Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Adopted at the 12th Meetingof the
Sixth National People'sCongress, promulgated
President of the People'sRepublic of China
Chapter II
Instruments of Measurement andMetrological Verification
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
This Law is formulatedto strengthen
administration, to ensure theuniformity of the national system of units
of measurement
quantities, so as to contributeto the development
and science and technology, tomeet the needs of
and to safeguard the interestsof the state and the people.
Within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China, this Law must
abided by in establishingnational primary standards of measurement
standards of measurement, inconducting metrological verification, and in
the manufacture,repair, sale or use of measuring instruments.
The State shall adopt theInternational System of Units (SI).
The International System ofUnits and other units of measurement adopted
by the State shall be thenational legal units of measurement. The
promulgated by the StateCouncil.
shall be abrogated. Measures forthe abrogation shall be stipulated by the
The metrological administrativedepartment
exercise unified supervisionover and administration of metrological work
throughout the country. Themetrological administrative departments of the
local people's governments atand above the county
supervision over andadministration
respective administrativeareas.
The metrological administrativedepartment of the State Council shall be
measurement, which shall serveas the
values of quantities of thecountry.
governments at or above thecounty level may, according to the needs
their respective areas,establish public standards of measurement,
shall be put into use afterbeing checked and found to be qualified by the
metrological administrativedepartment of the people's government at
The competent departmentconcerned of the State Council and the competent
Government may, in light oftheir own specific needs, establish standards
of measurement for their ownuse. The ultimate standard of measurement of
each kind shall be put intouse after
qualified by the metrologicaladministrative authorities of the people's
government at the correspondinglevel.
Enterprises orinstitutions
standards of measurement fortheir
measurement of each kind shallbe put into use
found to be qualified by themetrological administrative department of the
The metrological administrativedepartments of the people's governments at
or above the county level shallmake compulsory verification of the public
standards of measurement, theultimate standards of
the departments, enterprisesand institutions
measuring instruments used insettling trade accounts, safety protection,
medical and health work, orenvironmental monitoring that are listed
the compulsory verificationcatalogue. Those measuring instruments which
have not been submitted forverification as required and those which have
been checked and found to beunqualified shall not be used. The catalogue
of the working measuringinstruments subject
and the measures forthe administration
stipulated by the StateCouncil.
Standards of measurementand working
those referred to in thepreceding paragraph shall be verified at regular
intervals by the usersthemselves
institutions. The metrologicaladministrative departments of the people's
governments at or above thecounty level shall supervise and inspect such
Metrological verification shallbe conducted
Metrological VerificationSystem. The National
System shall be worked out bythe metrological
of the StateCouncil.
accordance with the regulationsgoverning metrological
national metrologicalverification regulations shall be formulated by the
metrological administrativedepartment of the State Council. In the case
of certain instruments that arenot covered in the
verification regulations, thecompetent departments of the State Council
governments of provinces,autonomous regions, and municipalities directly
under the Central Governmentshall respectively formulate departmental and
local verification regulations.Such verification
submitted to the
Metrological verification shall,according to the principle of economy and
rationality, be carried out onthe spot or in the vicinity.
An enterprise orinstitution
verification appliancesappropriate to the measuring instruments it is to
manufacture or repair and, afterbeing checked and considered as qualified
by the metrologicaladministrative department of the people's government
at or above the county level,obtain a Licence for Manufacturing Measuring
Instruments or a License forRepairing Measuring Instruments.
The administrative departmentsfor industry and commerce shall not issue a
business licence to anenterprise engaged in
measuring instruments which hasnot obtained a Licence
Measuring Instruments or aLicence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.
When an enterprise
undertakes to manufacture newtypes of measuring instruments which it has
not previously manufactured,such measuring instruments may be put
production only after themetrological performance of the sample products
Without the approval of themetrological administrative department of the
State Council, measuringinstruments with non-legal units of measurement
which have beenabrogated
manufactured, sold orimported.
