Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Promulgated by Decree No. 53 ofthe State Council of the People's
Republic of China on April6, 1990
These Regulations are formulatedin accordance with the provisions of the
referred to as theStandardization Law).
Standards should be formulatedfor the
(1) varieties, specifications,quality and grades of
or requirements pertinent tosafety and hygiene;
(2) methods for design,production, experimentation, examination, packing,
requirements pertinent to safetyand hygiene in the course of production,
(3) various technicalrequirements and methods for examination concerning
construction and examination andacceptance in building projects;
(5) technical terms, symbols,codes, drafting methods and requirements for
conversion and
construction and environmentalprotection;
(6) varieties,
storage, transportation andrequirements
management expertise concerningagricultural
seedlings, breeding stock andbreeding
animal husbandry and fishery;the same below);
(7) technical requirementsconcerning information, energy, resources, and
The State developsstandardization undertakings in a planned way.
Standardization work should beincluded in the plans for national economic
and social development at thevarious levels.
The State encourages theadoption of international standards and advanced
The task for those who are incharge of standardization work is:
formulating standards,organizing
exercising supervision over theimplementation of standards.
The competent department incharge
throughout the country, and itperforms the following duties:
(1) organizing
policies and measures concerningstandardization;
standardization work in thewhole country;
(3) organizing the formulationof national standards;
(4) providing guidance to therelevant
State Council and administrativedepartments for standardization work in
the people's governments inthe provinces,
standardization work, andcoordinating work in this field and dealing with
(5) organizing theimplementation of standards;
(6) conducting supervision overand inspection on
(7) exercising unifiedleadership over attestation of product quality
(8) taking overall
relevant internationalstandardization organizations.
The relevant competentdepartments under the State Council are responsible
for the standardization work intheir own departments or
shall perform the followingduties:
(1) implementing theState's
concerning standardization workand formulating
their implementation in theirdepartments and trades;
(2) formulating programmes andplans concerning
(3) undertaking tasks assignedby the State of
and organizing the
(4) providingguidance
Central Government in theirstandardization work;
(5) organizing theimplementation of the standards in their
(6) conducting supervision overand inspection on
(7) taking charge of attestationof product quality in their own trades on
standardization under the StateCouncil.
directly under the CentralGovernment
standardization work in theirrespective administrative regions, and shall
(1) implementing theState's
concerning standardization workand formulating
their implementation in theirrespective administrative regions;
(2) formulatinglocal
(3) organizing the formulationof local standards;
(4) providing guidance to therelevant administrative authorities in their
own administrative regions intheir standardization work, and coordinating
work in this field and dealingwith problems arising therein;
(5) organizing theimplementation of the
(6) conducting supervision overand inspection on
Government are responsiblefor the
departments and trades in therespective administrative regions, and shall
(1) implementing the laws,regulations, policies and measures concerning
departments, trades andadministrative regions
procedures for theirimplementation;
(2) formulating programmes andplans concerning standardization work for
their own departments and tradesin the respective administrative regions;
(3) undertaking the tasks ofdrafting
municipalities directly underthe Central Government;
departments and trades in therespective administrative regions;
(5) conducting supervision overand inspection on
The division of the duties ofthe administrative departments in charge of
standardization and the relevantcompetent administrative authorities in
directly under the CentralGovernment.
formulated for the
unified throughout thecountry:
(1) requirements forstandardizing commonly used technical terms;
(2) technical requirements forguaranteeing human health and personal and
(4) technical requirements forcommonly used basic spare parts;
(5) commonly used methods ofexperimentation and examination;
(6) technical requirements forcommonly used management expertise;
(7) important technicalrequirements in project construction;
(8) technical requirements forthe other important products that must be
In formulating nationalstandards, the administrative department in charge
of standardization under theState Council shall be responsible for making
protection, the competentdepartments in charge of project construction,
public health, agriculture andenvironmental protection under the
Council shall be responsible fororganizing drafting and examination and
approval in their respectivedepartments. The procedures for numbering and
promulgation shallbe formulated
charge of standardization underthe State Council in conjunction with the
relevant competent departmentsunder the State Council.
Where there are, in law,provisions different from those above
formulation of nationalstandards, those provisions in law shall prevail.
If there are no nationalstandards for those technical requirements which
need to be standardized forcertain trades throughout the country, trade
standards (including the makingof sample standards) may be formulated.
Items of trade standards tobe formulated
relevant competentadministrative departments under the State Council.
