have  instituted  legal proceedings  during  period  oflimitation of the action.Article 56If a third party considers that he has anindependent claim to the objectof action of both parties, he shall have theright to bring an action.Where the outcome of the case will affect athird party's legal  interest,such party, though having no independent claimto the object of action ofboth parties, may file a request to participatein the proceedings or  thepeople's court shall notify the third party toparticipate. A third  partythat is to bear civil liability in accordancewith  the  judgment of  thepeople's court shall be entitled to the rightsand obligations of a  partyin litigation.

Section 2 Agents adLitem

Article 57Any person with no legal capacity to engage inlitigation shall  have hisguardian or guardians as statutory agents to actfor him in a lawsuit.  Ifthe statutory agents try to shift responsibilityas agents ad  litem uponone another, the people's court shall appointone of them to represent theperson in litigation.Article 58A party to an action, or statutory agent mayappoint one or two persons toact as his agents ad litem.A lawyer, a near relative of the party, a personrecommended by a relevantsocial organization or a unit to whichthe  party  belongs or  any  othercitizen approved by the people's court maybe  appointed  as the  party'sagent ad litem.Article 59When a person appoints another to act on hisbehalf in litigation, he mustsubmit to the people's court a power of attorneybearing his signature  orseal.The power of attorney must specify the mattersentrusted  and the  powersconferred. An agent ad litem must obtain specialpowers from his principalto admit,  waive  or  modify claims,  or  to  compromise or  to  file  acounterclaim or an appeal.A power of attorney mailed or delivered throughothers by a citizen of thePeople's Republic of China  residing  abroad must  be  certified  by theChinese embassy or consulate accredited to that country. If  there  is noChinese embassy or consulate in that country,the power of  attorney mustbe certified by an embassy or a consulate of athird country accredited tothat country that has diplomatic relations withthe People's  Republic ofChina, and then transmitted for authenticationto the embassy or consulateof the People's Republic of China accredited tothat third country, or  itmust be certified by a local patriotic overseasChinese organization.Article 60A party to an action shall inform thepeople's  court in  writing  if  hechanges or revokes the powers of an agent adlitem, and  the court  shallnotify the other party of the change orrevocation.Article 61A lawyer who serves as an agent ad litem andother agents ad  litem shallhave the right to investigate and collectevidence, and may have access tomaterials pertaining to the case. The scope ofand  rules  for consultingmaterials pertaining to  the  case shall  be  specified  by the  SupremePeople's Court.Article 62In a divorce case in which the parties to theaction have been representedby their agents ad litem, the partiesthemselves  shall still  appear  incourt in person, unless they are incapable ofexpressing their own will. Aparty who is truly unable to appear in court dueto a special reason shallsubmit his views in writing to the people'scourt.    Chapter VI Evidence

Article 63Evidence shall be classified as follows:(1) documentary evidence;(2) material evidence;(3) audio-visual material;(4) testimony of witnesses;(5) statements of the parties;(6) expert conclusions; and(7) records of inspection.The above-mentioned evidence must be verifiedbefore it can be taken as abasis for ascertaining a fact.Article 64It is the duty of a party to an action toprovide evidence in  support ofhis allegations.If, for objective reasons, a party and his agentad litem  are unable  tocollect the evidence by themselves or if thepeople's court considers theevidence necessary for the trial of thecase,  the people's  court  shallinvestigate and collect it.The people's court shall, in accordance with theprocedure  prescribed bythe law, examine and verify evidencecomprehensively and objectively.Article 65The people's court shall have the right to makeinvestigation and  collectevidence from the relevant units or individuals;such units or individualsmay not refuse to provide information andevidence.The people's court shall verify theauthenticity,  examine and  determinethe validity of the certifying documentsprovided by the relevant units orindividuals.Article 66Evidence shall be presented in courtand  cross-examined  by the  partiesconcerned. But evidence that involvesState  secrets, trade  secrets  andpersonal privacy shall be kept confidential. Ifit needs to  be presentedin court, such evidence shall not be presentedin an open court session.Article 67The people's court shall take the acts, factsand documents  legalized bynotarization according to legal procedures asthe basis  for ascertainingfacts, unless there is evidence to the contrarysufficient  to invalidatethe notarization.Article 68Any document submitted as evidence must be theoriginal. Material evidencemust also be original. If it is truly difficultto  present  the originaldocument or thing, then reproductions,photographs, duplicates or extractsof the original may be submitted.If a document in a foreign language is submittedas  evidence,  a Chinesetranslation must be appended.

Article 69The people's court shall verify audio-visualmaterials and determine aftertheir examination in the light of other evidencein the case whether  theycan be taken as a basis for ascertaining thefacts.Article 70All units and individuals who have knowledge ofa case shall be under  theobligation of giving testimony in court.Responsible heads of the relevantunits shall support the witnesses togive  testimony.  When it  is  trulydifficult for a witness to appear in court, hemay, with  the consent  ofthe people's court, submit a writtentestimony.Any person who is incapable of expressing hiswill properly shall not givetestimony.Article 71The people's court shall examine the statementsof the  parties concernedin the light of other evidence  in  the case  to  determine  whether thestatements can be taken as a basis forascertaining the facts.The refusal of a party to make statements shallnot prevent  the people'scourt from ascertaining the  facts  of a  case  on  the basis  of  otherevidence.Article 72When the people's court deems it necessary tomake an expert evaluation ofa problem of  a  technical  nature, it  shall  refer  the problem  to  adepartment authorized by the law for theevaluation.  In the  absence  ofsuch a department, the people's court shallappoint one to make the expertevaluation.The authorized department and theexperts  designated by  the  departmentshall have the right to consult  the  case materials  necessary  for  theevaluation and question the parties andwitnesses  when circumstances  sorequire.The authorized department and the experts itdesignated  shall present  awritten conclusion of the evaluation duly sealedor signed by both. If theevaluation is made by an expert  alone,  the unit  to  which  the expertbelongs shall certify his status byaffixing  its seal  to  the  expert'sconclusion.Article 73When inspecting material evidence or a site,the  inspector  must producehis credentials issued by a people's court.He  shall  request the  localgrass-roots organization or the unit towhich  the party  to  the  actionbelongs to send persons  to  participate  in  the  inspection.  The  partyconcerned or an adult member of his family shallbe present; their refusalto appear on the scene, however, shall nothinder  the inspection.   Uponnotification by the people's court,the  relevant  units and  individualsshall be under the obligation of preservingthe  site  and assisting  theinspection.   The  inspector  shall make  a   written   record   of   thecircumstances and results of the inspection,which shall be duly signed orsealed  by  the  inspector, the  party  concerned  and the  participantsrequested to be present.

Article 74Under circumstances where there is  a  likelihood that  evidence  may  bedestroyed or lost, or difficult to obtain later,the participants  in theproceedings may apply to  the  people's court  for  preservation  of theevidence. The people's court may also on its owninitiative take  measuresto preserve such evidence.    Chapter VII Time Periods and Service

Section 1 Time Periods

Article 75Time periods  shall  include  those prescribed  by  the  law and  thosedesignated by a people's court.Time periods shall be calculated by the hour,the day, the month  and theyear.  The hour and day from whicha  time  period begins  shall  not  becounted as within the time period.If the expiration date of a time period falls ona holiday, then  the dayimmediately following the holidayshall  be regarded  as  the  expirationdate.A time period shall not includetravelling  time. A  litigation  documentthat is mailed before the deadline shall not beregarded as overdue.Article 76In case of failure on the part of a party to anaction to meet a  deadlinedue to force majeure or for other justifiedreasons, the  party concernedmay apply for an extension of the timelimit  within 10  days  after  theobstacle is removed.  The  extension applied  for  shall  be subject  toapproval by a people's court.

Section 2 Service

Article 77A receipt shall be required for every litigationdocument that  is servedand it shall bear the date of receipt noted bythe signature  or seal  ofthe person on whom the document wasserved.The date noted on the receipt by the  person  on whom  the  document  wasserved shall be regarded as the date of service of the document.Article 78Litigation documents shall be sent or delivereddirectly to the person  onwhom they are to be served. If that personis  a  citizen, the  documentsshall, in case of his absence, be receiptedby  an  adult member  of  hisfamily living with him.  If theperson on whom they are to be served is  alegal person or any other organization, thedocuments shall  be receiptedby the legal representatives of the legal personor the principal heads ofthe other organization  or  anyone of  the  legal  person or  the  otherorganization responsible for receiving suchdocuments; if  the person  onwhom they are to be served has an agent adlitem,  the documents  may  bereceipted by the agent ad litem; if the personon  whom  they are  to  beserved has designated a person to  receive  litigation documents  on  hisbehalf and has informed the people's court ofit,  the  documents may  bereceipted by the person designated.The date put down in the receipt and signedby  the  adult family  memberliving with the person or whom the litigationdocuments are to be  served,or by the person responsible for receivingdocuments of a legal person orany other organization, or by the agent adlitem, or the person designatedto receive documents shall be deemed the date ofservice of the documents.