An enterprise
manufactured or repaired,guarantee the metrological performance of
products and issue certificatesof inspection for the qualified products.
The metrological administrativedepartment of the people's governments at
or above the county level shallsupervise and inspect the quality of the
measuring instrumentsmanufactured or repaired.
Measuring instruments importedfrom abroad may be sold only after having
been verified
administrative department ofthe people's
When using measuringinstruments, no person shall be allowed
their accuracy,
Any self-employed worker ormerchant who is to engage in manufacturing or
repairing measuring instrumentsmay apply for a business licence from the
administrative department forindustry and commerce provided he has been
tested and found
department of a people'sgovernment at the
Licence for ManufacturingMeasuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing
The types of measuringinstruments which can be manufactured or
by self-employed
metrological administrativedepartment of the State Council, which shall
also adopt measures for theircontrol.
The metrological administrativedepartment of the people's governments at
or above
metrological supervisors.The measures
administrative department of theState Council.
The metrological administrativedepartment of the people's governments at
or above
verification institutions ofother establishments to carry out compulsory
verification and otherverification
carrying out thetasks
preceding paragraph must betested for their qualifications.
Any dispute over the accuracy ofmeasuring instruments shall be handled in
accordance with the dataprovided after
primary standards of measurementor public standards of measurement.
A product quality inspectionagency which is to provide notarial data on
the quality of products forsociety must be checked for its capability and
reliability of metrologicalverification and testing by the metrological
Whoever without a Licencefor Manufactured
measuring instruments shall beordered to stop his production or business
operations. His unlawfulincome
Whoever manufactures or sells anew type of measuring instrument which has
not been checked and found to bequalified shall be ordered to stop
manufacture or sale of that newproduct.
confiscated and he mayconcurrently be punished by a fine.
Whoever manufactures, repairs orsells unqualified
shall have his unlawful incomeconfiscated and a fine may concurrently be
Whoever usesmeasuring
without having filed
continues to use measuringinstruments which have been checked but found
to be unqualified shall beordered to stop the use and may concurrectly be
Whoever uses unqualifiedmeasuring instruments or impairs the accuracy of
measuring instruments, thuscausing losses to
shall be ordered to makecompensation for the losses and shall have
measuring instruments andunlawful income confiscated and may concurrently
Whoever manufactures, sells oruses measuring instruments for the purpose
of deceiving consumers shallhave his measuring instruments and unlawful
income confiscated and mayconcurrently be punished by a
circumstances are serious, theindividual or the person in the unit who is
directly responsible shall beinvestigated for his criminal responsibility
according to the crimes ofswindling or speculation.
When any individual or unit, inviolation of the provisions of this Law,
manufactures, repairs or sellsunqualified measuring
to people's
individual or the person in theunit who is directly responsible shall be
provisions of Article 187 of theCriminal Law.
A metrological supervisor whotransgresses the law and neglects his duty,
where the circumstances areserious, shall be
responsibility pursuant to therelevant provisions of the Criminal Law. If
the circumstances are minor, heshall be given an administrative sanction.
The administrative sanctionprovided for in this Law shall be determined
by the metrologicaladministrative department of a people's government
or above the county level. Theadministrative
Article 27 of thisLaw may
departments for industry andcommerce.
A party who refuses to acceptthe decision of the administrative sanction
may, within 15 days afterreceipt of the
file suit in a people's court.If within that time limit the party
not file suit or comply with thepenalty of paying a fine and having his
unlawful income confiscated,the administrative
made the decision of theadministrative sanction may request the people's
court for compulsoryexecution.
Measures for the administrationof and supervision over metrological work
in the
jurisdiction of the Commissionon Science,
National Defence shall beformulated separately by the State Council and
the Central Military Commissionin accordance with this Law.
The metrological administrativedepartment of the State Council shall, in
accordance with this Law,formulate rules for
shall go into effect after beingsubmitted to and approved by the