In formulating trade
departments under the StateCouncil shall be responsible for drawing
promulgation and they shouldreport to the
charge of standardization underthe State Council for the record.
corresponding national standardshave taken effect.
requirements for
standards for them. Items oflocal standards to
determined by the administrativedepartments for
municipalities directly underthe Central Government.
In formulating
standardization of the people'sgovernments in the
regions and municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government shall be
responsible for drawing upplans,
approval, numberingand promulgation,
administrative department incharge of
Council and the relevantcompetent departments under the Council for
for the formulation of localstandards,
corresponding national standardsor trade standards go into effect.
In the absence of nationalstandards, trade standards and local standards
for certain
formulate their own standards asthe basis for organizing production.
Enterprise standardsshall
enterprises shall be providedfor separately), and shall be filed for the
record in accordance with theprovisions of the
the provinces, autonomousregions and municipalities directly under
Where there are alreadynational
standards which are stricterthan the
local standards and apply themwithin their enterprises.
standards and recommendatorystandards.
The following standards belongin the compulsory category:
(1) standards forpharmaceuticals, food hygiene and veterinary medicine;
(2) safety and hygiene standardsfor products and the production, storage
and transportation andutilization of products; standards for the
of labour and hygiene standardsand safety standards for transportation;
(3) quality, safety andsanitation standards for project construction and
other standards for projectconstruction that must be controlled by
(4) standards for thedischarge
protection and standards forenvironmental quality;
(5) important technical terms,symbols,
(7) standards for conversion andcoordination;
(8) quality
controlled by the State. Thecatalogue of
need to be controlled by theState shall be fixed
department for standardizationunder the State Council in conjunction with
the relevant competentadministrative departments under the State Council.
Those standards which are notcompulsory are recommendatory standards.
The local standards for safetyand hygiene
standardization of the people'sgovernments in the
regions andmunicipalities
compulsory standards in theirrespective administrative regions.
Trade associations, researchinstitutions for science and technology, and
academic organizations should begiven
and local standards shouldset up
consisting of experts fromusers, production
research institutions forscience and technology, academic organizations
and the departments concerned,which shall
standards and
standardization technicalcommittees have
charged with specificresponsibility for
take charge of draftingstandards and examining the technical aspects
It is necessary to heed fullythe opinions
After standards gointo effect,
The procedures of codingand numbering
standards shall be provided forby the administrative department in charge
of standardization under theState Council.
The procedures of coding andnumbering for enterprise standards shall be
provided for by theadministrative department in charge of standardization
under the
administrative departments underthe State Council.
The procedures ofpublication
stipulated by the departmentswhich have formulated the standards.
Any units
production and operation muststrictly implement compulsory standards. The
products which do notmeasure
allowed to be produced, marketedor imported.
enterprise standards inproduction. The codes, serial numbers and names of
the standards should bemarked
technical manuals or on thepackages.
The technical requirements forexport products shall be agreed upon by the
When those export products whichshould be subject to compulsory standards
of China are sold at domesticmarkets, they must meet the requirements of
the relevant compulsorystandards.
Enterprises should meetstandardization
products, improving products orcarrying out technical innovations.
The administrative department incharge of standardization under the State
Council organizes or authorizesthe relevant competent
the State Council to set uptrade attestation agencies for carrying
The administrative department incharge of standardization under the State
Council shall be responsible forthe supervision over
of standards
supervision over theimplementation of the standards in their respective
The administration
implementation of the standardsin their respective administrative areas.
The relevant administrativeauthorities in the people's governments in the
Central Government shallbe responsible
implementation of the standardsin their departments
respective administrativeareas.
responsible for the supervisionover the implementation of the standards
in their respectiveadministrative areas according to the duties assigned
to them by the people'sgovernments of the provinces, autonomous regions
and municipalities directlyunder the Central Government.
