第一条 在中国境内有住所,或者无住所而在境内居住满一年的个人,从中国境内和境外取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税。
第七条 纳税义务人从中国境外取得的所得,准予其在应纳税额中扣除已在境外缴纳的个人所得税税额。但扣除额不得超过该纳税义务人境外所得依照本法规定计算的应纳税额。
第八条 个人所得税,以所得人为纳税义务人,以支付所得的单位或者个人为扣缴义务人。在两处以上取得工资、薪金所得和没有扣缴义务人的,纳税义务人应当自行申报纳税。
第九条 扣缴义务人每月所扣的税款,自行申报纳税人每月应纳的税款,都应当在次月七日内缴入国库,并向税务机关报送纳税申报表。
第十条 各项所得的计算,以人民币为单位。所得为外国货币的,按照国家外汇管理机关规定的外汇牌价折合成人民币缴纳税款。
第十二条 个人所得税的征收管理,依照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》的规定执行。
级 数 | 全月应纳税所得额 | 税率(%) |
1 | 不超过500元的 | |
2 | 超过500元至 | |
3 | 超过2000元至 | |
4 | 超过5000元至 | |
5 | 超过20000元至 | |
6 | 超过40000元至 | |
7 | 超过60000元至 | |
8 | 超过80000元至 | |
9 | 超过100000元的部分 | |
级 数 | 全年应纳税所得额 | 税率(%) |
1 | 不超过5000元的 | 5 |
2 | 超过5000元至 | 10 |
3 | 超过10000元至 | 20 |
4 | 超过30000元至 | 30 |
5 | 超过50000元的部分 | 35 |
级 数 | 全月应纳税所得额 | 税率(%) |
1 | 不超过500元的 | 5 |
2 | 超过500元至 | 10 |
3 | 超过2000元至 | 15 |
4 | 超过5000元至 | 20 |
5 | 超过20000元至 | 25 |
6 | 超过40000元至 | 30 |
7 | 超过60000元至 | 35 |
8 | 超过80000元至 | 40 |
9 | 超过100000元的部分 | 45 |
级 数 | 全年应纳税所得额 | 税率(%) |
1 | 不超过5000元的 | 5 |
2 | 超过5000元至 | 10 |
3 | 超过10000元至 | 20 |
4 | 超过30000元至 | 30 |
5 | 超过50000元的部分 | 35 |
(Standing Committee, National People's Congress: 31 October1993)
provisions of this Law byindividuals
though without domicile but haveresided for one year or more in China on
their income derived fromsources within and outside China.
Individuals who are neither domiciled nor resident in China,
are not domiciled and reside forless than one year in
individual income tax inaccordance with this Law on income derived form
Individual income tax shall be levied on the followingcategories of
(1) income from wages and salaries;
individual industrial andcommercial households;
(3) income from contracted or leased operation
(4) income from remuneration for personal service;
(5) income from author's remuneration;
(7) income from interest, dividends and bonuses;
(8) income from lease of property;
(9) income from transfer of property;
(11) other income specified as taxable by the finance
(1) income from wages and salaries shall be taxed
rates ranging from 5% to 45%(see the appended tax rate schedule).
(2) income from production and business of individual
enterprises or institutionsshall be taxed at
from 5% to 35% (see the appendedtax rate schedule).
(3) income from author's remuneration shall be taxed at a
of 20%. the amount of taxpayable however shall be reduced by 30%.
(4) income from remuneration for personal service shall be taxed ata
flat rate of 20%. where aspecific payment of income from remuneration for
personal service is excessivelyhigh, additional tax can be
rate to be specificallydetermined by the State Council.
(5) income from royalties, interest, dividends,
property and transfer ofproperty, as well as contingent income and other
income shall be taxed at a flatrate of 20%.
The following categories of income shall be exempted from
(1) awards
culture, publichealth, physical
granted by the provincialpeople's governments, ministries and commissions
under the State Council, thePeople's Liberation Army units at army level
and above and by foreign orinternational organizations;
(2) interest income on saving deposits and national debt
and other financial debenturesissued by the state;
(3) subsidies
(4) welfare benefits, survivors pensions and relief payments;
(6) military severance pay and demobilization pay received bymembers
(7) settlement pay, severance pay, retirement
living allowances received bypublic servants
(8) income derived by the diplomatic agents and consular officersand
other personnel who areexempt from
(9) income
conventions to which the ChineseGovernment is a party and
(10) income
department of the StateCouncil.
In any of the following situations, individual
(1) income derived by disabled persons, unsupported aged
(2) the tax payer suffers major losses caused by disasters;
(3) other cases
department of the StateCouncil.
