Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Approved by the State Councilon January 19, 1987 and promulgated
by the State Measurement Bureauon February 1, 1987)
These Rules are formulatedaccording to the provisions of the
Law of the People's Republic ofChina.
A system of legal measures isimplemented in the country. The procedures
for designating the names andsymbols of legal measurement units and for
abolishing the non-legalmeasurement units shall be implemented according
to the relevantstipulations
application of legal measures inour country.
The State develops measurementfacilities in a planned way and fits
scientific experiments, domesticand foreign trade and the people's health
and safety, and protect theinterests of the State and the people.
The following requirements mustbe met
measurement (hereinafterreferred to as datum instruments):
(1) they must pass theappraisement of the State;
(2) there must be suchenvironmental
(3) there must be competentpersonnel
(4) there must be a perfectsystem of administration.
Those units which meetthe above-mentioned
instruments only after theypass the
No unit orindividual
suspend the work
without the approval of theMeasurement
The measurement values of thedatum instruments
international measurementvalues. The Measurement Administration under the
State Council has the right toabolish those datum instruments which are
backward in technology or thoseinstruments whose performance cannot meet
The following requirements mustbe met in using
measurement (hereinafterreferred to as standard instruments):
(1) they must pass measurementexamination and determination;
(2) there must be suchenvironmental
(3) there must be competentpersonnel
(4) there must be a perfectsystem of administration.
Public standard instrumentsfunction as notaries in exercising measurement
supervision in the society. Indesignating the public standard instruments
of the highest class in thelocal areas,
for measurement in the people'sgovernments above the
apply to the measurementdepartments immediately above its own level
examination. Theexamination
classes may
departments for measurement ofthe local people's governments.
certificates of
administrative departments formeasurement
The standard instruments of thehighest class in various fields should be
designated by the relevantcompetent departments under the State Council
and by those in thepeople's
regions and the municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government.
These standard instruments mustpass the examination by the administrative
department for measurement inthe people's governments at the same level
and those instruments which meetthe requirements provided for in Article
7 of these Rules and obtaincertificates of examination may be used only
after the approval by therelevant competent departments.
In designating various standardinstruments of the highest class for their
own units, enterprises andinstitutions must apply for examination to the
administrative departments formeasurement which are at the same levels as
enterprises should apply forexamination to the administrative departments
for measurement in the localpeople's governments at the county level.
Those instruments which meet therequirements provided for in Article 7 of
these Rules and obtaincertificates of examination may be
relevant enterprises
competent authorities for therecord.
The units andindividuals
through compulsory examinationand determination should apply for periodic
examination and determination tothe relevant
for measurement of the people'sgovernment which has been responsible for
The units and individuals usingthe working measurement instruments which
have gone through compulsoryexamination and
for periodic examination anddetermination
examination and determinationagencies designated
departments for measurementof the
county (municipality) level. Ifit cannot be done locally, it is necessary
to apply for periodicexamination and
examination anddetermination
Enterprises and institutionsshould equip themselves with the facilities
for checking and testingmeasurement instruments commensurate with
needs in production,
examination and determination,work out detailed catalogues of measurement
determination are regularlychecked and tested.
The work of measurementexamination and determination shall be conducted
on the principle of economy,rationality and geographical proximity, and
it should not be restricted byadministrative divisions and departmental
Enterprises and
Measurement Instruments shouldpass the examination by the administrative
authorities of thepeople's
enterprises shouldbe examined
measurement of the localpeople's governments at the county level. Those
allowed to use the uniform marksstipulated by the State. Only then
the relevant competentauthorities approve of their production.
Enterprises and institutionswhich do business in measurement instruments
departments for measurementof the
county (municipality) level inorder to obtain the Licence for Repairing
Measurement Instruments. If itcannot be done
measurement of the people'sgovernments at the
allowed to use the
The individual industrial andcommercial businesses which are engaged in
manufacturing or
Measurement Instruments may doso according to the procedures provided for
in Article 15 of these Rules. Ifthey move to do business in other places,
they must send the originallicence to the administrative department for
measurement of the localpeople's government where they have moved,
verification and approval beforethey can apply for new business licences.