people's governments abovecounty level may, according to their needs, set
up examination agencies orauthorize the
units to ensure products are upto the standards and undertake other tasks
of supervision and examinationconcerning the implementation of standards
in setting up examinationagencies, attention should be paid to a rational
geographical allocation andmaking full use of the available personnel and
The establishment ofstate
examined by the administrativedepartment
under the State Council inconjunction with
examination agencies shall beplanned and examined by the administrative
departments in charge ofstandardization in the
the provinces, autonomousregions and municipalities directly under
authorities at provincial level.The data
agencies stipulated in thisArticle shall be taken
solving disputes over whethercertain products
The relevantadministrative
according to the needs andrelevant stipulations
examination agencies toundertake the examination tasks in their
State organs, socialorganizations, enterprises, institutions and citizens
all have the
Those who violates theStandardization Law and the relevant provisions of
these Regulations in one of thefollowing circumstances shall be ordered
to correct their mistakes withina set time-limit
departments in charge ofstandardization or
authorities within theirrespective competence, which may also circulate
notices of criticism or giveadministrative sanctions to the persons held
responsible for theviolations:
(1) enterprises fail toformulate standards as the basis for
production according to therelevant stipulations;
authorities for the recordaccording to the relevant stipulations;
(3) enterprises fail to putmarks
relevant stipulations or putmarks other than their own on their products;
(4) enterprises fail to meetstandardization
new products, improving productsand carrying out technical innovations;
(5) provisions concerningrelevant compulsory standards are violated
Enterprises that produceproducts which fail to meet compulsory standards
technical treatment. A fineranging from 20% to 50% of the total value of
the goods shall be imposed onthe enterprises and a fine of 5,000 yuan or
less on the persons heldresponsible.
Those who sell goods which arenot up to the compulsory standards should
be ordered to stop their salesand recover the goods
been sold within a settime-limit. All the goods should be destroyed under
supervision or subjected tonecessary
gains shall be confiscated and afine ranging from 10% to 20% of the total
value of the goods shall beimposed on the units and a fine of 5,000 yuan
or less on the persons heldresponsible.
If any units import goods whichare not up to
goods should be sealed up forsafekeeping and confiscated, destroyed under
supervision or subjected tonecessary technical treatment. A fine ranging
from 20% to 50% of the totalvalue of the imported goods shall be imposed
on the units; administrativesanctions shall be given to and a
5,000 yuan or less may also beimposed on the persons held responsible.
The order to stop production andthe administrative sanctions provided for
in this
authorities. Other
departments in charge ofindustry and commerce within their competence.
Where units cause seriousconsequences and
marketing andimporting
standards, the personsdirectly
criminal liabilities by thejudicial organs according to law.
Where products which haveobtained attestation certificates and are
with attestation marksare not
administrative departments incharge of standardization shall order
relevant units to stop theirsales and impose a fine twice the amount of
the illegal
departments shall revoke theirattestation certificates.
If any units sell their goodswith attestation marks when the goods have
not been attested or have beenrejected in attestation, the administrative
departments in charge ofstandardization shall order them to stop
sales and impose a fine threetimes the amount of
less on these units and a fineof 5,000 yuan or less
Litigants thatdisagree
illegal gains and fines, may,within 15 days of receipt of notification of
such penalties,
superior to the authoritieswhich have meted out the penalties. A litigant
that disagrees witha reconsideration decision, may, within 15
receipt of the reconsiderationdecision,
court. A litigant may alsodirectly file a
within 15 days of receipt ofnotification of the penalties. If a litigant
neither applies for areconsideration nor files a suit with
court nor performs the penaltydecision, the department which has made the
decision shall apply to thepeople's court for mandatory enforcement.
The penalties provided for inArticles 32 to 36 of these Regulations shall
not exempt the litigant from thedamages liabilities arising therefrom.
Those who have suffered damageshave the right to claim compensation from
the persons held responsible.Damages liabilities and disputes over
amounts of compensation may bedealt with by the
authorities and the litigantsmay also
Persons in
standardization work that commitone of the following acts shall be given
administrative sanctions by therelevant competent authorities; if crimes
liabilities by the judicialorgans according to law:
(1) making errors that causedamage in violation of certain provisions of
(2) forging and tampering withexamination data;
(3) engaging in self-seekingmisconduct, abusing power and asking for and
All the revenue derived fromconfiscation and pecuniary penalties shall be
turned over to the statetreasury. The fines imposed on units must all be
paid from their own funds andmay not be included in the cost. The fines
imposed on the persons heldresponsible may not be reimbursed with public
Regulations concerningstandardization administration applicable in
Army shall be separatelyformulated by the State Council and the Military
Commission of the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China.
construction shall be separatelyformulated by the competent department in
charge of project constructionunder the State Council in accordance with
the Standardization Law and therelevant provisions of these Regulations.
They shall go into effect afterthe approval by the State Council.
These Regulations shall beinterpreted by the State Bureau of Technology
These Regulations shall go intoeffect as of the date of promulgation.