The amount of taxable income shall be computed as follows:
(1) for income from wages and salaries, a monthly
yuan shall be allowed forexpenses and that part in
(2) for income from
individual industrial andcommercial households, the taxable income shall
be the amount remaining from thegross income in
costs, expenses and losses havebeen deducted;
(3) for income from contracted or leased operation ofenterprises
institutions, the taxable incomeshall be the amount
gross income in a tax year afterthe deduction of necessary expenses;
(4) for income
remuneration, royalties andlease of property, a
shall be allowed for expenses,if the amount received in a single payment
is less than 4000 yuan; forsingle payments
deduction of 20% shall beallowed for expenses. The remaining amount after
the deduction shall be thetaxable income;
(5) for income from transfer of property, the taxable income shallbe
the amount remaining from thegross transfer income
original value of the propertyand reasonable expenses;
(6) for interest, dividends, bonuses, contingent
income, the taxableincome may be the full
The part of individual income donated to educational and otherpublic
accordance with the relevantregulations formulated by the State Council.
For the tax payer who have no domicile in China but derivewages and
salaries from sources withinChina, or have domicile in China but derive
wages and salaries from sourcesoutside China,
for expenses shall be allowed onthe basis of the
application and amount of theadditional deduction for expenses shall be
regulated by the StateCouncil.
Income tax paid to foreign tax authorities by the taxpayeron income
derived from sources outsideChina shall be allowed as credit against the
amount of income tax payable.The creditable amount,
exceed the amount of taxotherwise payable under this Law in respect of
the income derived from thesources outside China.
For individual income tax, the income earner shall
and the
Taxpayers that receive wages orsalaries from
taxpayers without withholdingagent, shall file tax returns and pay tax
The tax withheld by the withholding agent on monthly basis,
tax paid by the self-reportingindividual, shall
treasury within the first sevendays of the following month together with
the tax returns filed with thetax authorities.
For income from wages and salaries, the tax shall
monthly basis. The tax shall bewithheld by the withholding agent or paid
by the self-reporting taxpayersto the state
seven days of the followingmonth together with the tax returns filed with
the tax authorities. Forincome from
industries, the tax may becomputed on annual basis and paid in advance in
monthly installments. specificrules shall
individual industrial andcommercial households, the tax payable shall be
computed on annual basis andpaid in advance in monthly installments. Such
payments shall be made withinthe first seven days after the end of
month and the final settlementshall be made within three months after the
end of each taxyear. Any excess
For income from contracted or leased operation
institutions, the tax payableshall be computed on annual basis and paid
to the state treasury withinthirty days after the end of each tax year,
together with the tax returnsfiled with the tax authorities.
installment during the year, thetax payable on shall be paid
installments within the firstseven days after each time when a payment is
made, and the final settlementshall be made within three months after the
end of each taxyear; and excess
For taxpayers who derive income outside China, the taxpayable shall
be paid to the state treasurywithin thirty days after the end of each tax
year, together withthe tax returns
All categories of income shall be computed in Renminbi(RMB). Income
in foreign currency shall beconverted into
according to theexchange rate
A handling fee of 2% of the amount of tax withheld shall be
The tax administration
proceeded in accordance with theLAW OF THE PEOPLE'S
The detailed rules and regulations for the implementation
formulated by the State Councilin accordance with this Law.
This Law shall enter into force on the day of itspromulgation.
Grade | Monthly Taxable Income | Tax Rate |
(%) | ||
1 | Income of 500 yuan or less | 5 |
2 | That part of income in excess of 800 to 2000yuan | 10 |
3 | That part of income in excess of 2000 to 5000yuan | 15 |
4 | That part of income in excess of 5000 to 20000yuan | 20 |
5 | That part of income in excess of 20000 to 40000yuan | 25 |
6 | That part of income in excess of 40000 to 60000yuan | 30 |
7 | That part of income in excess of 60000 to 80000yuan | 35 |
8 | That part of income in excess of 80000 to 100000yuan | 40 |
9 | That part of income in excess of 100000yuan | 45 |
amount remaining from the grossincome in a month after the
800 yuan or the additionaldeduction for expenses in accordance with the
provision of Article 6 of theTax Law.)
(Applicable to income fromproduction or business
industrial and commercialhouse-holds and income from contracted or leased
operation of enterprises andinstitutions)
Grade | Annual Taxable Income | Tax Rates |
(%) | ||
1 | Income of 500 yuan or less | 5 |
2 | That part of income in exces of 5000 to 10000yuan | 10 |
3 | That part of income in excess of 10000 to 30000yuan | 20 |
4 | That part of income in excess of 30000 to 50000yuan | 30 |
5 | That part of income in excess of 50000yuan | 35 |
amount remaining from the grossincome in a
expenses and losses have beendeducted in accordance with the provision of