Article 79If the person on whom the litigation documentsare to  be served  or  theadult family member living with him refuses toreceive the documents,  theperson serving the documents shall askrepresentatives from  the relevantgrass-roots organization or the unitto  which  the person  on  whom  thedocuments are to be served belongs to appearon  the  scene, explain  thesituation to them, and record on the receipt thereasons  of the  refusaland the date of it.  After  the person  serving  the  documents and  thewitnesses have affixed theirsignatures  or seals  to  the  receipt, thedocuments shall be left at the place where theperson on whom they are tobe served lives and the service shall be deemedcompleted.Article 80If direct service proves to be difficult,service of litigation  documentsmay be entrusted to another people's  court,  or done  by  mail.  If thedocuments are served by mail, the date stated onthe  receipt  for postaldelivery shall be deemed the date of service ofthe documents.Article 81If the person on whom the litigationdocuments  are to  be  served  is amilitary-man,  the  documents  shall be  forwarded  to  him through  thepolitical organ of the unit at or above theregimental level in the forceto which he belongs.Article 82If the person on whom the litigation documentsare  to  be served  is  inimprisonment, the documents shall be forwardedto him through  the prisonauthorities or the unit of reform  through  labour where  the  person  isserving his term.If the person on whom  the  litigation documents  are  to  be served  isundergoing rehabilitation through labour, thedocuments shall be forwardedto him through the unit of his rehabilitationthrough labour.Article 83The organization or unit thatreceives  the litigation  documents  to  beforwarded must immediately deliver them to andhave them receipted by  theperson on whom they are to be served. The datestated on the receipt shallbe deemed the date of service of thedocuments.Article 84If the whereabouts of the person on whom thelitigation documents  are tobe served is unknown, or if the documents cannotbe served  by the  othermethods specified in this Section, the documentsshall be served by publicannouncement. Sixty days  after  the public  announcement  is  made, thedocuments shall be deemed to have beenserved.The reasons for service  by  public announcement  and  the process  gonethrough shall be recorded in the casefiles.    Chapter VIII Conciliation

  PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE        Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of FirstInstance

Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit andEntertaining a Case

Article 108The following conditions must be met when alawsuit is brought:(1) the  plaintiff  must  be a  citizen,  legal  person or  any   otherorganization that has a direct interest in thecase;(2) there must be a definite defendant;(3) there must be specific claim or claims,facts, and cause or causes forthe suit; and(4) the suit must be within the scope ofacceptance for civil  actions bythe people's court and under the jurisdiction ofthe people's court  wherethe suit is entertained.Article 109When a lawsuit is brought, a statement ofcomplaint shall be submitted tothe people's  court,  and  copies of  the  statement  shall be  providedaccording to the number of defendants.If the plaintiff has genuine difficultyin  presenting  the statement  ofcomplaint in writing, he may state  his  complaint orally;  the  people'scourt shall transcribe the complaint andinform  the other  party  of  itaccordingly.Article 110A statement of complaint shall clearly set forththe following:(1) the name, sex, age, ethnicstatus,  occupation,  work  unit  and homeaddress of the parties to the case; if theparties are  legal persons  orany other organizations, their names, addressesand the names and posts ofthe legal representatives or the principalheads.(2) the claim or claims of the suit, the factsand grounds  on which  thesuit is based; and(3) the evidence and its source, as well as thenames and  home addressesof the witnesses.

Article 111The people's court must entertain the lawsuitsfiled  in conformity  withthe provisions of Article 108  of  this Law.  With  respect  to lawsuitsdescribed below, the people's court shall dealwith them in the  light oftheir specific circumstances:(1) for a lawsuit within the scope ofadministrative actions in accordancewith the provisions of the  Administrative  Procedure Law,  the  people'scourt shall advise the plaintiff to instituteadministrative proceedings;(2) if, according to the law, both  parties  have on  a  voluntary  basisreached a written  agreement to submit  their  contract  dispute to  anarbitral organ for arbitration, they may notinstitute  legal proceedingsin a people's court. The people'scourt  shall advise  the  plaintiff  toapply to the arbitral organ forarbitration;(3) in case of disputes which, according to thelaw, shall be  dealt withby other organs, the people's court shall advisethe plaintiff to apply tothe relevant organ for settlement;(4) with respect to  cases  that are  not  under  its jurisdiction,  thepeople's court shall advise the  plaintiff  to bring  a  lawsuit  in thecompetent people's court;(5) with respect to cases in which a judgment ororder has  already takenlegal effect, but either party brings asuit  again,  the people's  courtshall advise that party to file an appealinstead, except when  the orderof the people's court is one that permits thewithdrawal of a suit;(6) with respect to an action that may notbe  filed  within a  specifiedperiod according to the law, it shall not beentertained, if it  is filedduring that period.(7) in a divorce case in which a judgment hasbeen  made  disallowing  thedivorce,  or  in  which both  parties  have   become  reconciled   afterconciliation, or in a case concerningadoptive  relationship  in which ajudgment has been made or conciliation has beensuccessfully conducted  tomaintain the adoptive relation-ship, if theplaintiff files a  suit againwithin six months in the absence of any newdevelopments or  new reasons,it shall not be entertained.

Article 112When a people's court  receives  a statement  of  complaint  or an  oralcomplaint and finds after examination that itmeets the  requirements  foracceptance, the court shall place the case onthe docket within seven daysand notify the parties concerned; if it does notmeet the requirements foracceptance the court shall make an order withinseven days to reject it.The plaintiff, if not satisfied with the order,may file an appeal.

Section 2 Preparations forTrial

Article 113The people's court shall send a copy of thestatement of complaint to thedefendant within five days after docketingthe  case,  and the  defendantshall file a defence within 15 days  from  receipt of  the  copy  of thestatement of complaint.  When thedefendant files a defence, the people'scourt shall send a copy of it to the plaintiffwithin five days  from itsreceipt. Failure by the defendant to file adefence shall not prevent thecase from being tried by the people'scourt.Article 114The people's court shall, with respect to caseswhose acceptance has  beendecided, inform the parties in the notificationof acceptance and  in thenotification calling  for  responses to  the  action  of their  relevantlitigation rights and obligations of whichthe  parties  may likewise  be

informed orally.Article 115The parties shall be notified within three daysafter the members  of thecollegial panel are determined.Article 116The judicial officers must carefully examine andverify the case materialsand carry out investigations and collection ofnecessary evidence.

Article 117The personnel sent by a people'scourt  to conduct  investigations  shallproduce their credentials before the person tobe investigated.The written record of an investigationshall  be checked  by  the  personinvestigated and then signed or sealed by boththe  investigator  and theinvestigated.Article 118A people's court may, when necessary, entrust apeople's court in  anotherlocality with the investigations.The entrusting people's court shall clearly setout the  matters for  andrequirements of the entrusted investigations.The entrusted people's courtmay on its own initiative conduct supplementaryinvestigations.The entrusted people's court shall complete theinvestigations  within 30days after receiving the commission inwriting.  If for  some  reason  itcannot complete the investigations, the saidpeople's court  shall notifythe entrusting people's court in writing withinthe  above-mentioned  timelimit.Article 119If a party who must participate in a jointaction fails to participate inthe proceedings, the people's court shall notifyhim to participate.

Section 3 Trial inCourt

Article 120Civil cases shall be tried in public, except forthose that involve  Statesecrets or personal privacy or are to be triedotherwise  as provided  bythe law.A divorce case or a case involvingtrade  secrets may  not  be  heard inpublic if a party so requests.Article 121For civil cases, the people's  court  shall, whenever  necessary,  go  oncircuit to hold trials on the spot.Article 122For civil cases, the people's court shallnotify  the parties  and  otherparticipants in the proceedings three daysbefore the opening of  a courtsession. If a case is to be tried in public, thenames of the parties, thecause of action and the time and location of thecourt  session shall  beannounced publicly.Article 123Before a court session is called to order, thecourt clerk shall ascertainwhether or not the parties and otherparticipants in the  proceedings  arepresent and announce the rules of order of thecourt.At the beginning of a court session, thepresiding judge shall  check theparties present, announce the  cause  of action  and  the  names of thejudicial officers and court clerks, inform theparties of  their relevantlitigation rights and obligations and ask theparties whether or not  theywish to apply for the withdrawal of any courtpersonnel.

Article 124Court investigation shall be conducted in thefollowing order:(1) statements by the parties;(2) informing the  witnesses  of  their rights  and  obligations,  givingtestimony by the witnesses  and  reading of  the  written  statements ofabsentee witnesses;(3) presentation  of  documentary   evidence,   material   evidence   andaudio-visual material;(4) reading of expert conclusions; and(5) reading of records of inspection.Article 125The parties may present new evidence during acourt session.With the permission of  the  court, the  parties  may  put questions  towitnesses, expert witnesses andinspectors.Any request by the parties  concerned  for a  new  investigation,  expertevaluation or inspection shall be subject to theapproval of the  people'scourt.Article 126Additional claims by the plaintiff,counterclaims  by the  defendant  andthird-party claims related to the case may betried in combination.Article 127Court debate shall be conducted in the followingorder:(1) oral statements by the plaintiff and hisagents ad litem;(2) defence by the defendant and his agents adlitem;(3) oral statement or defence by the third partyand his agents ad litem;(4) debate between the two sides.At the end of the court debate, the presidingjudge shall ask  each side,first the plaintiff, then the defendant, andthen  the  third party,  fortheir final opinion respectively.Article 128At the end of the court debate, a judgment shallbe made according to  thelaw. Where conciliation is possible prior tothe rendering of a judgment,conciliation  efforts  may  be made;  if  conciliation  proves   to   beunsuccessful, a judgment shall be made withoutdelay.Article 129If a plaintiff, having been served with asummons, refuses  to appear  incourt without justified reasons, or if hewithdraws during a court sessionwithout the permission of  the  court, the  case  may  be considered  aswithdrawn by him; if the defendant files acounterclaim in the mean time,the court may make a judgment bydefault.

