Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Promulgated by the StateCouncil on April 5, 1986)
The presentRegulations
responsibility for industrialproducts ("products" for short hereinafter),
safeguard the legitimate rightsof the customer and
for short
economy in a planned way, andpromote socialist modernization.
"Quality of product"refers
safety and other properties ofthe products stipulated in related laws and
regulations, quality standardsand contracts.
"Quality responsibility forproducts" refers to
shall be born due to theproduct's failure to satisfy the above-mentioned
requirements, which leads toloss on the part of the customer.
The national standardizationdepartment is responsible for drawing up the
unified national standards. Thenational standards shall not be lower than
the international standards.National
graded. The competentauthorities responsible for the enterprise shall fix
a time limit for achieving thehighest grade of the national standards.
The price departmentof the
according to the grades ofstandards and implement the principle of "price
Those enterprises engaging inthe production,
marketing of the product must,in accordance with the stipulations of the
The variousdepartments,
authorities for the manufacturermust exercise
quality of the products,supervise and see that the manufacturer concerned
abides by the principle of"quality first", with a view to
the quality of
failing to exercise effectivecontrol and supervision shall also undertake
Quality-supervision agencies andthe industry and commerce administration
departments must keepsupervision over the quality of product and protect
The quality certificate,manuals, "high-quality" sign and identity sign of
a product must all be inconformity with the actual quality level of
to the actual quality of theproduct.
All the manufacturers and themarketing firms must
(1) unqualifiedproduct
(2) unqualified raw materialsand parts and components are not allowed to
be put into production or beused for assembly;
(3) it is forbidden tomanufacture
(4) product without theproduct-quality standard or without being tested
by the state quality-testingorgan is not allowed to be manufactured
(5) it is forbidden to plotfrauds, to
qualified, to forge trademarks,or to imitate the famous brand products.
All the manufacturers andmarketing firms are not allowed to sell
products by way ofcoupling-sale.
The manufacturer of the productmust make sure that
product conforms tothe requirements
regulations, quality standardsand stipulations of the contract.
The manufacturer of the productmust set up a strict, well-coordinated and
effective quality-guaranteesystem, with a
responsibility for the productin an explicit manner.
The manufacturer must see toit that
independently perform itsfunctions of
strictly forbidden to retaliateagainst the quality inspectors.
The product shall not leave thefactory unless it satisfies the following
(1) achieving the qualityrequirements stipulated in Article
present Regulations, andobtaining the quality certificate of the product
issued by testing organ andtesting personnel;
percentage of the ingredients,weight, direction for applications, lot No.
of production, date ofproduction, name of manufacturer, address of
manufacturer, and the serialnumber of the technical specifications of the
said product; explicitlyspecifying the
product with time limit ofefficacy. "High-quality" product must bear the
(3) having the serial number,date of approval and the term of validity of
the productionlicence
(4) machinery, equipment,devices, apparatus and durable consumer goods,
apart from satisfying therequirements in Items (1), (2) and (3) of
Article, shall be accompaniedwith detailed instructions on the use of the
product. The content thereofincludes:
parameters, service life, rangeof application, term of guarantee, methods
for installation, methods ofmaintenance and conditions for storing, term
of technical maintenance andrepair, and other effective data concerning
the design parameters of theproduct. Electric products shall be attached
with the circuit diagram andschematic diagram;
(5) the
dangerous, fragile, can not belaid on by heavy load,
against moisture, can not beturned upside down, there must be, on
the external and interiorpacking, obvious indication marks and
for storing and transportation.On the package of the product, there must
be noted explicitly the actualweights (net and gross);
(6) on the product or thepackage
quality classification andgrading system is applied, there shall be signs
for the said trademark,classification and grading;
(7) conforming to therequirements
concerning safety, hygiene,protection of environment and measuring.
The "substandard" goods thatfail to
related state standards, butstill have some use value, cannot be marketed
at reduced price until havingobtained the
authorities of the manufacturer;and on the package there must be clearly
marked with the words of"substandard goods".
the requirements of the statelaws and
hygiene and environmentalprotection and measuring must be destroyed
undergo necessary technicaltreatment in good time. They are not allowed
to enter the market in the nameof "substandard goods".
"Substandard goods" are notallowed to be used to manufacture or assemble
Within the guarantee period ofthe product, in case of the quality found
manufacturer shall, according tothe following
undertake the quality liabilityto the customer and marketing firm:
(1) the common part or componentloses efficacy and therefore, after being
replaced, the performance canimmediately be restored; in this case, the
manufacturer shall beresponsible for replacing with qualified parts
components and for restoring thenormal performance;
(2) in case that the main partor competent of the product has lost
efficacy and cannot be repairedwithin the set
shall be responsible forreplacing with qualified products;
(3) in case themajor
Article 2 due to such causes asdesigning and manufacture, if the customer
requires to return the goods,the manufacturer shall refund;
manufacturer shall alsocompensate for the actual loss;
(5) if maintenance and repairservice or marketing
the aftersale
according to the contract ofaftersale service, supply sufficient standby
products, spare parts andnecessary technical support.
The enterprises which undertaketo store, transport, load or unload
products must conduct the workof the storing, transportation, loading and
unloading in compliancewith the
storing-transportingrequirements indicated on the package of the product.
In the course of the productentering the warehouse for storing or leaving
the warehouse, undertaking totransport the product or handing over
product, theenterprise
observe the pertinent statestipulations and the
handing-over and checking beforeacceptance, so as to define the quality
responsibility. In case it hasbeen testified
product is
unloading, the enterprises whichstore, transport or load and unload the
product shall bear theirrespective liabilities and, according to related
government regulations,compensate for the economic loss.
