issue share certificates tobondholders in accordance with its conversion
procedures, provided that thebondholder has the option whether or not to
according to laws,administrative regulations and the regulations of
responsible finance departmentof the State Council.
statement which shall beexamined and verified as provided by law.
The company's
accounting statements andschedules:
the shareholders in accordancewith the
company's articles ofassociation.
the company for inspection bythe shareholders at least twenty days before
the convening of the annualgeneral meeting of shareholders.
public its financialstatements.
aside ten per cent of itsafter-tax profits for
common reserve fund and five percent to ten per cent of its profits for
the company's statutory commonwelfare fund. When the aggregate balance in
the statutory common reservefund is
registered capital of thecompany, the company need not make any further
make up for thecompany's
profits shall be used to make upfor the losses before allocations are set
aside for thestatutory
welfare fund in accordance withthe previous clause.
company has set asidefunds
common reserve fund, the companymay set aside funds for a discretionary
common reserve fundand statutory
contributions if the
proportion to the number ofshares held by the shareholders if the company
is a company limited byshares.
provisions and profits aredistributed
company makes up for losses ormakes allocations to the statutory common
distributed inviolation
obtains when it issues shares ata price which exceeds par value, and any
other incomedesignated
regulations of the responsiblefinance department
shall be allocated to thecompany's capital common reserve fund.
expand its production andoperations or
converted to capital inaccordance with a resolution passed at a
meeting of theshareholders,
proportion to the shareholders,number of shares,
value of each share, provided,however, that
reserve fund is converted tocapital, the balance of the statutory common
reserve fund may not fallbelow
welfare of the company's staffand workers.
passed at a meeting of theshareholders.
approved by the authorizeddepartment of
absorption or merger by theestablishment of a new company.
the absorbed company isdissolved. Where two or more companies establish a
new company in a
agreement and prepare a balancesheet and an inventory
company shall notify itscreditors within ten days of the
company's resolution tomerge
newspaper at least three timeswithin thirty
company's resolution to merge. Acreditor has the right within thirty days
of receiving such notice fromthe company (or, for creditors who do
receive the notice, withinninety days of the date of the
notice) to demand that thecompany repay its debts to that
provide a correspondingguarantee for such debt. A company which does not
repay its debts or providecorresponding guarantees for such debts shall
of the merged parties shall beassumed by the company which survives the
merger or the newly establishedcompany.
sheet and an inventory ofproperty. The company shall notify its creditors
within ten days of the date ofthe company's
shall publish public notices ina newspaper at least
thirty days of the date of thecompany's resolution to divide. A creditor
has the right within thirty daysof receiving such notice from the company
(or, for creditors who do notreceive the notice, within ninety days
the date of the first publicnotice) to demand that the company repay its
debts to that creditor orprovide a corresponding guarantee for such debt.
A company
guarantees for such debts shallnot be divided.
Debts of
post-division companies inaccordance with the
balance sheet and an inventoryof property.
the company'sresolution
publish public notices in anewspaper at least three times within thirty
days of the date of thecompany's
capital. A creditor has theright within thirty
notice from the company (or, forcreditors
within ninety days of the dateof the first public notice) to demand that
the company repay its debts tothat creditor or
shall not be less than theminimum levels set by law.
shareholders' subscription andpayment
provisions of this Law governingpayment of capital contributions for the
establishment of a limitedliability company.
subscribe for new shares shallbe carried
relevant provisions of thisLaw governing
establishment of a companylimited by shares.
its registration, thecompany
company registration authorityin accordance with the law. When a company
dissolves, the company shallcancel its registration in accordance
the law. When a new company inestablished,
registered in accordance withthe law.
company shall
unable to repay debtsdue, the people's court shall, in accordance with
the provisions of
liquidation group tocarry
(1) pursuant
association, the term of thecompany has
events which are grounds fordissolution has occurred;
being dissolvedpursuant
article. The liquidation groupof a limited liability company is made up
of its shareholders. Thecomposition of the liquidation group of a company
limited by shares is determinedby a general meeting of the shareholders.