Article 130If a defendant, having been served with asummons, refuses  to appear  incourt without justified reasons, or if hewithdraws during a court sessionwithout the permission of the court, thecourt  may make  a  judgment  bydefault.Article 131If a plaintiff applies for withdrawal of thecase before the  judgment ispronounced,  the  people's  court shall  decide  whether  to approve  ordisapprove it. If withdrawal of the case is notallowed by an order of thepeople's court, and the plaintiff,having  been served  with  a  summons,refuses to appear in court without justifiedreasons, the  people's courtmay make a judgment by default.Article 132Under any of the following circumstances, thetrial may be adjourned:(1) the parties  concerned  and  other participants  in  the proceedingsrequired to appear in court fail to do so forjustified reasons;(2) any party concerned makes an extemporeapplication for the  withdrawalof a judicial officer; or(3) it is  necessary  to  summon new  witnesses  to  court, collect  newevidence, make a new expertevaluation,  new inspection,  or  to  make asupplementary investigation; or(4) other circumstances that warrant theadjournment.Article 133The court  clerk  shall  make a  written  record  of the  entire  courtproceedings, which shall be signed by him andthe judicial officers.The court record shall be read out in court, orelse the parties and otherparticipants in the proceedings may be notifiedto read the  record whilein court or within five days. If they considerthat there are omissions orerrors in the record  of  their own  statements,  the  parties or  otherparticipants in  the  proceedings  shall  have the  right  to  apply forrectifications. If such rectifications are notmade, the application shallbe placed on record in the case file.The court record shall be signed  or  sealed by  the  parties  and otherparticipants in the proceedings. Refusal to doso shall be put  on recordin the case file.Article 134The people's court shall publicly pronounceits  judgment  in all  cases,whether publicly tried or not.If a judgment is pronounced in court, thewritten judgment shall be issuedand delivered within ten days; if ajudgment  is pronounced  later  on  afixed date, the written judgment shallbe  issued  and given  immediatelyafter the pronouncement.Upon pronouncement of a judgment, the partiesconcerned must  be informedof their right to file an appeal, the time limitfor appeal and the  courtto which they may appeal.Upon pronouncement of a divorce judgment, theparties  concerned must  beinformed not to remarry before the judgmenttakes legal effect.

Article 135A people's court  trying  a  case in  which  the  ordinary procedure  isfollowed, shall conclude the case within sixmonths  after docketing  thecase. Where  an  extension  of the  period  is  necessary under  specialcircumstances, a  six-month  extension  may be  allowed  subject  to theapproval of the president of the  court.  Further extension,  if  needed,shall be reported to the people's court at ahigher level for approval.

Section 4 Suspension andTermination of Legal Proceedings

Article 136Legal  proceedings  shall  be suspended   in   any   of  the   followingcircumstances:(1) one of the parties dies and it is necessaryto wait for  the heir  orheiress to make clear whether to participate ornot in the proceedings;(2) one of the parties has lost the capacity toengage in  litigation andhis agent ad item has not been designatedyet;(3) the legal person or any other organizationas one of the  parties hasdissolved, and the successor to its rights andobligations  has not  beendetermined yet;(4) one of the parties is unable toparticipate  in the  proceedings  forreasons of force majeure;(5) the adjudication of the case pending isdependent on  the results  ofthe trial of another case that has not yet beenconcluded; or(6) other circumstances that warrant thesuspension of the litigation.The proceedings shall resume after the causes ofthe suspension have  beeneliminated.Article 137Legal  proceedings  shall  be terminated  in   any   of  the   followingcircumstances:(1) the plaintiff dies without a successor, orthe  successor  waives theright to litigate;(2) the  decedent  leaves  no estate,  nor  anyone  to succeed  to  hisobligations;(3) one of the parties in a divorce case dies;or(4) one of the parties dies who is a  claimant  to alimony,  support  forelders or children or to the termination ofadoptive relationship.

Section 5 Judgment andOrder

Article 138A judgment shall clearly set forth thefollowing:(1) cause of action, the claims, facts and causeor causes of the dispute;(2) the facts and causes as  found  in the  judgment  and  the basis  ofapplication of the law;(3) the outcome of adjudication and the costs tobe borne; and(4) the time limit for filing an appeal and theappellate court with whichthe appeal may be filed.The judgment shall be signed by the judicialofficers and the court clerk,with the seal of the people's court affixed toit.

Article 139If some of the facts in a case being  tried  by the  people's  court  arealready evident, the court may pass judgmenton  that  part of  the  casefirst.Article 140An order in writing is to be made in any of thefollowing conditions:(1) refusal to entertain a case;(2) objection to the jurisdiction of acourt;(3) rejection of a complaint;(4) property preservation and advanceexecution;(5) approval or disapproval of withdrawal of asuit;(6) suspension or termination of legalproceedings;(7) correction of errata in the judgment;(8) suspension or termination ofexecution;(9) refusal to enforce an arbitrationaward;(10) refusal to enforce a document  of  a notary  office  evidencing  therights of a creditor and entitling him to itscompulsory execution;(11) other matters to be decided in the form ofan order in writing.An appeal may be lodged against an order inwriting in Items (1), (2) and(3) mentioned above.An order in writing shall be signed by thejudicial officers and the courtclerk, with the seal of the people's courtaffixed to it. If it is issuedorally, the order shall be entered in therecord.Article 141All judgments and written orders of the SupremePeople's Court, as well asjudgments and written orders that may not beappealed against according tothe law or that have not been appealed againstwithin the prescribed  timelimit, shall be legally effective.    Chapter XIII Summary Procedure

Article 142When trying simple civil cases in which thefacts are evident, the  rightsand obligations clear and the disputestrivial  in character,  the  basicpeople's courts and the tribunals  dispatched  by them  shall  apply  theprovisions of this Chapter.Article 143In simple civil cases, the plaintiff may lodgehis complaint orally.The two parties concerned may  at  the same  time  come  before a  basicpeople's court or a tribunal dispatched byit  for  a solution  of  theirdispute. The basic people's court or thetribunal it  dispatched may  trythe case immediately or set a date for thetrial.Article 144In trying a simple civil case, the basicpeople's court  or the  tribunaldispatched by it may use simplified methodsto  summon  at any  time  theparties and witnesses.Article 145Simple civil cases shall be tried by a singlejudge alone and the trial ofsuch cases shall not be bound by the provisionsof Articles 122, 124,  and127 of this Law.Article 146The people's court trying a case in whichsummary  procedure is  followedshall conclude the case within three monthsafter placing the case on thedocket.    Chapter XIV Procedure of Second Instance

Article 147If a party refuses to accept ajudgment  of first  instance  of  a localpeople's court, he shall have  the  right to  file  an  appeal with  thepeople's court at the next higher level within15 days after the  date onwhich the written judgment was served.If a party refuses to accept a written order offirst instance of a  localpeople's court, he shall have the right to filean appeal with a  people'scourt at the next higher level within 10 daysafter the date on which thewritten order was served.Article 148For filing an appeal, a petition for the purposeshall be  submitted. Thecontent of the appeal petition shall include thenames of the parties, thenames of the legal persons and theirlegal  representatives  or  names  ofther organizations and their principal heads;the name  of the  people'scourt where the case was originally tried; filenumber of the case and thecause of action; and the claims of the appealand the reasons.Article 149The appeal petition shall be submitted throughthe  people's  court whichoriginally tried the case, and copies of itshall be provided according tothe number of persons  in  the other  party  or  of the  representativesthereof.If a party appeals directly to a people's courtof  second  instance, thesaid court shall within five daystransmit  the appeal  petition to thepeople's court which originally tried thecase.Article 150The people's court which originally tried thecase shall, within five daysafter receiving the appeal petition, servea  copy  of it  on  the  otherparty, who shall submit his defence within 15days  from  the receipt  ofsuch copy. The people's court shall, within fivedays after receiving  thedefence, serve a copy of it on the appellant.Failure by the  other partyto submit a defence shall not prevent the casefrom  being  tried by  thepeople's court.After receiving the appeal petition and thedefence,  the people's  courtwhich originally tried the caseshall,  within  five  days,  deliver themtogether with the entire case file and evidenceto the people's  court ofsecond instance.Article 151With respect to an appealed case, the people'scourt  of second  instanceshall review the relevant facts and theapplication of the law.Article 152With respect to a case on appeal, the people'scourt  of second  instanceshall form a collegial panel to conduct thetrial. After  verification  ofthe facts of the case through consulting thefiles, making  investigationsand questioning the parties, if the collegialpanel considers that  it isnot necessary to conduct a trial, it maymake  a  judgment or  a  writtenorder directly.The people's court of second instance may try acase on appeal at its  ownsite or in the place where the case originatedor where the people's courtwhich originally tried the case islocated.

Article 153After trying a case on appeal,  the  people's court  of  second  instanceshall,  in  the  light of  the  following  situations,  dispose   of   itaccordingly:(1) if the facts were  clearly  ascertained  and  the  law was  correctlyapplied in the original judgment, the appealshall be rejected in the formof a judgment and the original judgment shall beaffirmed;(2) if the application of the law was incorrectin the original  judgment,the said judgment shall be amended according tothe law;(3) if in the original judgment the facts wereincorrectly or not  clearlyascertained and the evidence  was  insufficient,  the  people's  court ofsecond instance shall make a written order toset aside the  judgment andremand to case to the original people's courtfor retrial, or the people'scourt of second instance may amend thejudgment  after investigating  andclarifying the facts; or(4) if there was violation of  legal  procedure in  making  the  originaljudgment, which may have affected correctadjudication, the judgment shallbe set aside by a written order andthe  case  remanded to  the  originalpeople's court for retrial.  Theparties concerned may appeal against  thejudgment or written order rendered in a retrialof their case.Article 154The people's court of second instance shalldecide in the form  of ordersin writing all cases of appeal againstthe  written  orders made  by  thepeople's court of first instance.Article 155In dealing with a case on appeal, a people'scourt of second instance mayconduct conciliation. If an agreement is reachedthrough  conciliation,  aconciliation statement shall be made and signedby the  judicial officersand the court clerk, with the seal of thepeople's court affixed to it.After the conciliation statement has beenserved, the original judgment ofthe lower court shall be deemed as setaside.Article 156If an appellant applies for withdrawal ofhis  appeal  before a  people'scourt of second instance pronounces itsjudgment, the court  shall decidewhether to approve the application or not.Article 157In the trial of a case  onappeal, the people's court of second  instanceshall, apart from observing the provisionsof  this  Chapter, follow  theordinary procedure for trials of firstinstance.

