Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Promulgated by Decree No. 56 ofthe State Council of the People's
Republic of China onMay 19,
These Measures are
(hereinafter referred to as"tract development") so as to intensify
construction of publicworks,
introduce foreign-investedtechnically advanced
oriented enterprises and developthe export-oriented economy.
The term "tract development" asused in these Measures
obtaining the right to the useof state-owned land,
carry out, as planned,comprehensive development and construction on
land, including levelling theground and constructing such public works as
water supply and drainagesystems, power and heat supply systems,
conditions shall be created forthe land to
other construction purposes. Theinvestor shall then transfer the right to
the use of
supporting facilities forproduction and everyday life services and engage
in the business activities oftransferring or leasing these above-ground
Definite development targetsshall be specified for tract development and
there shall be definiteconstruction projects that are intended to
With respect
development, the municipal orcounty people's
the drawing up of a tractdevelopment project proposal (or a feasibility
study report, the samehereinafter).
project which is to make use of1,000 mu or less of arable land or 2,000
mu or less of other land andwhose amount of investment for comprehensive
development falls within thelimits of powers for examination and approval
of the
municipality directly under theCentral Government (including the people's
government or administrativecommittee of a
same hereinafter), the projectproposal shall be submitted to the people's
government of the province,autonomous
under the Central Government for examination and approval.
to a tract development projectwhich is to make use of more than 1,000 mu
of arable land or more than2,000 mu of other land
investment for comprehensivedevelopment exceeds the limits of powers for
examination and approvalof the
autonomous region ormunicipality directly under the Central Government,
the project proposal shall besubmitted, through the
of the province, autonomousregion
Central Government, tothe State
verification and overallbalancing and then to the State Council of
People's Republic of China forexamination and approval.
Foreign investors who intend toinvest for
accordance with the respectiveprovisions
Republic of China onChinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the
People's Republic of China onChinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
Enterprises, form aChinese-foreign equity joint venture, or
(hereinafter referred to as a"development enterprise") to engage in the
development and management ofthe tract of land.
Development enterprises shall begoverned and
China and all their activitiesshall abide by the laws and regulations of
the People's Republic of China.Development
right to act on
accordance with the law, butthey shall have no
their development areas. Therelationship between a development enterprise
and other enterprises shall beof a commercial nature.
The State encourages
enterprises with foreigninvestors by using the right to the use of state-
owned land as investment orcondition of co-operation.
Development enterprises shallobtain the right to the use of the
owned land in their developmentareas in accordance with the Law.
In assigning the right to theuse of State-owned
enterprise, the people'sgovernment of the municipality or county
the development area is locatedshall, in accordance
administrative rules andregulations of the State on the administration of
land, rationally specify thebounds of the tract of land, the purpose of
its use, the term of assignment,the assignment fee and other conditions,
sign a contract for assigningthe State-owned
approval in accordance withthe limits
approval with respect to theassignment of the right to the use of State-
After the right to the use ofState-owned
resources and objects buriedthereunder shall continue to be owned by the
State. If it is necessary toexploit and utilize
and utilization shall beadministered in
laws and administrative rulesand regulations of the State.
A development enterprise shalldraw up
feasibility study reportwhich
requirements in theactual
The tractdevelopment
government, be submittedto the
autonomous region ormunicipality directly under the Central
for examination andapproval.
ordination concerning theconstruction
If the development area iswithin the limits of a planned urban area, the
various items of development andconstruction shall be in conformity with
the requirements of cityplanning and be submitted to the administration
The various items ofconstruction
standards of the Stateconcerning environmental protection.
A development enterprise maytransfer the right to the use of the state-
owned land only after it hascarried out the plan of tract development and
satisfied all the conditionsprescribed in the contract for assigning the
right to the use of thestate-owned land.
fails to invest for thedevelopment of the land in accordance
conditions prescribed in thecontract for assigning the right to the use
of the state-ownedland and
development may transfer theright to the use of the state-owned land.
The transfer or mortgage of theright to the use of
development enterprises andother enterprises, and the termination of the
right to the use of state-ownedland shall be handled in accordance with
the laws and administrativerules and regulations
A development enterprise mayattract investors to the development area to
make investment, accept thetransferred right to the use of
land and launch enterprises.Enterprises with foreign investment shall be
established in accordance withthe respective provisions of the Law of the
People's Republic of China onChinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the
Law of the People's Republic ofChina on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint
Ventures and the Law of thePeople's Republic of China on Foreign-Capital
The launching
conformity with the State policyconcerning the investment in industries.
The State encourages thelaunching of technically advanced enterprises and
The postal and communicationundertakings in the development areas shall
be placed under the unifiedplanning, construction and management of
postal department.Or they
autonomous region ormunicipality directly under the Central Government,
be constructed
development enterprise and thepostal department may pool their investment
for the construction ofcommunications facilities, which, in either case,
shall be transferred,after
operation, with financialcompensation to
enterprise in accordance withthe contract signed between the two parties.
Development enterprises thatinvest in public utilities of their own such
as power stations, heat stationsand water plants within the development
area may operate the business ofpower, water and heat supplies within the
development area or hand themover to
utilities for operation. If thecapacity of the
surplus, which renders itnecessary to be supplied to places outside the
development area or to beconnected to a network outside the development
area for operation, thedevelopment enterprise shall sign a contract with
the local enterprises of publicutilities in accordance with the pertinent
provisions of the State andoperate
prescribed in thecontract.
use water and power resourcesfrom outside, the business thereof shall be
operated by the localenterprises of public utilities.
If a development area covers acoastal
sector, the coastline orriverside line shall be placed under the unified
planning and administration ofthe State. The development enterprise may
construct and operate a specialport area and wharf in accordance with the
unified planning of thecompetent state communication authorities.
No business activities or socialactivities that are banned by the
and administrative rules andregulations
If special administrativemeasures are required in respect of import and
export administration andCustoms administration for a development
enterprises, these shall besubmitted to the State Council of the People's
Republic of China for approvaland specific
shall be formulated by thecompetent authorities of the State.
The general administration,judicial administration, port administration
and Customs administration in adevelopment area shall
exercised respectively by thecompetent
situated, and the judicialorgans that have jurisdiction.
Tract development withinvestment by firms, enterprises and other economic
organizations or individualsfrom the regions
Taiwan shall be governed withreference to these Measures.
These Measures shall be put intoeffect within the limits of the specific
economic zones, the open coastalcities