If a liquidation group to carryout liquidation procedures is not set up
within the specified time limit,the creditors may apply to the people's
court to have it designaterelevant persons to form a liquidation group in
order to carry out liquidationprocedures. The people's court shall accept
and hear such
liquidation group in order tocarry out liquidation procedures.
violating laws andadministrative regulations shall be dissolved, and
relevant responsible authorityshall organize the
institutions and professionalpersonnel to establish a liquidation group
to carry out liquidationprocedures.
sheet and an inventory ofproperty;
send notices to creditors, andwithin
publish public notices in anewspaper at least
shall, within thirtydays of
rights to the liquidation group,or for
notice, within ninety days ofthe date of the first public notice.
explanation of matters relevantto the creditor's rights and shall provide
evidentiary materials. Theliquidation group shall carry out registration
and an inventory of property,the liquidation
liquidation plan and present itto a meeting of the shareholders or to the
relevant responsible authorityfor confirmation.
respectively pay all liquidationexpenses,
labour insurance fees andtaxes
in accordance with theprovisions of the previous clause are distributed
in proportion to theshareholders capital contributions if the company is
a limited liability company andin proportion to the number of shares held
by the shareholders if thecompany is a company limited by shares.
distributed to the shareholdersuntil the settlement provided for in the
second paragraph of this articleis complete.
sheet and an inventory ofproperty in connection with liquidation of
company resulting fromdissolution, the liquidation group discovers that
the company's assets areinsufficient to repay the company's debts,
liquidation group shallimmediately apply to
court, the liquidation groupshall transfer
shall prepare a liquidationreport and present it for confirmation
meeting of the shareholdersor to
apply to the
company's registration andpublish by public notice of the termination of
the company.
company's registration, thecompany's business license is revoked by
company registration authorityand a public notice is published.
duties and carry out theirliquidation tasks in accordance with the law.
accept bribes or other illegalincome, nor shall they wrongfully take over
responsible for providingcompensation.
establishedoutside Chinese territory in accordance with
authorities, and
company's registrationcertificate issued by its home country and
relevant documents. Afterreceiving approval, the company shall register
with the company registrationauthority as provided by law and obtains a
The approval
separately providedfor in
shall appoint a representativeor agent
allocate to the branchappropriate funds for the operational activities it
funds for branches of foreigncompanies, separate regulations are issued
nationality of the foreigncompany and whether it has limited or unlimited
established within Chineseterritory do not have
A foreign
activities of its brancheswithin Chinese territory.
in business activities withinChinese territory shall abide by the laws of
China and shall not harm thesocial and public
legitimate rights and interestsshall be protected by the laws of China.
it shall repay its debtsaccording to law and
procedures set out in this Law.Until such debts are repaid, the property
of the branch shallnot be
capital whenregistering,
registration of the companyshall be ordered to remedy the situation.
company that falsely reports itsregistered
least five per cent and no morethan ten per cent of
documentation or employs otherdeceptions to conceal important facts shall
be fined at least RMB 10,000 andno more
cases, the company'sregistration shall
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal liability shall be investigated
application or corporate bondoffer procedure in connection with the issue
of shares or corporate bondsshall be
return all funds raised togetherwith interest, and is fined an amount of
at least one per cent and nomore than five per cent of the amount of the
funds illegally raised. If theviolation constitutes a criminal offence,
criminal liability shallbe investigated
does not transfer propertyrights, so making a false capital contribution
and committing fraud againstcreditors and the general public, shall
ordered to remedy his wrongs andis fined at least five per cent and
more than ten per cent of thecapital which he falsely contributed. If the
violation constitutes acriminal
investigated in accordance withthe law.
A promoter
contribution after theestablishment of the company shall be ordered
correct his wrongs and is finedat least five per cent and no more
ten per cent of the
violation constitutes acriminal
investigated in accordance withthe law.
Law from the relevantresponsible authority, arbitrarily issues shares or
corporate bonds is ordered tohalt such issue and return all funds raised
together with interest, andshall be fined at least one per cent and
more than five per cent of theamount of the funds
the violation constitutes acriminal offence, criminal liability shall be
investigated in accordance withthe law.
records other than thoseprovided for by law shall be ordered to
the situation and shall be finedat least RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB
liability shall be investigatedin accordance with the law.
of an individual, illegal incomeshall be confiscated and there shall be
fine of at least the same amountand less than five times the amount
the illegal income.If the
criminal liability shallbe investigated
statements which are false orwhich conceal important facts, the personnel
in charge of the matter who havedirect responsibility and other personnel
with direct responsibility shallbe fined at least RMB 10,000 and no more
than RMB
criminal liability shallbe investigated
sold at a low price orgiven
personnel in charge of thematter who have direct responsibility and other
sanctions in accordance withthe law.
criminal offence, criminalliability shall be investigated in accordance
bribes or other
wrongfully, the illegal incomeis confiscated,
return the company's propertyand he
company. If
liability shall be investigatedin accordance with the law.