Article 158he judgment and the written order of a people'scourt of  second instanceshall be final.Article 159The people's court trying a case on appeal shallconclude the case  withinthree months after  docketing  the  case. Any  extension of the  periodnecessitated by special circumstances shall besubject to the approval ofthe president of the court.The people's court trying a case on appealagainst a written order shall,within 30 days after docketing the case forsecond instance trial, make awritten order which is final.    Chapter XV Special Procedure

Section 1 GeneralProvisions

Article 160When the people's courts try cases concerningthe qualification of voters,the declaration of a person as missing or dead,the  adjudgment  of legalincapacity or restricted legal capacity of acitizen and the adjudgment ofa property as ownerless, the provisions of thisChapter shall  apply. Formatters not covered in this Chapter, therelevant provisions of  this Lawand other laws shall apply .Article 161In cases tried in accordance with the procedureprovided in this  Chapter,the judgment of first instance shallbe  final  . A  collegial  panel  ofjudges shall be formed  for  the trial  of  any  case in  involving  thequalification of voters or of any major,difficult or complicated case;other cases shall be tried by a single judgealone.Article 162If a people's court, while trying a case inaccordance with the  procedureprovided in this Chapter, finds that thecase  involves  a civil  disputeover rights and interests, it shall make awritten order to terminate thespecial procedure and inform the interestedparties to otherwise instituteand action.Article 163A people's court trying a case in  which  special procedure  is  followedshall conclude the case within 30days  after  placing the  case  on  thedocket or within 30 days after expirationof  the  period stated  in  thepublic notice. Any extension of thetime  limit  necessitated  by  specialcircumstances shall be subject to the approvalof  the  president of  thecourt, excepting, however, a case concerning thequalification of voters.

Section 2  CasesConcerning the Qualification of VotersArticle 164If a citizen refuses to accept an  election  committee's  decision  on  anappeal concerning his voting qualification, hemay, five days  before theelection day, bring a suit in thebasic  people's court  located  in  theelectoral district.Article 165After entertaining a case  concerning  voting qualification,  a  people'scourt must conclude the trial before theelection day.The party  who  brings  the suit,  the  representative  of the  electioncommittee  and  other  citizens concerned   must   participate  in   theproceedings.The written judgment of the people's court shallbe served on the electioncommittee and the party who brings the suitbefore the election day; othercitizens concerned shall be notified of thejudgment.

Section 3 Cases Concerning theDeclaration of a Person as Missing or Dead

Article 166With respect to a citizen whose whereabouts areunknown for two  years infull, if the interested party applies fordeclaring the person as missing,the application shall be filed  with  the basic  people's  court  in thelocality where the missing person has hisdomicile.The application  shall  clearly  state the  facts  and   time  of   thedisappearance of the person missing aswell  as  the motion;  documentaryevidence from a public security organ or otherrelevant organs concerningthe disappearance of the citizen shall beappended to the application.Article 167With respect to a citizen whose whereabouts areunknown for four years  infull or whose whereabouts are unknownfor  two  years in  full  after  anaccident in which he was involved, orwith  respect  to a  citizen  whosewhereabouts are unknown after such an accident,and, upon proof  furnishedby the relevant authorities that it isimpossible for him to  survive, ifthe interested party applies  for  declaring such  person  as  dead, theapplication shall be filed with the basicpeople's court in  the localitywhere the missing person has his domicile.The application  shall  clearly  state the  facts  and   time  of   thedisappearance as well as the motion; documentaryevidence  from a  publicsecurity organ or other relevant organsconcerning  the disappearance  ofthe citizen shall be appended to theapplication.Article 168After entertaining a case  concerning  the declaration  of  a  person asmissing or dead, the people's court shall issuea public notice in  searchof the person missing. The period of thepublic  notice for  declaring  aperson as missing shall be three months, andthat for declaring  a personas dead shall be one year. Where a citizen'swhereabouts are unknown afteran accident in which he was involvedand,  upon  proof furnished  by  therelevant authorities that it is impossible forhim to survive, the  periodof the public notice for proclaiming such personas dead  shall be  threemonths.On the expiration of the period of the publicnotice, the  people's courtshall, depending on whether the fact of themissing or death of the personhas been confirmed, make a judgment declaringthe person missing  or deador make a judgment rejecting theapplication.Article 169If a person who has been declared missingor  dead  by a  people's  courtreappears, the people's court shall, upon theapplication of  that personor of an interested party, make a new judgmentand annul the previous one.

Section 4 Cases Concerning theAdjudgment of Legal Incapacity orRestricted Legal Capacity of Citizens

PART THREE  PROCEDUREOF EXECUTION        Chapter XX General ProvisionsArticle 170An application for adjudgment of  legal  incapacity or  restricted  legalcapacity of a citizen shall be filed by thecitizen's  near relatives  orany other interested party with the basicpeople's court in  the localitywhere the citizen has his domicile.The application shall clearly state the fact andgrounds of the  citizen'slegal incapacity or restricted legalcapacity.Article 171After accepting such  an  application,  the  people's  court shall,  whennecessary,  have  an  expert evaluation  of  the  citizen of  whom   thedetermination of legal incapacity or restrictedlegal capacity is sought;if the applicant  has  already  provided an  evaluation  conclusion,  thepeople's court shall examine suchconclusion.Article 172In the trial by the people's court ofa  case  for the  determination  oflegal incapacity or  restricted  legal capacity  of  a  citizen, a  nearrelative of the citizen shall be his agent, theapplicant being excluded.If the near  relatives  of  the citizen  shift  responsibility  onto oneanother, the people's court shall appoint one ofthem  as  agent for  thecitizen. If the citizen's condition of healthpermits, the people's  courtshall also seek the opinion of the citizen onthe matter.If, through the trial, the people's court findsthat  the  application  isbased on facts,  a  judgment  of legal  incapacity  or  restricted legalcapacity of the citizen shall  be  made; if  the  court  finds that  theapplication is not based on facts, it shall makea judgment rejecting  theapplication.Article 173If, upon the application of a person who hasbeen  determined  as one  oflegal incapacity or restricted legal capacity orupon the  application  ofhis guardian, the people's court confirms thatthe causes of that person'slegal incapacity or restricted legal capacityhave been eliminated, a newjudgment shall be made annulling the previousone.

Section 5  CasesConcerning the Determination of a Property as Ownerless

Article 174An application for determining a property asownerless shall be filed by acitizen, legal person or any other organizationwith  the  basic people'scourt in the place where the property islocated.The application shall clearly state the type andquantity of the  propertyand the grounds on which the application fordetermining the  property asownerless is filed.

Article 175The people's court shall, after acceptingsuch  an  application  and  uponexamination and verification of it, issue apublic notice calling  on theowner to claim the property. If no one claimsthe property one year  afterthe issue of the public notice, the people'scourt shall make  a judgmentdetermining the property as ownerless and turnit over to the State or thecollective concerned.Article 176If, after a property has been determined by ajudgment as  ownerless, theowner of the property or his successor appears,such a person may  file aclaim for the property within the period oflimitation  specified in  theGeneral Principles of the Civil  Law.  The people's  court  shall,  afterexamination and verification of the claim, makea new judgment,  annullingthe previous one.    Chapter XVI Procedure for Trial Supervision

Article 177If the president of a people's court at anylevel finds definite error ina legally effective judgment or written order ofhis court  and deems  itnecessary to have the case retried, heshall  refer it  to  the  judicialcommittee for discussion and decision.If the Supreme People's Court finds definiteerror in a legally  effectivejudgement or written order of a local people'scourt at any level, or if apeople's court at a higher level finds somedefinite error  in a  legallyeffective judgment or written order of apeople's court at a lower level,it shall respectively have the power to bringthe case  up for  trial  byitself or direct the people's court at a lowerlevel to conduct a retrial.Article 178If a party to an action  considers  that there  is  error  in a  legallyeffective judgment or written order, he mayapply to  the people's  courtwhich originally tried the case or to a people'scourt at the next  higherlevel for a retrial; however, execution of thejudgment or order shall notbe suspended.Article 179If an application made by a party meets any ofthe  following  conditions,the people's court shall retry the case:(1) there is sufficient new evidence to setaside the original judgment orwritten order;(2) the main evidence on which the facts wereascertained in the  originaljudgment or written order wasinsufficient;(3) there was definite error in the applicationof the law in the originaljudgment or written order;(4) there was violation by the people's court ofthe legal procedure whichmay have affected the correctness of thejudgment or written order in thecase; or(5) the judicial officers havecommitted  embezzlement,  accepted  bribes,done malpractices for personalbenefits  and perverted  the  law  in theadjudication of the case.The people's court shall reject the applicationthat  meets  none of  theconditions specified above.Article 180With respect to a legally effectiveconciliation  statement, if  evidencefurnished by a party proves that theconciliation violates  the principleof voluntariness  or  that  the content  of  the  conciliation  agreementviolates the law, the party may applyfor  a  retrial. If  the  foregoingproves true after its examination,the  people's  court shall  retry  thecase.