The examination for enterprises,institutions or individual industrial and
Instruments consists of thefollowing items:
(2) facilities for testing anddetermining products;
(3) technical levels of theworkers and staff members;
(4) relevant technicaldocuments
The product design of a newmeasurement instrument, which has never been
produced in the country, must beappraised before it can be manufactured.
When the product design has beenfinalized, it is necessary to go through
formalities of model approvaland obtain
products whose designs have beenfinalized in the country but have never
been produced by the producermust be tested and their prototypes be made.
A certificate of quality shallbe issued after the test of prototype
approval or certificates ofquality
The product design appraisementof a new measurement instrument shall be
administration under the StateCouncil. Prototypes of the instrument shall
be tested
department for
The models of
departments can be used asnationally applicable models after they
been finalized by themeasurement administration under the State Council.
The Units applying for modeldesign appraisement
instrument and prototype testingshould provide a
product, and the relevanttechnical documents and data.
The units responsiblefor the
secret of the prototype, thetechnical documents and data provided by the
The various relevant competentauthorities should strengthen control over
the quality of the measurementinstruments manufactured and repaired
the enterprises
measurement in
empowered to carry outsupervision and inspection, including sampling and
certificates of quality or thosemeasurement instruments which have failed
to pass the examination anddetermination shall not be allowed to
Foreign businessmen sellingmeasurement instruments in China must
for model approvalto the
Council according to theprovisions in Article 18 of these Rules.
The administrative departmentsfor measurement of the people's governments
above the county
measurement instrumentssold locally.
stamps orcertificates
Manufacturing MeasurementInstruments may not be marketed.
No units or individuals maydeal in
components ofmeasurement
repairing measurementinstruments.
No units or individuals may usein their work the measurement instruments
without quality stamps orcertificates of examination and determination or
those instrumentswhich
determination or thoseinstruments which have been rejected in examination
and determination.This provision
instruments used in teachingdemonstration.
The responsibilities of themeasurement
Council and the administrativedepartments for measurement of the
people's governments above thecounty level in the
implementation of the laws andregulations concerning measurement are as
(1) carrying out the Statepolicies, measures and
measurement and promoting theadoption
instruments, organizing thetransmission of measurement values;
(3) exercising supervision overthe manufacturing,
and using of measurementinstruments;
examination and determinationand mediating disputes over measurement;
(5) supervising and checking theimplementation of
regulations, and dealing withviolations of these laws and regulations in
accordance with the relevantprovisions of these Rules.
The measurement controlpersonnel at the
measurement of
responsible for measurementsupervision
inspectors are responsible forcircuit checking in
and places and may, within theirstipulated authority, deal, on the spot,
administrative sanctions on themerit of each case.
administrative departments formeasurement
above the county level,which
according to law by theadministrative departments for measurement of the
people's governments above thecounty level
State. Their
values, carrying out compulsoryexamination and determination as well as
technical guarantee forexercising measurement
other matters concerningmeasurement supervision.
The personnel in charge ofmeasurement examination and determination
the State legal agenciesfor measurement
must pass the examinationssupervised by
for measurement of the people'sgovernments above
must obtain
measurement examination anddetermination in other units should pass the
examinations supervised by theirhigher competent authorities and obtain
the relevant certificates.People without the certificates for measurement
examination and determinationmay not do
grading of the technical postsof the personnel in charge of measurement
examination anddetermination
administration under the StateCouncil in conjunction
The administrative departmentsfor measurement of the people's governments
above the county level may, inthe light of actual
agencies in thefollowing
determination and other kinds ofexamination and determination and testing
examination and determination toact as legal agencies;
(2) authorizing the designationof public standard instruments;
(3) authorizing the agencies formeasurement examination and determination
of certain departments orunits
determination of the relevantmeasurement instruments used therein;
(4) authorizing relevanttechnical agencies to undertake the other tasks
of examination and determinationand testing prescribed by law.
Units which have been authorizedin accordance
Article 30 of these Rules shouldabide by the following stipulations:
(1) the personnel in charge ofexamination and determination and testing
in the authorized unitsmust pass
(2) the correspondingmeasurement standards of the authorized units
be examined and determinedaccording
(3) the authorized units mustconduct the authorized work of examination
and determination and testingunder the
(4) administrative departmentsfor measurement of the people's governments
above county level
authorized units become a partyto a measurement dispute, which cannot be
settled by the partiesthemselves through consultation.