When laying in a stock ofmerchandise, the marketing firm shall,
acceptance, test the product, sothat the quality
clearly defined. The productssold by the marketing firm must conform to
In case the product sold by themarketing firm is
conditions stipulated in Article2 within the
marketing firm shall beresponsible for guaranteed repairing, replacement,
taking back the product andrefunding, and undertaking the responsibility
of compensating for the actualeconomic loss.
The various quality-supervisingagencies shall,
relevant regulations of thestate,
with the industry and commerceadministrative authorities, the responsible
departments of the varioustrades, and the responsible departments of the
various links such asmanufacture, storing, transportation, and marketing,
and regularly publicize theresult of the testing of the samples.
Enterprises must honestlyfurnish the samples
facilities with respect to thetesting means and working conditions.
Unless otherwise stated in stateregulations, it is not
quality-supervising agencies tocollect
sample-checking on the product,so as to guarantee the impartiality of the
supervising agencies. Theexpenses needed
measures and for the test bythe quality-supervising agencies shall
covered by the stateor local
The economic commission atvarious levels are responsible for leadership,
organization and coordination ofthe supervision and control over product
Responsible departments of thetrades and responsible departments for the
enterprises at various levelsare responsible for
quality of products in therespective trades within their authorization,
which covers: formulating ortaking part in the formulation of the quality
standards for the products intheir respective areas of responsibility and
the pertinent rules andregulations, being responsible for supervision and
control over the quality ofproducts, urging the enterprises to ensure the
quality of
organizing the issuance ofproduction licences.
Exercise social supervision overthe quality of product. The customer can
make inquiries about the qualityof the product at the
enterprises for storing andtransporting, and the marketing firms; and the
social associations andorganizations can help the customers participate
in the mediation,arbitration
customers to file lawsuits withthe people's court.
The customer can, according tothe mutual agreement between the customer
and manufacturer, send hisrepresentative to the manufacturer to conduct
on-the-spot-supervision over theprocess of the production and the quality
Any dispute arising from thequality of product shall, provided there is
an economic contract, observethe relevant stipulations in the
Contract Law. In theabsence
dispute can refer the dispute toa relevant quality-supervising agency for
mediation or settlement, or takethe case to the people's court.
In case of any dispute over thedata of technical testing of the quality
of product, the party concernedor the mediating or
can entrust legally designatedquality-testing unit for arbitral testing;
and the said quality testingunit shall be responsible for the data of the
Unless otherwisestipulated by the government, the request for arbitration
or prosecution over qualityresponsibility shall be raised within one year
from the date the partyconcerned is aware of or should be aware of
interest and rights beingdamaged. Where the
responsibility for the productis willing to bear the
is not limited by the term ofvalidity.
Where the product of anenterprise fails
standards, the competentauthoritative department of the said enterprise
shall order the enterprise torectify production within a fixed period.
Where the said rectificationwithin the fixed period turns out to be of no
effect, the competentauthoritative
shall order it tostop production
products, or
rectification, the competentauthoritative department responsible for the
said enterprise may,according
bonus and wages of the executivemembers of
Where the
Regulations, the authoritativedepartment responsible for the enterprise
or firm shall mete outdisciplinary punishment to the responsible persons
of the enterprise and to thepersons bearing
the industry and commerceadministrative organ shall confiscate all
illegal income, and impose on ita fine equivalent to 15% to 20% of
illegal income according to thedegree of seriousness of the case; or even
the legal liabilities shall befixed by the judicial
1. manufacture or marketadulterated product or imitated product, or pass
off "substandard" product asqualified;
2. manufacture or marketproducts without indicating the name and address
3. manufacture or marketproducts without quality certificate;
4. manufacture or marketproducts of which the State has issued explicit
5. manufacture or market theproducts on which the State adopts the system
of production licence, but failsto renew
6. manufacture
unqualified raw materials, partsor components;
7. manufacture
stipulated by state
environmental protection andmeasuring;
8. market products which havepassed the expiry date.
The incomes collected from finesshall be handed to the state treasury.
In the course of sample-check onquality supervision, in case it is found
that the manufacturer ormarketing firm has committed the act(s) listed in
Article 24, thequality-supervising agency shall treat the case according
to the stipulation in Article24. As regards the product not in conformity
to the provision of Item (7) ofArticle 9 of the present Regulations, the
product shall be destroyed onthe spot by the
or be given the necessarytechnical treatment; and the manufacturer
the marketing firm shall beordered to recover within the given time all
the substandard products thathave already been sold.
In case of violation of thestipulations
Regulations, orretaliation
working personnel inquality-supervising and quality-testing agencies act
wrongly out
department shall mete outdisciplinary punishment. As regards
extraordinary seriousness,criminal liabilities shall be investigated and
Where the poor quality of theproduct has resulted in the injury or death
of the customer, and in his lossof property, hence violating the criminal
code, the judicial organs shallinvestigate and fix the legal liability of
The above-mentioned penalty doesnot acquit the party bearing the quality
replacement, recovering theproduct with the money already paid, and
compensation for the actualeconomic loss to the customer(s).
The relevant responsibleauthorities may, in line with the provisions of
the present Regulations, workout the implementing
responsibility regulations forimport & export products, for goods
military applicationas well
relevant authorities may, withreference to the principles of the present
Regulations, enact separatespecific regulations.
The present Regulations apply toall enterprises
whole people, enterprises withownership
industrial and commercialoperators as well as the Chinese-foreign equity
The State EconomicCommission
The present Regulations shall gointo force on July 1st, 1986.