Article 181With respect to a legally effective judgment ondissolution  of marriage,neither of the two parties shall apply for aretrial.Article 182Application for a retrial made by a partymust  be  submitted within  twoyears after the judgment or written orderbecomes legally effective.Article 183When a decision is made to retry a case inaccordance with  the procedurefor trial supervision, the execution ofthe  original  judgment shall  besuspended by a written order which shall besigned by the president of thecourt with the seal of the people's courtaffixed to it.Article 184With respect to a case pending retrial by apeople's court  in accordancewith the  procedure  for  trial supervision,  if  the legally  effectivejudgment or written order was made by a court offirst instance, the  caseshall be tried in accordance with the procedureof first instance, and theparties concerned may appeal against the newjudgment  or order;  if  thelegally effective judgment or written order wasmade by a court of  secondinstance, the case shall be tried in  accordance  with the  procedure  ofsecond instance, and the new judgment or writtenorder  shall be  legallyeffective; if it is a case which was brought upfor trial  by a  people'scourt at a higher  level,  it  shall be  tried  in  accordance with  theprocedure of second instance, and the newjudgment or written order shallbe legally effective.The people's court shall form a new collegialpanel for the purpose of theretrial.Article 185If the Supreme People's  Procuratorate  finds that a  legally  effectivejudgment or written order made by a people'scourt at any  level involvesany of the following circumstances, or if apeople's  procuratorate  at  ahigher level finds that a legally effectivejudgment or written order madeby a people's court at  a  lower level  involves  any  of the  followingcircumstances,  the  Supreme  People's Procuratorate  or   the  people'sprocuratorate at a higher levelshall  respectively  lodge  a  protest inaccordance with the procedure for trialsupervision:(1) the main evidence for ascertaining the factsin the previous  judgmentor written order was insufficient;(2) there was a definite error in  the  application  of  the  law in  theprevious judgment or written order;(3) there was violation by the people's court ofthe legal procedure whichmay have affected the correctness of thejudgment or written order; or(4) the judicial officers havecommitted  embezzlement,  accepted  bribes,done malpractice for personal benefits andperverted the law in the trialof the case. If a local people's procuratorateat any level finds  that alegally effective judgment or written order madeby a  people's  court atthe corresponding level involves any of thecircumstances specified above,it shall refer the matter to the people'sprocuratorate at a higher levelwith the request that a protest be lodged by thelatter in accordance withthe procedure for trial supervision.

Article 186Cases in which protest was made bythe  people's  procuratorate  shall  beretried by the people's court.Article 187When a people's  procuratorate  decides  to lodge  a  protest  against ajudgment or written order made by apeople's  court, it  shall  make  theprotest in writing.Article 188The people's court shall, in retrying a case inwhich protest  was lodgedby a  people's  procuratorate,  notify   the   procuratorate  to   sendrepresentatives to attend the courtsession.    Chapter XVII Procedure for Hastening DebtRecovery

Article 189When a creditor requests payment  of  a pecuniary  debt  or  recovery ofnegotiable  instruments  from  a debtor,  he  may,   if  the   followingrequirements  are  met,  apply to  the  basic  people's court  that  hasjurisdiction for an order of payment:(1) no other debt disputes exist between thecreditor and the debtor; and(2) the order of payment can be served on thedebtor.The application shall clearly state therequested amount of  money or  ofthe negotiable instruments and the factsand  evidence  on the  basis  ofwhich the application is made.Article 190After the creditor has submitted hisapplication, the people's court shallwithin five days inform the creditor whether itaccepts the application ornot.Article 191After accepting the application andupon  examination  of the  facts  andevidence provided by the creditor, the people'scourt shall, if the rightsand obligations relationship between thecreditor and the debtor is clearand legitimate, issue within 15 days afteraccepting  the application  anorder of payment to the debtor;  if  the application  is  unfounded,  thepeople's court shall make an order to rejectit.The debtor shall, within 15 days after receiptof the  order of  payment,clear off his debts or  submit  to the  people's  court  his dissent  inwriting.If the debtor has neither dissented from norcomplied with  the order  ofayment within the  period  specified  in the  preceding  paragraph,  thecreditor may apply to the people's court forexecution.Article 192The people's court shall, on receiving thedissent in writing submitted bythe debtor, make an order to terminate theprocedure  for hastening  debtrecovery and the order of paymentshall  of itself  be  invalidated.  Thecreditor may bring an action in the people'scourt.    Chapter XVIII  Procedure  for  Publicizing  Public  Notice  for Assertion of Claims

Article 193Any holder of a bill transferable by endorsementaccording to the law may,if the bill is stolen, lost, or destroyed,apply  to the  basic  people'scourt of the place where the bill is to be paidfor publication of  publicnotice for assertion of claims. The provisionsof this Chapter shall applyto other matters for which,according  to the  law,  an  application  forpublication of a public notice for assertion ofclaims may be made.The applicant shall submit to the  people's  court an  application  whichclearly states the main contents of the billsuch as the face amount, thedrawer, the holder, the endorser, and the factsand reasons in respect  ofthe application.Article 194The people's court shall, upon deciding toaccept the application, notifythe payor concerned in the meantime tosuspend  the payment,  and  shall,within three days, issue a public noticefor  the  interested parties  toassert their rights. The period of the publicnotice shall be  decided atthe discretion of the people's court; however,it shall not be  less than60 days.Article 195The payor shall, upon receiving the notificationby the people's court  tosuspend the  payment,  do  so accordingly  till  the  conclusion of  theprocedure for publicizing a public notice forassertion of claims.Within the period of the public notice,assignment of rights on the  billshall be void.Article 196Interested party or parties as claimants shallreport their claims to  thepeople's court within the period of the publicnotice.After receiving the report on the claims byinterested party  or parties,the people's court shall make a written order toterminate  the procedurefor publicizing public notice forassertion  of claims,  and  notify  theapplicant and the payor.The applicant or the claimants may bring anaction in the people's court.Article 197If no claim is asserted, the people's courtshall make a judgment  on thebasis of the application to declare the bill inquestion null and void.The judgment shall be published and the payornotified accordingly. As ofthe date of publication of the judgment, theapplicant shall  be entitledto payment by the payor.Article 198If an interested party for justifiedreasons  was unable  to  submit  hisclaim to the people's court before the judgmentis made,  he may,  withinone year after the day he knows orshould  know the  publication  of  thejudgment, bring an action  in  the people's  court which  has  made  thejudgment.    Chapter XIX Procedure for Bankruptcy and DebtRepayment  of Legal  PersonEnterprises

Article 199If a legal person enterprise has sufferedserious losses and is unable torepay the debts at maturity, the creditors mayapply to a  people's courtfor declaring the debtor bankrupt for debts tobe repaid; the  debtor maylikewise apply to a people's court for declaringbankruptcy for  debts tobe repaid.Article 200After making an order to declare the initiationof the bankruptcy and debtrepayment proceedings, the people's court shallnotify the debtor and  theknown creditors within ten days and also make apublic announcement.Creditors who have been notified shall, within30 days after receiving thenotice, and those who have not been notifiedshall,  within three  monthsafter the date of the announcement, lodge theirclaims with  the people'scourt. Creditors who fail to lodge  their  claims during  the  respectiveperiods shall be deemed to have abandoned theirrights.Creditors may organize a creditors' meeting todiscuss and  approve of  aformula for the disposition and distribution ofbankrupt property, or  fora composition agreement.Article 201The people's court may appoint a liquidationcommission formed by relevantstate organs and persons concerned. Theliquidation commission shall takecharge  of  the  custody of  the  bankrupt  property, its   liquidation,assessment, disposition and distribution. Theliquidation  commission  mayalso engage in necessary activities of acivil  nature according  to  thelaw.The liquidation commission shall be responsibleand report its work to thepeople's court.Article 202If the legal person enterprise  and  the creditors  reach  a  compositionagreement, the people's court shall, afterapproving the agreement, make apublic announcement of it and terminate thebankruptcy and debt  repaymentproceedings. The composition agreement shall belegally  effective as  ofthe date of the public announcement.Article 203With respect to the property mortgaged orotherwise used as  security forbank loans or other obligations, the bank andother creditors  shall havepriority in the repayment of debts as regardsthe  property  mortgaged orused as security for other kinds of obligations.If the money value of theproperty mortgaged or used assecurity  for other  kinds  of  obligationsexceeds the amount of loans secured, the surplusshall go to the  bankruptproperty for debt repayment.