The agencies for examination ofproduct quality which provide the society
with notarization data must beattested by administrative departments for
measurement of the people'sgovernments above provincial level.
Measurement attestation ofagencies for
(1) examining and determiningmeasurements and
(2) examining and determinationmeasurements and testing the environmental
conditions for the
(3)measures ensuring the uniformity of measurement values
examination and determination ofmeasurements.
After receiving applications forattestation from agencies for examination
of product quality,administrative
people's governments aboveprovincial level shall instruct the measurement
examination agencies under theirjurisdiction or the authorized technical
agencies to arrange theexaminations for the applicants in accordance with
departments for measurement ofthe people's governments above provincial
level shall
applicants who have passed theexaminations. Those who have not obtained
the certificates shall not beallowed to conduct
Administrative departments formeasurement
above provincial level areempowered to conduct supervision and inspection
over those agencies
attestation according to theprovisions of Article 33 of these Rules.
confirmation of measurementattestation for new items, if they deem these
additional examinationsnecessary, according to the relevant provisions of
Administrative departments formeasurement
examination and determinationfor measurement
relevant agencies formeasurement examination and determination to conduct
arbitrative examination anddetermination as entrusted by judicial organs,
administrative organs forcontracts,
cases involving foreign parties,or other organizations.
No litigant
instruments involved inthe dispute
arbitration and hearing of thecases.
If a party rejects thearbitrative examination and determination, it
appeal to the administrativedepartments for measurement of the people's
governments at the next higherlevel within 15
notice of the arbitrativeexamination and determination. The arbitrative
measurement of the next higherpeople's governments shall be final.
Fees shall be paid forapplications for examinations to designate standard
measurement instruments,applications for examination and determination of
measurement instruments to beused, applications for
prototype instrument testing formanufacturing new
applications for the licence formanufacturing and
instruments and applications formeasurement attestation and arbitrative
examination and determination.Actual procedures or rates of charges shall
be worked out by the measurementadministration under the State Council in
conjunction with the financialand price control departments of the State.
Fees shall not be
testing conducted byadministrative departments for measurement
people's governments abovecounty
inspection. The inspected unitshave the obligation to
instruments and facilities forexamination and determination and testing.
determination under thejurisdiction
measurement of the people'sgovernments above county level for providing
technical guarantee forimplementating measurement laws and
and exercising measurementsupervision shall be entered in the budgets of
provisions in the Statefinancial administration system.
Those who violate Article 2 ofthese Rules
shall be ordered to
Those who violate Article14 of
Republic of China bymanufacturing, marketing and importing
instruments of non-legalmeasures which have been declared abolished
the State Council
prohibited for use by the StateCouncil, shall be ordered to cease these
operations. Their measurementinstruments
gains shall be confiscated. Anda pecuniary penalty ranging from 10%
50% oftheir total illegal gains may be imposed simultaneously.
If any
instruments of the highest classwhich have not passed the examination of
the relevant administrativedepartments for measurement of the
governments, they shall beordered to stop using those instruments and
fine of 1,000 yuan or less maybe imposed simultaneously.
If any units fail to apply forexamination
measurement instruments whichare subject to compulsory examinations
determination, or fail toconduct periodic examination and determination
for other measurementinstruments which
examination and determination,or send them to other agencies for periodic
examination and determination orcontinue to
have been rejected inexamination and determination, they shall be ordered
to stop using those instrumentsand a fine of 1,000 yuan or less may
If any units or individuals areengaged
Instruments or the Licencefor Repairing
shall be ordered to stop theirproduction and operation and to seal up for
safekeeping the measurementinstruments which have been manufactured
those which have been sent forrepairing.
gains shall be confiscated and afine ranging
illegal gains may be imposedsimultaneously.
Those who manufacture and marketthe new measurement products which have
not passed model approval orprototype testing shall be ordered to
safekeeping. Their total amountof illegal gains shall be confiscated and
a fine of 3,000 yuan or less maybe imposed simultaneously.