company funds and lends them toanother,
the funds to the company, issubject to
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal liability shall be investigated
assets to provide a guaranteefor the debts of its shareholders or other
individuals, he
according to law for providingcompensation, and turns over to the company
all income derived from theillegal provision of
circumstances areserious,
or on behalf of another abusiness in the same line of business
company in which he holds aposition, in
income obtained, he shall besubject to sanctions by the company.
fund or its statutory commonwelfare fund in accordance with this Law, the
company shall be ordered to makeup the exact
been allocated and shall besubject to a fine of at least RMB 10,000 and
or liquidation, if the companydoes not send notice to or publish public
notices for its creditors inaccordance with the provisions of this Law,
the company shall be ordered toremedy the situation and shall be subject
to a fine of at least RMB10, 000 and no more than RMB 100,000.
false entries on itsbalance
distributes the company'sproperty before repaying its debts, the company
shall be ordered to remedy thesituation and shall be subject to a fine of
at least one per cent andno more
concealed or the debts notrepaid before distribution. The personnel
charge of
personnel with directresponsibility shall be subject to a
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal liability shall be investigated
company registration authorityin accordance with the provisions of this
Law, or the
significant omissions, thewrongs shall be ordered to be remedied.
or improper ends, obtainsillegal income or wrongfully takes over assets
belonging to the company,he shall be
property, the illegally obtainedincome shall be confiscated, and he shall
be fined at least the amount ofand no more than five times the amount of
the income illegally obtained.If the
offence, criminal liabilityshall be investigated in accordance with the
and certifying assets providesfalse documentation, its unlawful income is
confiscated and it is subject toa fine of at least the amount of and no
more than five times the amountof the unlawful
shall also be ordered to ceasedoing business, and
the qualifications of thepersonnel directly responsible shall be revoked
by the relevant responsibleauthority.
criminal offence, criminalliability shall be investigated in accordance
and certifying assets, as aresult of negligence, prepares a report which
contains important omissions,the institution shall be ordered to remedy
the situation. If thecircumstances are relatively serious, it
subject to a fine of at leastthe amount of and no more than three times
the amount of the incomereceived. The institution shall also be
to cease doing business, and thecertification of
the personneldirectly
application for theestablishment of a company which does not
requirements of this Law orapproves an application for an issue of shares
which does not meet therequirements of this Law, and the
are serious, thepersonnel
responsibility and otherpersonnel with
subject to administrativesanctions in accordance with the law.
violation constitutes acriminal
investigated in accordance withthe law.
grant approval for share offers,listings of shares and
which do not meet therequirements of this Law, and the circumstances are
responsibility and otherpersonnel with direct responsibility are subject
to administrative sanctions inaccordance with the law. If the violation
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal liability shall be investigated
not meet the registrationrequirements of this Law, and the circumstances
are serious, thepersonnel
responsibility and otherpersonnel with
subject to administrativesanctions in accordance with the law.
violation constitutes acriminal
investigated in accordance withthe law.
to register a company which doesnot meet the registration requirements of
this Law, or covers up anunlawful registration, the personnel in
of the matter who have directresponsibility and such other persons with
direct responsibility shallbe subject
accordance with the law. If theviolation constitutes a criminal offence,
criminal liability shall beinvestigated
company limited by shares whichfalsely makes use of
liability company" or "companylimited by shares" is ordered to remedy the
situation or is canceled. It mayalso shall be subject to a fine
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal liability shall be investigated
than six months afterestablishment or ceases to do business for more than
six consecutive months aftercommencing business, has its business license
revoked by the companyregistration authority.
fails to carry out a change ofregistration as required by this Law, the
company shall be ordered toregister such changes within a certain
period, and if the company failsto do so, it shall be subject to a fine
of at least RMB 10,000 and nomore than RMB 100,000.
arbitrarily establishes a branchor branches within Chinese territory, it
shall be ordered to remedy thesituation or to close down, and may shall
be subject to a fine of at leastRMB 10,000 and no more than RMB 100,000.
pursuant to this Law fails togrant approval to an application which meets
the requirements of this Law orthe company registration authority fails
to register a company whoseapplication meets
Law, the interested party mayapply for reconsideration according to law
or may bring an administrativesuit.
subject to civil claims forcompensation
penalties, but has insufficientassets, it
for payment of the civilclaims.
this Law pursuant tolaws,
and pursuant to the "StandardOpinion on Limited Liability Companies" or
the "Standard Opinionon Companies
relevant responsible departmentof the State Council
Those companies not completelysatisfying the
shall meet the requirements ofthis Law within the specified time limit.
Specific methods forimplementation of this Law are to