Article 204After deduction of  bankruptcy  proceedings  expenses from  the  bankruptproperty, first  repayment  shall  be made  in  the  following order  ofpriority:(1) wages and salaries of staff and workers andlabour insurance  expensesthat are owned by the bankrupt enterprise;(2) taxes owed by the bankrupt enterprise;and(3) claims by creditors in the bankruptcyproceedings.Where the bankrupt property is insufficient tomeet the  repayment claimsof the same order of priority, it  shall  be distributed  on  a  pro-ratabasis.Article 205The debt repayment of a bankrupt legal personenterprise  shall be  underthe jurisdiction of the people's court of theplace where the legal personenterprise is located.Article 206The provisions of the Law of the People'sRepublic of China on  EnterpriseBankruptcy shall apply to bankruptcyand  debt  repayment of  enterprisesowned by the whole people.The provisions of  this  Chapter  shall not  apply  to  non-legal personenterprises,  individual  businesses,  leaseholding  farm  households  andpartnerships by private individuals.   Article 207Legally effective judgments or written orders incivil cases, as  well asthe paeral Provisions

    Article 207    Legally effective judgments or written orders in civilcases, as  well as   the parts of judgments or written  orders  that  relate to  property  in    criminal cases, shall be executed by the people'scourt of first instance.    Other legal documents which are to beexecuted  by a  people's  court  as    prescribed by the law shall be executed by thepeople's court of the place    where the person subjected to executionhas  his  domicile or  where  the    property subject to execution is located.    Article 208    If, in the course of execution,  an  outsider raises  an  objection  with    respect to the object subjected to execution, theexecution officer  shall    examine the objection in accordance with the procedureprescribed  by the    law. If the reasons for the objection are untenable,the  objection  shall    be rejected; if otherwise, execution shall besuspended with the  approval    of the president of the court. If definite error isfound in the  judgment    or the written order, it shall  be  dealt with  in  accordance  with the    procedure for trial supervision.    Article 209    Execution work shall be carried out by the executionofficer.    When carrying out a compulsory executionmeasure,  the execution  officer    shall produce his credentials.  After  the execution  is  completed,  the    execution officer shall make a record of theparticulars of the execution,    and have it signed or sealed by the persons concernedon the scene.    The basic people's court and theintermediate  people's court may,  when    necessary, establish execution organs, whose functionsshall be defined by    the Supreme People's Court.    Article 210    If a person or property subjected to execution is inanother locality, the    people's court in that locality may be entrusted withthe carrying out  of    the execution. The entrusted people's  court  shall begin  the  execution   within 15 days after receiving a  letter  of  entrustment  and  shall  not    refuse to do so. After the execution has  been  completed, the  entrusted    people's court shall promptly inform the  entrusting  people's court,  by    letter, of the result of the execution. If  the  execution has  not  been    completed within 30 days, the entrusted people's courtshall  also inform    the entrusting people's court,  by  letter, of  the  particulars  of the    execution.    If the entrusted people's court does not carry out theexecution within 15    days after receiving the letter ofentrustment,  the entrusting  people's   court may request the people's court at a higher level overthe  entrusted    people's court to instruct the entrusted people'scourt to carry  out the    execution.

    Article 211    If in the course of execution the two parties becomereconciled and  reach    a settlement agreement on their  own  initiative,  the  execution  officer    shall make a record of the contents of the  agreement,  and both  parties    shall affix their signatures or seals to therecord.    If either party fails to fulfil the  settlement  agreement, the  people's    court may, at the request of the other party, resumethe execution of  the    legal document which was originally effective.    Article 212    In the course of execution, if the person subjected toexecution  provides    a guaranty, the people's court may, with the consentof the person who has    applied for execution, decide on the suspension of theexecution  and the    time limit for such suspension. If the personsubjected to execution still    fails to perform his obligations after the time limit,the people's  court    shall have the power to execute the property heprovided  as security  or    the property of the guarantor.    Article 213    If the citizen subjected to execution dies, his debtsshall  be paid  off    from the deceased estate; if a legal  person  or any  other  organization    subjected to execution dissolves, the party thatsucceeds  to its  rights    and obligations shall fulfil the obligations.    Article 214    After the completion of execution, if  definite  error is  found  in  the    executed judgment, written order or other legaldocuments resulting in the    annulment of such judgment, order  or  legal documents  by  the  people's    court, the said court shall, with respect to theproperty which  has been    executed, make a written order that persons who haveobtained the property    shall return it.  In  the  event of  refusal  to  return such  property,    compulsory execution shall be carried out.    Article 215    The provisions of this Part shall be applicable tothe  execution  of the    conciliation statement as drawn up by the people'scourt.    Chapter XXI Application for Execution andReferral

    Article 216    The parties concerned must comply  with  legally effective  judgments  or    written orders in civil cases. If a partyrefuses  to do  so,  the  other    party may apply to the people's court for  execution,  or the  judge  may    refer the matter to the execution officer forenforcement.    The parties concerned must comply  with  the conciliation  statement  and    other legal documents that are to be executed by thepeople's court. If  a    party refuses to do so, the other party may applyto  the  people's court    for enforcement.    Article 217    If a party fails to comply with an award of anarbitral organ  established    according to the law, the other party  may  apply for  execution  to  the    people's court which has jurisdiction over thecase.  The people's  court    applied to shall enforce the award.    If the party against whom the application is madefurnishes proof that the    arbitral award involves any of the followingcircumstances,  the people's    court shall, after examination and verification by acollegial panel, make    a written order not to allow the enforcement:    (1) the parties have had no arbitration clause intheir contract, nor have    subsequently reached a written agreement onarbitration;    (2) the matters dealt with by the awardfall  outside  the scope  of  the    arbitration agreement or are matters which thearbitral organ has no power    to arbitrate;    (3) the composition of the  arbitration  tribunal or  the  procedure  for    arbitration contradicts the procedure prescribed bythe law;    (4) the main evidence for ascertaining the facts isinsufficient;    (5) there is definite error in the application of thelaw; or    (6) the arbitrators have committed embezzlement,accepted bribes  or done    malpractice for personal benefits or perverted the lawin the  arbitration    of the case.    If the people's court determines that the execution ofthe arbitral  award    is against the social and public interest, it shallmake an order  not to    allow the execution.    The above-mentioned written order shall be served onboth parties and  the    arbitral organ.    If the execution of an arbitral award is disallowed bya written order  of    the people's  court,  the  parties may,  in  accordance  with a  written    agreement on arbitration  reached  between  them, apply  for  arbitration    again; they may also bring an action in a people'scourt.    Article 218    If a party fails to comply  with  a document  evidencing  the  creditor's    rights made enforceable according to the law by anotary office, the other    party may apply to the people's court which hasjurisdiction over the case    for execution. The people's court applied to shallenforce such document.    If the people's court finds definite error in thedocument  of creditor's    rights, it shall make an order not to allow theexecution  and serve  the    order on both parties concerned as well as the notaryoffice.

    Article 219    The time limit for the submission of an applicationfor execution shall be    one year, if both or one of the partiesare  citizens;  it shall  be  six    months if both parties are legal persons or otherorganizations.    The above-mentioned time limit shall be calculatedfrom the  last day  of    the period of performance specified by the legaldocument.  If the  legal    document specifies  performance  in  stages, the  time  limit  shall be    calculated from the last day of the periodspecified  for each  stage  of    performance.    Article 220    The execution officer shall, after receiving theapplication for execution    or the writ of referral directing execution, send anexecution  notice to    the person subjected to execution, instructing himto  comply  within the    specified time. If the person  fails  to comply  accordingly,  compulsory    execution shall be carried out.    Chapter XXII Execution Measures

    Article 221    If the person subjected to execution fails  to  fulfil according  to  the    execution notice the obligations specified  in  the legal  document,  the    people's court shall be empowered to make  inquiries  with banks,  credit    cooperatives or other units  that  deal with  savings  deposit  into the    deposit accounts of the  person  subjected  to execution,  and  shall  be    empowered to freeze or transfer  his  deposits; however,  the  inquiries,    freezing or transfer of the deposits shall notexceed  the scope  of  the    obligations to be fulfilled by the person subjected toexecution.    The people's court shall, in deciding tofreeze  or transfer  a  deposit,    make a written order and issue a notice for assistancein execution.    Banks, credit cooperatives or other units that dealwith  savings  deposit    must comply with it.    Article 222    If the person subjected to execution fails  to  fulfil according  to  the    execution notice the obligations specified  in  the legal  document,  the    people's court shall be empowered towithhold  or withdraw  part  of  the    income of the person subjected to execution,for  the  fulfilment of  his    obligations. However, it shall leave out the necessaryliving expenses for    the person subjected to execution and his dependantfamily members.    The people's court shall, when withholding orwithdrawing the income, make    a written order and issue a notice for assistance inexecution.  The unit    in which  the  person  subjected to  execution  works,   banks,   credit    cooperatives or other units that deal with  savings  deposit must  comply   with the notice.    Article 223    If the person subjected to execution fails  to  fulfil according  to  the    execution notice the obligations specified  in  the legal  document,  the    people's court shall be empowered to seal up,distrain,  freeze, sell  by    public auction, or sell off part of the property ofthe  person  subjected    to execution for the fulfilment of  his  obligations.  However,  it  shall    leave out the necessaries of life for theperson  subjected to  execution    and his dependant family members.    The people's court shall make an order for theadoption  of the  measures    specified in the preceding paragraph.    Article 224    When the people's court seals up or distrains aproperty, it shall, if the    person subjected to execution is a citizen, notify himor an adult  member    of his family to appear on the scene; if the partysubjected to  execution    is a legal person or any other organization,it  shall  notify its  legal    representatives or its principal heads tobe  present.  Their refusal  to    appear on the  scene  shall  not hinder  the  execution.  If the  person    subjected to  execution  is  a citizen,  his  unit  or the  grass-roots    organization of the place where his  property  is located  shall  send  a    representative to attend the execution.    An inventory of the sealed-up or distrained propertymust be made  by the    execution officer and, after the inventory has beensigned  or sealed  by    the persons on the scene, a copy of  it  shall be  given  to  the person    subjected to execution. If the person subjected toexecution is a citizen,    another copy may be given to an adult member of hisfamily.