If the measurement instrumentswhich have not been examined and determined
or those
determination are allowed toleave the factory, the units or individuals
manufacturing or repairing suchinstruments shall be ordered to withhold
the same. The total amount oftheir illegal gains shall be confiscated; in
more serious
Those who sell importedmeasurement instruments which have not passed the
measurement of the people'sgovernments above provincial level, shall be
ordered to stop the sales andseal up the instruments for safekeeping. The
total amount of theirillegal
ranging from 10% to50% of
instruments and falsifying datashall be ordered to
the losses. Their measurementinstruments
gains shall be confiscated and afine of 2,000 yuan or less may be imposed
Those who sell damagedand substandard
measurement instruments shallbe ordered
instruments and total amount ofillegal gains shall be confiscated and a
fine of 2,000 yuan or less maybe imposed simultaneously; in more serious
cases, the business licenceshall be revoked by administrative departments
If any units or individualsmanufacture, market or use certain measurement
instruments for the purpose ofcheating consumers, their instruments and
total amount of illegal gainsshall be confiscated and a fine
yuan or less may be imposedsimultaneously. If the
crime, the persons directlyresponsible shall be
criminal liabilities accordingto law.
If any individual industrialand commercial
repair measurement instrumentsother than those prescribed by the State or
are engaged in business atunauthorized places, they shall be ordered to
stop manufacturing andrepairing. The total amount of their illegal gains
shall be confiscated and afine of
If any agencies for examinationof product quality which have not obtained
certificates of measurementattestation provide notarization data for the
public, they shall be ordered tostop their operations and a fine of 1,000
yuan or less may be imposedsimultaneously.
If any
certificates for compulsoryexamination and determination, the seals and
simultaneously. If
concerned shall be investigatedfor criminal liabilities according to law.
If the personnel in charge ofmeasurement supervision and administration
break the law, neglect theirduties or engage in self-seeking misconduct,
they shall be givenadministrative sanctions when the circumstances
not serious. If crimesare committed,
investigated for criminalliabilities according to law.
If the units responsible fordesign appraisement and prototype instrument
testing for new measurementproducts violate Paragraph 2, Article 20
these Rules, they should pay forthe losses sustained
and give administrativesanctions to the persons directly responsible in
accordance with the relevantstipulations of the
committed, the
Any person in chargeof measurement
sanctions. If crimes arecommitted, he shall be investigated for criminal
(1) forging examination anddetermination data;
(2) causing losses to the partysending the instruments for examination as
a result of the faulty dataprovided;
determination in conducting thework;
(4) conductingexamination
measurement instruments whichhave not passed the relevant examinations;
(5) conducting
The administrative penaltiesstipulated in these Rules shall be meted out
by administrative departmentsfor measurement of the people's governments
above county level. Penaltiesinvolving fines of
should be submitted to theadministrative departments for measurement of
confiscated illegal gains andfines must all be turned over to the state
The administrative penaltiesprovided for in Article 51 of these Rules may
also be decided byadministrative departments for industry and commerce.
The connotations of thefollowing terms as used in these Rules are:
(1) "Measurement instrument"refers to a device, an instrument, a meter or
a measuring tool which can beused to determine the measurement values of
the measured objects directly orindirectly, as well as a standard matter
used to unify
instrument, a standardmeasurement instrument and a working
involved in evaluating thefunctions of the
determining if they are up tothe standard.
(3) "Design appraisement"denotes the overall checking and examination of
the functions of the prototypeof a new measurement product.
(4) "Measurement attestation"denotes
conducted by the governmentadministrative departments for measurement of
the capability andreliability
measurement examination anddetermination and testing.
(5) "Agency for measurementexamination and
relevant technical agencywhich
(6) "Arbitrative examination anddetermination" refers to the measurement
examination and determinationand testing conducted with datum measurement
instruments or public standardmeasurement instruments for the purpose of
These Rules
exercised by the People'sLiberation Army and national defence departments
of science, technology andindustry over the measurement work which deal
with matters outside themilitary setup.
The procedures and scopes ofadministration and the symbols of the various
seals, certificates provided forin these Rules shall be formulated by the
administrative department formeasurement under the State Council.
The right
department for measurement underthe State Council.
These Rules shall come intoeffect as of the date of promulgation.