    Article 225    The execution officer may commit the  sealed-up  property to  the  person    subjected to execution for safekeeping,  and  the person  shall  be  held    responsible for any losses incurred due to hisfault.    Article 226    After a property has been sealed up or distrained,the  execution  officer    shall instruct the person subjected toexecution  to fulfil,  within  the    prescribed period, the obligations specified in thelegal document. If the    person has not fulfilled his obligations uponexpiration  of the  period,    the people's court may, in accordance with therelevant legal  provisions,    entrust the relevant units with selling by publicauction or  selling off    the sealed-up or distrained property. Articles whichare  prohibited  from    free trading by the State shall be  delivered  to and  purchased  by  the    relevant units at the price fixed by the State.    Article 227    If the person subjected to  execution  fails to  fulfil his  obligations    specified in the legal document and concealshis  property,  the people's    court shall be empowered to issue a search warrant andsearch him and  his    domicile or the place where the property wasconcealed.    In adopting  the  measure  mentioned in  the  preceding  paragraph, the    president of the people's court shall sign and issuethe search warrant.    Article 228    With respect to the  property  or  negotiable instruments  specified  for    delivery in the legal document, the executionofficer  shall summon  both    parties concerned and deliver them in  their  presence or  the  execution    officer may forward them to the recipient,  who  shall sign  and  give  a    receipt.    Any unit concerned that has  in  possession the  property  or  negotiable    instruments shall turn them over to the recipient inaccordance  with the    notice of the  people's  court  for assistance  in  execution,  and the    recipient shall sign and give a receipt.    If any citizen concerned has in  possession  the property  or  negotiable    instruments, the people's court shall notify him tohand them over. If  he    refuses to do so, compulsory execution shall becarried out.

    Article 229    Compulsory eviction from a building or aplot  of  land shall  require  a    public notice signed and issued by the  president  of a  people's  court,    instructing the person subjected to execution tocomply within a specified    period of time. If the person subjected to executionfails to do  so upon    the expiration of the period, compulsory executionshall be carried out by    the execution officer.    When compulsory execution is being carried out, if theperson subjected to    execution is a citizen, the person or an adult memberof his family  shall    be notified to be present; if the party subjected toexecution is a  legal    person or any other organization, its legalrepresentatives  or principal    heads shall be notified to be present; their refusalto be  present shall    not hinder the execution. If  the  person subjected  to  execution  is a    citizen, his work unit or the grass-roots organizationin the locality  of    the building  or  the  plot of  land  shall  send a  representative  for    attendance. The execution officer shall make a recordof  the  particulars    of the compulsory execution, with the signatures orseals of  the persons    on the scene affixed to it.    The people's court  shall  assign  personnel to  transport  the  property    removed in a compulsory eviction from a building to adesignated  location    and turn it over to the person subjected to executionor, if the person is    a citizen, to an adult member of his family; if anyloss is  incurred due    to such person's refusal to accept the property, theloss shall  be borne    by the person subjected to execution.    Article 230    In the course of execution, if certainformalities  for the  transfer  of    certificates of property right need to be gonethrough, the people's court    may issue a notice for assistance in execution to therelevant units,  and    they must comply with it.

    Article 231    If the person subjected to execution fails to performacts specified in  a    judgement or written order or any other legaldocument  according to  the    execution notice, the people's court may carry outcompulsory execution or    entrust the task to a relevant unit  or  other persons,  and  the  person    subjected to execution shall bear the expenses thusincurred.    Article 232    If the person subjected to execution fails to fulfilhis obligations  with    respect to pecuniary payment within the periodspecified by a judgment or    written order or any other legal document, he shallpay double interest on    the debt for the belated payment. If the  person  subjected to  execution    fails to fulfil his other obligations within theperiod specified  in the    judgment or written order or any other legaldocument,  he  shall  pay a    charge for the dilatory fulfilment.    Article 233    After the adoption of the execution measuresstipulated in  Articles 221,    222 and 223 of this Law, if the personsubjected  to execution  is  still    unable to repay the debts, he shall continue to fulfilhis obligations.    If the creditor finds that the person subjected toexecution has any other    property, he may at any time apply to the people'scourt for execution.    Chapter XXIII Suspension and Termination ofExecution

    Article 234    The people's court shall make a written order tosuspend  execution under    any of the following circumstances:    (1) the applicant indicates that the execution may bepostponed;   (2) an outsider raises an obviously reasonable objection to theobject  of    the execution;    (3) a citizen as one of the parties dies and it isnecessary to  wait for    the successor to inherit the rights of the deceased orto succeed  to his    obligations;    (4) a legal person or  any  other  organization  as  one  of the  parties    dissolves, and the party succeeding to its rights andobligations has  not    been determined; or    (5) other circumstances occur under whichthe  people's  court deems  the    suspension of execution necessary.    Execution shall  be  resumed  when the  circumstances   warranting  the    suspension of execution have disappeared.    Article 235    The people's court shall make a written order toterminate execution under    any of the following circumstances:    (1) the applicant has withdrawn his application;    (2) the legal document on which the execution is basedhas been revoked;    (3) the citizen subjected to execution dies and thereis  no  estate that    may be subjected to execution, nor anyone to succeed to hisobligations;    (4) the person entitled to claim alimony or supportfor elders or children    dies;    (5) the citizen subjected to execution is  too  badly off  to  repay  his    debts, has no source of income and has lost hisability to work as well;    or    (6) other circumstances occur under whichthe  people's  court deems  the    termination of execution necessary.    Article 236    A written order to suspend or terminate executionshall  become effective    immediately after being served on the partiesconcerned.    PART FOUR SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CIVILPROCEDURE  OF CASES INVO-LVING FOREIGN ELEMENT        Chapter XXIV General Principles

    Article 237    The provisions of this Part  shall  be applicable  to  civil  proceedings    within the territory of the People's Republic of Chinain regard to  cases    involving foreign element. Where it is not coveredby  the  provisions of    this Part, other relevant provisions of this Law shallapply.    Article 238    If an international  treaty  concluded  or acceded  to  by  the People's    Republic of China contains provisions that differ fromprovisions of  this    Law, the provisions of the international treaty shallapply, except  those    on which China has made reservations.    Article 239    Civil actions brought against a foreign national,a  foreign  organization    or an international organization that  enjoys  diplomatic privileges  and    immunities shall be dealt with in accordance with therelevant law of  the    People's Republic  of  China  and the  provisions  of  the international    treaties concluded or acceded to by the People'sRepublic of China.    Article 240    The people's court shall conduct trials of civilcases  involving foreign    element in the spoken and written language commonlyused in  the People's    Republic of China. Translation may be  provided  at the  request  of  the    parties concerned, and the expenses shall be borne bythem.    Article 241    When foreign nationals,  stateless  persons  or foreign  enterprises  and    organizations need lawyers as agents ad litem to bringan action or  enter    appearance on their behalf  in  the people's  court,  they  must appoint    lawyers of the People's Republic of China.    Article 242    Any power of attorney mailed or forwarded by othermeans from outside  the    territory of the  People's  Republic  of China  by  a  foreign national,    stateless person or a foreign enterprise  and  organization  that  has  no    domicile in the People's Republic of China for theappointment of a lawyer    or any other person of the People's Republic of Chinaas an agent ad litem    must be notarized by a notarial office in  the  country of  domicile  and    authenticated by the Chinese  embassy  or consulate  accredited  to  that    country or,  for  the  purpose of  verification,  must  go through  the    formalities stipulated in the relevantbilateral  treaties between  China    and that country before it becomes effective.    Chapter XXV Jurisdiction

    Article 243    In the case of an action concerning a contract disputeor  other  disputes    over property rights and interests, brought against adefendant who has no    domicile within the territory of the People's Republicof  China,  if the    contract is signed or performed  within  the territory  of  the  People's    Republic of China, or if the object of the actionis  located  within the  territory of the People's Republic of  China,  or  if the  defendant  has    distrainable property within the territoryof  the  People's Republic  of    China, or if the  defendant  has  its representative  office  within the    territory of the People's Republic of China,the  people's  court of  the    place where the contract is signed or performed, orwhere  the object  of    the action is, or where the defendant's distrainableproperty is  located,    or where the torts are  done,  or  where the  defendant's  representative    office is located, shall have jurisdiction.    Article 244    Parties to a dispute over a contractconcluded  with foreign  element  or    over property rights and interests involving foreignelement may,  through    written agreement, choose the court  of  the place  which  has  practical    connections with the dispute to exercise jurisdiction.If a people's court    of the People's Republic of China is chosen toexercise jurisdiction,  the    provisions of this Law on jurisdiction byforum  level and  on  exclusive    jurisdiction shall not be violated.    Article 245    If in a civil action in respect of a case involvingforeign  element, the    defendant raises no objection to the jurisdiction of apeople's court  and    responds to the action by making his defence, he shallbe deemed  to have    accepted that this people's court has jurisdictionover the case.    Article 246    Actions brought on disputes arising from theperformance of contracts for    Chinese-foreign equity  joint  ventures,  or Chinese-foreign  contractual    joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperativeexploration and development    of the natural resources in the People's  Republic  of China  shall  fall    under the jurisdiction of the people's courts of thePeople's Republic  of    China.    Chapter XXVI Service and Time Periods

    Article 247    A people's court may serve litigation documentson  a  party who  has  no    domicile within the territory of the People'sRepublic  of China  in  the    following ways:    (1) in the way  specified  in  the international  treaties  concluded or    acceded to by both the People's Republic of Chinaand  the  country where    the person on whom service is to be maderesides;    (2) by making the service through diplomaticchannels;    (3) with respect to the person on whom the service isto be made  and who    is of the nationality of the People's Republic ofChina,  service may  be    entrusted to the embassy or consulate of thePeople's  Republic of  China    accredited to the country where the personresides;    (4) by making the service on the agent  ad  litem who  is  authorized  to    receive the documents served;    (5) by serving the documents on the representativeoffice  established  in    the People's Republic of China by the person on whomthe service is to  be    made or on his branch office or business agents therewho have  the right    to receive the documents;    (6) by making service by mail if the law of thecountry where  the person    on whom the service is to be made resides so permits;in  the  event that    the receipt of delivery is not returned six monthsafter the date on which    the documents were mailed, and that circumstances justify the  assumption    that service has been made, the service shall bedeemed completed upon the    expiration of the said time period; and    (7) by making service by public notice, if  none  of the  above-mentioned    methods can be employed. The service shall be deemedcompleted six  months    after the date on which the public notice wasissued.    Article 248    If a defendant has no  domicile  within  the territory  of  the  People's    Republic of China, the people's court shall serve acopy of the  statement    of complaint on the defendant and notify him to submithis defence  within    30 days after he receives the copy of the statement ofcomplaint.    Extension of the period  requested  by  the defendant  shall  be  at the    discretion of the people's court.    Article 249    If a party who has no  domicile  within  the territory  of  the  People's    Republic of China is not satisfied with a judgment orwritten  order made    by a people's court of first instance, he shall havethe right to file  an    appeal within 30 days from the date  the  written judgment  or  order  is    served. The appellee shall submit his defence within30 days after receipt    of a copy of the appeal petition. If a partywho  is  unable to  file  an    appeal or submit a  defence  within  the period  prescribed  by  the law    requests an extension of the  period,  the people's  court  shall  decide    whether to grant it.

    Article 250    The period for the trials of civil cases involvingforeign element by  the    people's court shall not be restricted by theprovisions of  Articles 135    and 159 of this Law.    Chapter XXVII Property Preservation

    Article 251    The parties to an action may, in accordance with theprovisions of Article    92 of this Law, apply to the people's court forproperty preservation.    Interested parties may, in accordance with theprovisions of Article 93 of    this Law, apply to the people's court for propertypreservation before  an    action is brought.    Article 252    After a people's court  makes  an  order granting  property  preservation    before litigation, the applicant shall bring an actionwithin 30 days.  If    he fails to bring the action within the period, thepeople's  court shall    cancel the property preservation.    Article 253    After the people's court makes an order grantingproperty preservation, if    the party against whom the application is madeprovides  a guaranty,  the    people's court shall cancel the propertypreservation.    Article 254    If the application is wrongfully made, the applicantshall compensate  the    party against whom the application is made forlosses  incurred from  the    property preservation.   Article 255    If the property to be preserved by a people's courtneeds supervision, the    court shall  notify  the  unit concerned  to  be  responsible  for   the    supervision, and the party against whom theapplication is made shall bear    the expenses.    Article 256    The order to cancel the preservation issued by apeople's court  shall be    carried out by an execution officer.    Chapter XXVIII Arbitration

    Article 257    In the case of  a  dispute  arising from  the  foreign  economic, trade,    transport or maritime activities of China,if  the  parties have  had  an    arbitration clause in the contract concerned or havesubsequently  reached    a written arbitration agreement stipulating thesubmission of the  dispute    for arbitration to an arbitral organ inthe  People's  Republic of  China    handling cases involving foreign element, or to anyother  arbitral body,    they may not bring an action in a people's court. Ifthe parties have  not    had an  arbitration  clause  in the  contract  concerned  or have   not    subsequently reached a written arbitration agreement,they  may  bring an    action in a people's court.    Article 258    If a party has applied for propertypreservation  measures, the  arbitral    organ of the People's Republic of China handlingcases  involving foreign    element shall  refer  the  party's application  for  a  decision to  the    intermediate people's court of the place where theparty against whom  the    application is made has his domicile or where hisproperty is located.    Article 259    In a case in which an award has been madeby  an  arbitral organ  of  the    People's Republic of China handling cases involvingforeign  element, the    parties may not bring an action in a people's court.If one party fails to    comply with the  arbitral  award,  the other  party  may  apply for  its    enforcement to the intermediate people'scourt  of the  place  where  the    party against whom  the  application  for enforcement  is  made  has his    domicile or where his property is located.    Article 260    A people's court shall, after examination andverification by a  collegial    panel of the court, make a written order not to allowthe  enforcement  of    the award rendered by an arbitral organ of thePeople's Republic of  China    handling cases involving foreign element, if theparty  against whom  the    application for enforcement is made furnishes proofthat:    (1) the parties have not had an arbitration clause inthe contract or have    not subsequently reached a written arbitrationagreement;    (2) the party against whom the application forenforcement is made was not    given notice for the appointment of an arbitrator orfor the inception  of    the arbitration proceedings or was unable  to  present his  case  due  to    causes for which he is not responsible;    (3) the composition of the  arbitration  tribunal or  the  procedure  for    arbitration was not in conformity with the rules ofarbitration; or    (4) the matters dealt with by the awardfall  outside  the scope  of  the    arbitration agreement or which the arbitralorgan  was not  empowered  to   arbitrate.    If the people's court determines that the enforcementof  the  award goes    against the social and public interest of the country,the people's  court    shall make a written order not to allow theenforcement  of the  arbitral    award.

    Article 261    If the enforcement of an arbitral award is disallowedby a  written  order    of a people's court,  the  parties  may, in  accordance  with  a written    arbitration agreement reached between them, apply forarbitration again;    they may also bring an action in a people'scourt.    Chapter XXIX Judicial Assistance

    Article 262    In accordance with the international treatiesconcluded or acceded  to by    the People's Republic of China or with the principleof  reciprocity,  the    people's courts of China and foreign courts may makemutual  requests for    assistance in  the  service  of  legal  documents, in  investigation  and    collection of evidence or in other litigationactions.    The people's court shall not render the assistancerequested by a  foreign    court, if it impairs  the  sovereignty,  security or  social  and  public    interest of the People's Republic of China.    Article 263    The request for the providing of judicial  assistance  shall be  effected    through channels provided  in  the international  treaties  concluded or    acceded to by the People's Republic of  China;  in the  absence  of  such    treaties, they shall be effected through diplomaticchannels.    A foreign embassy or consulate accredited  to  the People's  Republic  of    China may serve documents on its  citizens  and make  investigations  and    collect evidence among them,  provided  that the  laws  of  the People's    Republic of China are not violated and no compulsorymeasures are taken.    Except for the conditions provided in the precedingparagraph, no  foreign    organization or individual may,  without  the consent  of  the  competent    authorities of the People's Republic ofChina,  serve documents  or  make    investigations and collect evidence within theterritory of  the People's    Republic of China.    Article 264    The letter of request for judicial assistance and itsannexes  sent by  a    foreign court to a  people's  court  shall be  appended  with  a Chinese    translation or a text in any other language orlanguages specified in  the    relevant international treaties.    The letter of request and its  annexes  sent to  a  foreign  court by  a    people's court  for  judicial  assistance shall  be  appended   with a    translation in the language of  that  country or  a  text  in any  other    language or languages specified in the relevantinternational treaties.    Article 265    The judicial assistance provided by the people'scourts shall be  rendered   in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the laws  of  the People's    Republic of China. If a special form of judicialassistance  is requested    by a foreign court, it may also berendered,  provided that  the  special    form requested does not contradict the laws ofthe  People's  Republic of    China.    Article 266    If a party applies for enforcement of  a  legally effective  judgment  or    written order made by a people's court,and  the  opposite party  or  his    property is not within the territory of thePeople's  Republic of  China,    the applicant may directly apply for recognitionand  enforcement  to the    foreign court which has jurisdiction. The  people's  court may  also,  in    accordance with the relevant provisions of  the  international  treaties    concluded or acceded to by China, or withthe  principle  of reciprocity,    request recognition and enforcement by the foreigncourt.    If a party applies for enforcement of a legallyeffective  arbitral award    made by an arbitral organ in the People's Republic ofChina handling cases    involving foreign element and the opposite party orhis  property  is not    within the territory of the People's Republic ofChina,  he may  directly    apply for recognition and enforcement of the awardto  the  foreign court    which has jurisdiction.    Article 267    If a legally effective judgment or written order madeby a  foreign  court    requires recognition and enforcement by a people'scourt of  the People's    Republic of China, the party concerned may directlyapply for  recognition    and enforcement  to  the  intermediate  people's  court  of the  People's    Republic of China which has jurisdiction. The foreigncourt may  also, in   accordance with the provisions of the international treatiesconcluded  or    acceded to by that foreign country and the People'sRepublic of  China or    with the principle of reciprocity, request recognitionand enforcement  by    a people's court.    Article 268    In the case of an application or request forrecognition  and enforcement    of a legally effective judgment or written order of aforeign  court, the    people's court  shall,  after  examining it  in  accordance  with   the   international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republicof    China or with the principle of reciprocity andarriving at the  conclusion   that it does not contradict the  basic  principles  of the  law  of  the    People's Republic of China nor violatesState  sovereignty,  security  and    social and public interest of the country, recognizethe validity  of the    judgment or written order, and, if required, issue awrit of execution  to    enforce it in accordance with the relevant provisionsof this Law; if  the   application or request contradicts the basic principles of the lawof  the    People's Republic of China or violates  State  sovereignty,  security  and    social and public interest of the country, thepeople's court  shall  not    recognize and enforce it.    Article 269    If an award made by a foreign arbitral organ requiresthe recognition  and    enforcement by a people's court of thePeople's  Republic of  China,  the    party concerned shall directly apply to theintermediate people's court of    the place where the party subjected toenforcement  has his  domicile  or    where his property is located. Thepeople's  court shall  deal  with  the    matter in accordance with the international treatiesconcluded or  acceded    to by the People's Republic of China or with theprinciple of reciprocity.    Article 270    This Law shall come into force as of thedate  of  promulgation,  and  the    Civil Procedure  Law  of  the People's  Republic of China  (for  Trial    Implementation) shall be abrogatedsimultaneously.
